I have just come to realize that most of us actually seem to do things on a regular basis that contains the element of frustration. So I was just wondering whether doing these things would actually hinder your manifestations and whether it is better to avoid doing them at all, or it is still okay to continue on with them. One simple example would be games. In certain games, you might have to play with other people on the same team, and by human nature, people seem to hate losing and like to blame others for their loss even when it is their own fault. So in the process of losing and getting blamed by others for no reason, you might end up feeling frustrated. But of course, the upside is when you win, you feel happy and elated. Or if you are playing a puzzle game that stretches on for 1000000 levels. Each time you get stuck at a particular level for weeks, you would feel extremely frustrated. But the moment you manage to crack that level after numerous tries, the joy and elation you feel might be something you will never find anywhere. This can easily be applied to many other things you do in life. So the question is, does feeling frustrated or happiness from these events you do subconsciously sometimes actually hinder/help your manifestations? Should we actually try to pick out these events and try to avoid them completely, or it is still okay to indulge in them?
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Yes and no, to answer your question. You are writing the script of your life. Does "frustration" somehow motivate you to allow? If you believe this, "frustration" does not actually hinder you because it is part of your process. But for me, "frustration" means I am looking at the situation in ways that are dysfunctional in allowing me easily getting the manifestation. When I sense frustration, I try to find something fun and enjoyable in the situation, or I walk away from that situation and find something else that I can find enjoyable, and the previous situation resolves itself. I want to examine my feeling as to why I want a certain thing or state of being. For example, if I want to see the view from a mountain top, I feel the joy of me standing there. Source then has the job of figuring out how I will get there with no effort on my part. Maybe I will meet someone with a helicopter. If I want exercise I might decide to climb the mountain and then have the view. But if all I want is the view from the top, I have no interest to struggle my way to the top. I would suggest that you have a deeper look at some possibly limiting belief systems that could be hindering you. Some of your statements above are red flags to me when I use them. Be aware that often limiting beliefs are characterized by sweeping broad general statements, like,
Does this belief empower or limit you?
Does this belief empower or limit you? Do you want to find "joy and elation" by overcoming frustration? Does this mean that you will set up situations that are frustrating in order to achieve "the joy and elation you feel might be something you will never find anywhere." Is this how you want to allow joy? By making "frustration" part of the equation? Do you believe that this is necessary? If it is, then there is no hindrance. Examine your feelings and as @white tiger so well puts it, "Experience and enjoy." 1
I love this answer. I will allow myself to enjoy that joy and elation without the frustration.thankyou.
(11 Feb '13, 09:43)
Experience and enjoy,are the last two word that i have been given. By the nameless one.And i have given them to you.Experience and enjoy them.
(11 Feb '13, 10:16)
white tiger
@Dollar Bill, I like your comment on limiting beliefs associated with broad general statements. Very nice. Thank you.
(13 Feb '13, 10:59)
@figure8shape - Your beliefs shape your world. Your expectations. Watch for giant belief structures that begin with "down deep all people are crooks" "every cashier line I get in gets stuck" "People always blame me for their problems" . . . . AND a lot of energy gets put into these statements, well, Hun, the Genii is ready to grant your request!! Source uses your energy and your thoughts, words, your beliefs and expectations to create your reality.
(13 Feb '13, 18:56)
Dollar Bill
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I've been playing video games the majority of my life. I have reached a point now where they have a much more negative effect on me than ever before. I can understand completely when you say, "the moment you manage to crack that level after numerous tries, the joy and elation you feel might be something you will never find anywhere". The reason I think you feel such joy and elation at a time like that is because of the sharp contrast between 2 states. You're stuck in a state of frustration for so long that when you're finally free of it you feel extreme relief. It is the same contrast one faces when addicted to cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol. You do them to feel better, and in extreme cases to just feel normal again. The sharp contrast between the feeling of withdrawal and the feeling of being high also fills you with incredible relief, which can resemble joy and elation. I only mention this out of experience. And through my limited studies of Law of Attraction, Law of Gratitude, focused intent, and asking God/source/universe good feeling questions, I think since you spend the majority of your time in a state of frustration, that is what you will mostly attract in the end. I currently have my own garage where I do various automotive mechanical and electrical repairs along with performance and custom work. I'm trying to make it grow and find purpose in my life by following what I've read in "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles. In the short 8 months that I've had the garage I've managed to triple my business, even though I still have a long way to go to having a stable business that can earn a proper living. However as much as I love cars, I find I spend most of my day in a state of frustration with moments of "joy and elation" as you put it when I solve a complex problem or have a good paying job work out or when I learn something totally new. But I question the point of it all if those good feeling times are nothing but a moment and the rest of my long hours are spent stressed and depressed. I guess we're sort of asking the same question and I think we both know the answer. My problem lies in not knowing what else to really do at this point. Hope my rambling helps in some way. @Hmmm I guessed I shouldn't have added the phrase "the joy and elation you feel might be something you will never find anywhere". It was just an exaggeration to help put my point across. Well, I do feel happy after such games, but not as happy as say maybe if a girl asked me out herself or if I got a good grade for my exams or if I got a significant pay raise.
(12 Feb '13, 10:00)
Yes, you're not a physical being in a physical universe. You're an energetic/vibrational being in an energetic/vibrational universe. You're both a transmitter and a receiver of energy.You’re constantly sending out signals that tell the universe who you are in this moment. Those signals will either attract or repel other vibrational beings, events, and experiences. You naturally attract that which is in harmony with your state of being, and you’ll repel that which is out of sync with your state. If your energetic self radiates wealth and abundance, your physical reality will reflect wealth and abundance for your physical being. If your energetic self radiates anger and frustration, your physical reality will reflect that as well. Since the signals you’re sending out at any given moment tend to be fairly complex, your experience of physical reality will be equally complex. Once you can accept that your vibrational self attracts compatible patterns, it becomes clear that if you want to experience something different in your life, you must somehow change the signals you’re putting out. Hope that helps There is no physical universe, there are only states of consciousness.
(11 Feb '13, 19:47)
Dollar Bill
You get frustrated because you know you made a mistake or missed something,so stop being frustrated,wake up, and seek what it is you missed. Stagnation in frustration,division, conflict,fear,hate,war does not help you.Know your self and know other,seek peace,harmony equality,understanding,wisdom,truth,love. You can lose and win and win and lose.It is all up to you.Use your free will and the time imparted to you wisely.Experience and enjoy. 1
Sometimes frustration keeps me from taking action too soon. I often change something and then I'm not frusrated and have taken the real next logical step, not the one I first thought was the way to go.
(11 Feb '13, 05:51)
@clearheart so you have recognize the frustration for being error,and you have seek to learn and grow from the experience and have found the answer to the problem. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
(11 Feb '13, 10:09)
white tiger
Yes, in fact the frustration is the flawed premise ....the error in thinking that is causing frustration .thankyou white tiger. I can see now that maybe I can also grow out of the idea of needing frustration to get to where I want to be. Yes, ask, it is given and with no need to fear or doubt or think something is wrong.
(11 Feb '13, 10:13)
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I think I'm now loving a bit of frustration, it has had the effect of causing my imagination to soar. Then I come up with amazingingly joyful,fulfilling and successful ideas. At the time, the frustration feels so frustrating though.lol :)
I get enough naturally so I don't seek it out intentionally.
@clearheart well, its not really about seeking frustration out intentionally, but rather maybe some of us are actually doing little things in life that seem to manifest this element of frustration, just that we dont seem to really notice it. And I was just wondering whether it would affect our own lives greatly or not.
I learned so much from yourr question kakaboo, thankyou.