"Aaaaaaaaaalllright. Good day to you this day of your time, how are you all?"

I find this song quite funny :).

asked 14 Feb '13, 08:09

releaser99's gravatar image


wikified 14 Feb '13, 11:48

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

@releaser99 Nice song i have look at another video from bashar with a crop circle in it.having 3 circle at the base in the middle diamond shape pointing at the sun. it explain the triratma. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Buddha-Footprint.jpeg external link (opens in new window) If one can understand the symbol and what it relates to.diamond http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_P0KkpUBx3Y8/TEGhpxrTnuI/AAAAAAAAAts/0Q3HswFwxjM/s320/CROP+CIRCLE+DIAMOND.jpg external link (opens in new window) http://reptoids.com/images/cropcircles/AMdiaG.jpg external link (opens in new window)

(14 Feb '13, 08:59) white tiger

Made me smile. Thanks @releaser99.

(14 Feb '13, 10:01) figure8shape

@releaser99 Thanks for sharing! I loved it, and so did my kids!

(14 Feb '13, 10:26) Bedazzled

@releaser99, if you are sharing information rather than asking a question, please remember to make it Community Wiki. Thanks

(14 Feb '13, 11:49) Barry Allen ♦♦

@White tiger I don't know what those symbols mean at all. I think you should ask @blubird two regarding symbols. @figure8shape @Bedazzled You are welcome :) @Barry Allen Thanks. I'm going to remember this.

(17 Feb '13, 13:55) releaser99

@releaser99 it is ok i know what they mean i have understand what they relate to.You will probably put the pieces together your self it comes with experience.

(17 Feb '13, 15:23) white tiger

@releaser99 - Simply brilliant :)

(25 Feb '13, 07:48) Stingray
showing 2 of 8 show 6 more comments

great stuff releaser99, i love the debugging rythm - let's hope that this makes it worldwide - and gets people hooked and wondering where the real power of bashar's work really is - it reminds me of that story about merlin the wizard, when he took his magic robe off, all that was left behind was a sheet of paper that floated to the floor - the wizard just vanished into thin air :)


answered 14 Feb '13, 08:59

ru%20bis's gravatar image

ru bis

@ru bis i agree with what you say. But merlin in excalibur was interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Grail external link (opens in new window) holy grail,sword,water. those legends like gnosis and alchemy where like a code to hide information in wisdom,using symbol. according to the story they where looking for the holy grail to make albion,merlin was a caracter giving arthur the sword scelled in the stone and some teaching.To make him a king of albion with is knight of the round table.

(14 Feb '13, 13:36) white tiger

@ru bis Thanks. At least it's fun for Bashar followers :)

(17 Feb '13, 13:58) releaser99
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