I heard someone make this statement today, and I had never heard it before.

Is a promise a comfort for a fool? Why or why not?

Have promises become so meaningless that nobody makes them or keeps them anymore?

asked 11 Sep '10, 19:09

Vesuvius's gravatar image


I guess the answer hinges on who is making the promise. If it is being made by a person of integrity who has respect for his fellow human beings, then the promise made will reflect this and it will be kept, because the said person would not make a promise if he had no intentions of keeping it.

On the other hand if it is made by someone who does not act from a place of integrity, then the chances are it will be broken, and the said person in this case is just making the promise in order to have his own desires met and will more than likely not follow through with his promise - in this case the promise would be "comfort for a fool."

So the meaning contained within the promise is totally dependent on the integrity of the person making it.


answered 11 Sep '10, 19:39

Michaela's gravatar image


edited 13 Sep '10, 19:08

Vesuvius's gravatar image


ok, this is strange, I just checked my mail and found that I voted this down, even though I didn't, I tried to fix it but a box came out telling me vote too old to be changed! help anyone!

(13 Sep '10, 17:34) daniele

@daniele: I made an edit, so you should be able to recast your vote now.

(13 Sep '10, 19:15) Vesuvius

Thanks Vesuvius and daniele, don't worry about it. I noticed I had a couple of vote downs the last day or two - I'm not worried at all about the points, just happy to know I haven't offended anyone:)

(13 Sep '10, 21:36) Michaela

I had hard time sleeping last night believing I offended our angel Michaela........Thank you Vesuvius an Michaela! I love you. Namaste

(14 Sep '10, 06:51) daniele
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Beloved, when we take upon ourselves a promise, we are bound by it. Unfortunately, some look at promises made by different leaders, especially around election time, and how they're used (to comfort fools?) this, however, shouldn't discourage the rest of us. Thanks, namaste


answered 11 Sep '10, 19:37

daniele's gravatar image


Your answer is deeply insightful. I see that you are taking the true power (the hidden power) of consciousness into consideration here.

(18 Sep '10, 01:11) The Traveller

Thank you. I too am a traveller. One has to keep an open mind to get the whole picture.Stories are never one sided............

(18 Sep '10, 14:14) daniele

Most of the time, people will only believe a promise when the promise is meant to deliver what they actually might want! That is why when you believe a promise that someone makes and that they will keep them, you are actually effectively handing most of your power over to them in the hope that they will be able to get you what you want.


answered 12 Sep '10, 02:33

kakaboo's gravatar image


Promises, like vows, and especially man-made laws, are disempowering concepts.

Think about what the idea of these things mean.

It's effectively saying that, regardless of how you are vibrationally attracting in your life, we (the promise-maker, the vow-pledger and the law-giver) will ensure that you receive protection (in some way) from it.

It makes the protected receiver of those promises, vows and laws think that it is actually possible to create a little physical bubble where universal law doesn't apply.

It blurs the connection between how you think and what you receive.

This is because if, due to the original fear-based vibration you had that needed the promise, you (naturally) receive behavior out of alignment with that promise, you then end up blaming the other person for your own vibration!

Instead, you should be looking at the thoughts you were thinking yourself that led to that unwelcome behavior from another.

Life is never about what another person says they will do for you (through promises, vows and laws), it is always about you and your vibration.

So, is promise a comfort for a fool?

I think the word fool is a bit harsh, but a promise is certainly an illusionary comfort for a disempowered person that needs others to promise things to them.

If people are not generally keeping promises any more then I would say this is a good thing.

From a typically-moralistic point of view, this idea that you cannot really rely on what another promises/vows etc might all sound quite depressing...however, it is actually tremendously empowering!

...because the reverse to what has been said above in this message is also true.

Namely, it doesn't matter how another normally behaves with others, you will always attract behaviors that are consistent with your vibrational output.

So you can attract generosity from people who are generally parsimonious, joyful interactions from people who are generally miserable, talkativeness from people who are generally silent, and so on.

Similarly, it doesn't matter how much someone promises they will do something, they cannot act with you other than the vibrational range that you allow them to act within in your reality.

Broken promises are good in that they start forcing people to look somewhere else for comfort...and, maybe after a long search, that comfort will eventually be found within themselves - the only place that dependable comfort can ever be found.

If you take care of your vibration, you will never need another to make a promise, a vow or a law.

While no-one can stop disempowering things happening to you when you feel disempowered, it is also the case that no-one can stop empowering things happening to you when you feel empowered.

Life is purely about you and the way you think - the words and behavior of others is irrelevant.


answered 12 Sep '10, 07:06

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 12 Sep '10, 12:22

What about business contracts and agreements? These are essentially promises too. So is money ("promissory notes"). Do we abandon these also as disempowering concepts, and hope that everything just works out?

(13 Sep '10, 03:55) Vesuvius

Do whatever you are comfortable with in order to align with your belief system. Just be aware that no contract or agreement is ever going to stop bad things happening to you if that is your vibration. Because of the nature of my business, contracts are a legal requirement so I comply to avoid pushing against those who enforce them. But it's been quite a few years since I took any of them seriously. Me and, as a result, the people who I attract to do business with, operate on trust and goodwill, and everything works out just fine...better than fine, actually.

(13 Sep '10, 06:09) Stingray

what about promises to children?

(13 Sep '10, 07:00) daniele

What about promises to children?

(13 Sep '10, 19:16) Stingray

@Stingray: Works for me. But whether you call it "associating with people of good character" or "attracting people who are in vibrational alignment with you," I believe it amounts to the same thing. And yes, that approach is far more effective than trying to force people to keep agreements they don't want to keep.

(14 Sep '10, 01:47) Vesuvius
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It does remind me that we can not trust in man but in the Lord. There are very few people who will go out of thier way to not let you down.


answered 12 Sep '10, 22:08

Back2Basics's gravatar image


Are marriage vows for real? A man and a woman gets all decked up for this special day of marriage in their life, and the smiling Priest, Pastor perform the marriage vows with each parties reciting their marriage vows to each other; but what is interesting is the fact that the Bride, and the Groom recites to each other: in sickness, and in health, until death do us part. Now I can think of many situations whereby, after a year or two in the marriage many of these same couples are living separate lives. Therefore, in this case the statement is true.

Of course there is always the happy ending for the couples that keeps their marriage vows: in sickness, and in health, until death do us part! So, in this case the statement is false.


answered 12 Sep '10, 04:06

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Honestly, I think most people believe that the whole "until death do us part" thing is passé (although they say it anyway).

(14 Sep '10, 15:36) Vesuvius

You don't believe in keeping one's vow to a loved one? it is a thing of the past? So keeping vows has more to do with what's trendy and fashionable nowadays?

(18 Sep '10, 14:11) daniele

Are you saying these old vows should be abolished permanently, or are you saying these old vows should not be recited any more because they are meaningless, and are not in keeping with today’s trend?

(18 Sep '10, 23:07) Inactive User ♦♦

@Daniele, @Vee: I didn't address my own beliefs in my previous comment, but I do believe that two people can mutually and honorably agree to dissolve their marriage, together, if they choose to do so.

(04 Oct '10, 20:05) Vesuvius
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I would say the promise isnt the thing we should mainly focus on. Its only as good as the person who gave it.The credibility of the SOURCE of it is important.



answered 12 Sep '10, 08:44

Monty%20Riviera's gravatar image

Monty Riviera

maybe we need to agree on what the 'promise' is about, what the truth of the matter is; then we can give our word of support.
blind promises are then not needed


answered 12 Sep '10, 23:38

fred's gravatar image


Excellent point to explore. Can you post it as a question?

(13 Sep '10, 00:45) Inactive User ♦♦
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