Generally speaking: Do you believe God (of your understanding / faith) is always speaking with humanity? And then to hear him, it is for those with 'an ear with which to listen' sort of thing going on? Do you believe that people in the modern era are genuinely able to communicate with God?

More specifically: Do you experience a communication from God, or Divine Spirit? Do you think it is plausible that God speaks to us in many ways, say via an internal voice, a song, a story, another person, a burning bush, etc.?

Also curious what this says about 'God's Word' but perhaps that's another question.

I think many believers will limit, for themselves, God and God's ability to communicate with Creation by assertively stating that God's Words are found in say this book, and only this book. And then somehow are told or hear that everything outside of that particular communication is a false god and not to be trusted as Divine Word. So, I think that stated loophole, wherever it is coming from, is possibly the opposite of helpful as it would seem to set up humanity with either confusion of what God really wants us to know or manifests as God does play favorites to whom God will speak to, or through.

asked 11 Aug '13, 11:39

Jman's gravatar image


@Jman you say that God play favorite to whom he will speak to, or through. are you jealous? It is written in the bible how to get in touch with him, did you ever read it? did you try what Jesus as teach with all your heart with understanding and truth? Did you walk on your own water to clean the inside of the cup? why be jealous or confuse? why the opposite of helpful? When you look at your physical self is not your left and right side opposite working together in harmony? Or do you say that-

(22 Aug '13, 21:49) white tiger

they work in confusion? are you confuse to see your self in the mirror or in the reflection of calm water? Do you not have a below and above down and up? look at your self you have legs and feet to walk in every direction and a heart and head with eyes and ears to see and hear to choose where you are going are you aware of this or are you confuse?

(22 Aug '13, 21:58) white tiger

@white tiger - nope not jealous myself. It is written in many places how to get connect with God. Yes, I've read the bible. Opposite of helpful to think God is exclusive to one religion and has only chosen to speak in one medium, is what I meant/stated.

(28 Aug '13, 14:10) Jman
showing 1 of 4 show 3 more comments

Just look around and open both your heart and mind. When we begin to really look and listen we start to see and hear with more than just our eyes and ears. God is always communicating with us, the question is are we always open to see and hear what's being conveyed?


answered 11 Aug '13, 13:06

Michaela's gravatar image



God talks to us thrgh many synchronicities.. :))

(12 Aug '13, 06:42) supergirl

Everything as already been reveal. You need to be born of water and spirit overcome and go above it takes over 40 days. Then you will not only hear him you will see him. Blessed are the merciful they will be given mercy, Blessed are the peacemakers they will be called sons of God, Blessed are the pure of heart they will see God. There is light in a person of light and it shine on the whole world if not it is dark. A little child of seven days have just told you this so that you may find the place of life. The choice is your. Clean the inside of the cup the darkness cannot go to the light.

Let there be light, be the light that you can, be experience and enjoy.

update: to help you out: Categorizing the brain's electrical activity by brainwave frequency, they determined that active, thought-engaged brain states such as might be experienced while reading, conversing or directing the attention outwardly towards people, things, or problems are beta waves (13 or more cycles per second). A brain at restful peace whose attentions are directed internally upon itself in watching or witnessing its own thoughts or in contemplation of its interior spiritual contents registers slower alpha waves (8 to 12 cycles per second). A brain in an even more profound state of rest, a state in which mandalas and strange, little pictures (hypnogogic or hypnopompic images) blink into it with peculiar clarity, registers theta waves (4 to 7 cycles per second). In theta, archetypes may be directly encountered in their symbolic forms. A sleeping brain registers delta waves (0 to 4 cycles per second).

Meditation occurs only in the alpha and theta ranges.

Anybody can repeat the experiment which proved their point. Simply take a ping-pong ball, cut it in half along its seam and, using transparent tape, tape each half over an eye. The eye should be able to see nothing but the inside of the ball. Then, with opened eyes, turn to face a light source. In very short order, the field of vision will begin to shimmer, undulate and form itself into gray or iridescent shapes which circle around and continuously retreat and advance. Concentrate upon these shapes. These are the evidence of alpha. Don't let your attention divert itself to anything else. If an outside thought intrudes, dismiss it and return to the shapes. Study them. Let them fascinate.

In this technique, called 'ganzfeld' - a German word which means complete field - alpha waves are generated by staring at a blank, preferably white, bright visual field and holding the eyes steadily upon it. A white-wall fulfills this condition. All that is necessary is that the wall occupy the complete field of vision so that distractions are eliminated. (Training, however, can filter out distractions.) This technique is so powerful a generator of alpha that, contrary to Suzuki's suspicions, it easily could have started a wall-gazing revolution.

Bodhi dharma meditated 9 year. Jesus and Buddha 40 days.

it is simple to see. you can make your own research if you do not believe that I am telling you the truth.

another update to help you understand the inside work: if you would have a pile of paper with a hole in the middle that make a passage and you would pull some sheet on the left on the right up and down and each of those page are from the soul(heart and mind) and the cover page is the veil of the mind(where you fill the gap and put some ignore paint) and that little book is you and you can read that book only by seeing the reflection on the water when it is at peace and not in darkness what work would you have to do to align it in truth?

once this is done you will see the light by the passage that will communicate with you to solve your inner division until the 2 becomes one. once this is done with out fear the last narrow gate can be cross then you overcome and go above to the kingdom.

Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom." They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"


answered 12 Aug '13, 07:56

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 25 Aug '13, 14:31

@white tiger how do you get yourself ready for those 40 days and what do you do during the 40 days? please be specific

(20 Aug '13, 11:50) Manny

to get ready be the light, be the truth acquire all the blessing of the beatitude in your every day life do not sin do not judge do not do evil things not only on the outside but in the inside at the water(soul=mind and heart) level. Or to put it in simple word be holy as I am holy. When this become your natural state like when you where a child with no darkness in you. then sit and wait on God with open eyes fix a point in front of you that is not there wait experience and learn eventually-

(20 Aug '13, 19:58) white tiger

your though will stop being erratic and many. and eventually you will not think and though will appear by them self on stuff not settle for you do some experience learn and clean up the inside of the cup. in truth solve that duality. left, right, up, down. take your time enjoy the journey. you will keep doing this until you are born of water. how you will know is that you will see the light that is going to communicate with you and it is you,(you where one and became two what will you do) same-

(20 Aug '13, 20:08) white tiger

thing at a much deeper level. to reconcile the light with you like before their was a division. when the 2 become one you are born of spirit and you will know it, now that you have overcome all this the last thing to overcome is fear to cross the last narrow door and go above or ascend to the kingdom of God. was it specific enough @Manny ?

(20 Aug '13, 20:12) white tiger

I have added some reference for you: Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do? "

(20 Aug '13, 20:30) white tiger

Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom." They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,

(20 Aug '13, 20:34) white tiger

and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

(20 Aug '13, 20:34) white tiger

you wonder why they called heart and mind water? simple those thing are inside you yet you will see it in you like a reflection. Who is the observer and the observed? is it not you? Maybe this did not touch your heart and mind it so hard to deny your self when you are not in truth and pick up your cross? what is the cross left, right down, up united at the middle with no division? all of this is before your eyes in the bible is it not?

(20 Aug '13, 21:19) white tiger

@white tiger it was and I thank you very much for your answer. P.S. I always look foward to your answers even though sometimes it takes me a while to get it. Thank you again

(21 Aug '13, 09:10) Manny

@Manny you are welcome you have ask and it is given. Blessed are those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Let there be light, Be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.

(22 Aug '13, 21:32) white tiger

Wandering in Heaven, one eats the spirit-power of the receptive.

The deeper secret within the secret: where the meaning of all is seen in truth to much to bear

(01 Sep '13, 11:08) white tiger

only the one that made us in is image as the awareness, understanding, wisdom, meaning of truth to know all. we have the same potential and we need to grow.

(01 Sep '13, 17:31) white tiger
showing 2 of 12 show 10 more comments

God is always communicating. The better question is how can we better hear Him? Among our collection of religious artifacts is this silver earwax spoon worn by Ethiopian priests. It is a constant reminder that we need to listen to God.

alt text

When someone asks if they can pray for me, I always ask the same thing, that I might hear God better.


answered 25 Aug '13, 11:35

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

the Unconditional Source
That allows all subsequent
creation of the cosmos
in an urderly fashion

planned for mankind to grow
from an unsconscious
spirit to transcend this
earth environment that

nurtures his development
with a step by step journey
allowing them to see what
each has developed to perceive

the ALL has sent many
elder brothers to show
the direction of the path
yet be our choice to see


answered 12 Aug '13, 15:40

fred's gravatar image


As you may know or not, I own and wrote many experiments for my Yahoo group "The God Consciousness Experiment."

I have a new experiment to hear God talking. Affirm over and over every night when you are tired, "God talks to people." You are not affirming God talks to you so there is little resistance to this affirmation. Again in the morning when you awaken affirm, "God talks to people." Keep up with this affirmation and see if you start to notice anything different.

We must first have our eyes single, fixed on the same sight. Our conscious and subconscious must agree. Our left and right brain must agree. We can not affirm we believe but then doubt that is like walking and trying to look in two different directions.

In saying, "God talks to people" you are making a statement your conscious and subconscious can agree with. This is where the miracles start to happen.


answered 25 Aug '13, 04:46

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

All those who speak of God agree that God creates everything.

Doesn't everything include all the books that contain Gods words?

Why should we examine the validity of all that God created?


answered 17 Aug '13, 17:17

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

Doesn't everything include all the books that contain Gods words? yes written by son of man according to their understanding, and read by son of man according to their level of understanding. Yet many need to align until the 2 becomes one.

Why should we examine the validity of all that God created? to see if it is in truth and understand the writer of those words. the truth will set you free.

(17 Aug '13, 18:08) white tiger

Agree that God creates everything... that is real. Books, like all physical things, present illusion, not reality. The message though may contain an illusion to escape illusions and return Home.

(18 Aug '13, 01:12) Jman

Every spiritual teaching (i.e. the Bibles) are presented within a language and perceptual barrier. The human psyche is incapable of processing objective reality thus all spiritual teachings mask the objective in the language of human subjectivity.

(21 Aug '13, 11:01) mekubal
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I would fundamentally disagree with the premise of the question itself. "God" is a subjective ideal that people personify in their own minds eye and then project as a "perceived" objective reality. According to my Tradition this is considered avodah zara (idolatry). Any image- even a mental one- is a concealment of the truth or the Light. IMO it is best to eliminate the view that "God" is a person and think of it as a Principle. It is a continuously unfolding process that you are apart of and are becoming. When you are in tune with an expanded consciousness then you hear from your soul/higher self and this is hearing from "God" but this is done from within not by trying to find a personage of "God" that you perceive as exterior to yourself.


answered 21 Aug '13, 10:58

mekubal's gravatar image


Down voted as mekubal chose to say 'God of own understanding' for others is idolatry, but for own self equals something that is apparently not subjective idealism.

(28 Aug '13, 14:16) Jman
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