Is patience the one who has no feelings of impatience, or the one who feels impatient but remains calm?

Is self-control the one who has no impulses unintentional, or the one who has impulses but chooses when to act?

Is courage the one who has no fear, or the the judgement that something else is more important than fear?

Exercising my linguistic skills. Hey, how else am I going to keep myself entertained. ^_^y Question is legitimate though, and I could write it in boring talk if you like. =P When broken down this question can be viewed as a inquiry about approaches to life; the full glass or the empty glass; killing, ignoring, or mastering your ego; or a few other interpretations. Take it as you like. =)

asked 11 May '13, 00:00

Snow's gravatar image


You can read my answer on how to trait these qualities by acquiring a Petty Tyrant in your life to transcend their drama:

(11 Jul '18, 22:50) Nikulas
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patience- is the ability to fully trust your timing- and know there is a perfect timing for everything- and being certain of the fact you dont want things to come too soon when the timing is not perfect because you wont enjoy them to their fullest extent- which is what you ultimately want.

self control- is the ability to know and understand that for certain things in life- an excess can be detrimental to your happiness.

courage- is always, under any circumstance- acting and doing the right thing in accordance to your principles and integrity- and your heart.

p.s. also courage:

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answered 10 Aug '18, 17:18

Januaryfeelings's gravatar image


edited 11 Aug '18, 02:13

Now, why does your question (which is a really good one, and IMHO, a Winner) remind me of Helen Keller?

It must have taken her a LOT of all three qualities for her to not only master Life, but Herself, too; and she had a fourth quality- Humility.

When Helen was about eighteen months old, she came down with Scarlet fever, and the fever rendered her both blind and deaf. She was locked into a sightless, soundless prison until Teacher came: Annie Sullivan, who managed to make contact with Helen, and to teach her how to communicate with the manual alphabet. Helen then went on to live a most amazing life. Google her, and read about her. She did it all....

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I am extremely near-sighted, and, being a Drama Queen, I took Helen Keller as my hero because I was sure I was going to end up like her...:)

But I read all about her, and her book, and I was awed.

I guess I could only dream of mastering myself as beautifully as she did!



UPDATE: A (Sort of) Miracle...

I have been developing cataracts for years, and this year was the year that I had to have them out.... They did my right eye in July, and my left eye this past October. Instead of cloudiness and extreme near-sightedness, I see almost perfectly with my left eye, and just need a bit of a reader for my right eye. My doctor really nailed my new implanted lenses.... I can see, for the first time in my life, without glasses, without correction. I still admire Ms. Keller, but no longer need to worry about going blind! Merry Christmas 2018 from Jaianniah and Wade, too!!!


answered 11 May '13, 00:14

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 16 Dec '18, 11:28

patience for compassion
has its rewards, since life
does not only revolve
around personal desires


answered 14 Dec '18, 18:20

fred's gravatar image


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