If we are truly connected then there really shouldn't be anything we "don't like" because we can see it is just a perspective. However, for those of us not on that level, is there any power in doing things we don't like? A child would perish if he/she did not do the things he didn't like requested of his parents. Why do us adults think that same dynamics doesn't apply to us with source? More specifically, what things have you done that you didn't like, that has been a benefit to your life? |
I think it has more to do with changing our attitude about the things we need to do. If we want a clean house, we either need to learn how to enjoy housework, or manifest a maid. Any change we want to make in our life always seems to involve a degree of discomfort, at least initially. Learning any new skill, whether it's going back to the gym to get our body in shape, or playing the guitar, will require us to make changes that seem uncomfortable at first. If you are learning how to play the guitar, you will have to stress the tips of your fingertips until they form callouses. If you are lifting weights, you will have to work out hard enough to cause an "adaptation response" in your body that will cause your muscles to grow. You actually have to break down the muscle fibers a bit, so that your body will adapt and make the muscle bigger. However, the problem that many people have when faced with this kind of challenge is that they really haven't made "the decision" yet. If you are still thinking about the discomfort, you really haven't made a committed decision to change; once you are excited about making the change, and have mentally made the commitment to change, the discomfort won't matter anymore. This is why many people struggle with quitting smoking; they haven't really made the decision...All they think about is how hard it is going to be. But the first time one of their children looks into their eyes and says, "Daddy, please quit...I don't want you to die," a switch will suddenly flip in their head, and they will quit cold turkey, sometimes without suffering any withdrawal symptoms at all. @Vesuvius: Awesome answer, actually that answer can cover a lot of issues and questions alone! thanks.
(30 Sep '10, 18:02)
Great answer - I think you hit it spot on with your first sentence:)
(01 Oct '10, 00:57)
"manifest a maid" lol
(13 Oct '11, 10:24)
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