Hi! I understand , that the answers are being "put directly in the channels mouth", by Bashar. It appears to be so, at least as seen when we watch the videos. It seems, that Bashar knows to answer very immediately once a question is posed. Does Bashar communicate in some other language beside English? Could Bashar provide the one and same channel use some/any other language for express the channeling (- for instance - use French language while meeting someone from France), although the channel doesn't speak that other language himself? Does Bashar use any channel in Europe or Asia also? Does Bashar cooperate with any other channel in some other part of the world? We desire for great number of people in many different countries to receive enlightenment both through channeling and also through other suitable ways of connection. The better "quality" of connection with extraterrestrials, the more desire for spirituality and understanding will be possible to obtain. How about it? Thanks for an answer. With love from Hanna |
No, actually, the answers are not being put directly into the channel's mouth :) What is happening is that the receiver of the information ("the channel") is translating blocks of thought that are being offered by the transmitter ("the entity"). It is up to the channeler to translate those blocks of thought into words (auditory, written) that the rest of us can understand. For that reason, the skill of the channeler is paramount in deciphering those blocks of thought correctly. So you can end up with a situation where the lack of translation skill on the part of the channeler misrepresents what the entity is trying to put across and can create a "mistake" or "contradiction" in that entity's teachings. This is then usually picked up by the so-called skeptics and used to "prove" that the channelings/teachings are fake. It's a well-known strategy that to discredit someone, you don't actually need to discredit what they are saying, you just need to find a tiny mistake and keep drawing people's attention to it. Really effective technique actually :) This is also the reason that it is exceptionally difficult for a channeler to speak in a language (or even use terminology) that is unfamiliar to them. I think to achieve that the entity would have to directly manipulate the vocal chords / tongue of the channeler. I'm not experienced enough with channeling to know how easy/difficult this is to achieve though I have often come across channelers whose voices change in character as they channel. Regarding Bashar using other channels, Darryl Anka has confirmed that a Japanese woman (Ayako Sekino) used to also channel Bashar in Japanese, though she doesn't do it any more as far as I am aware. Here she is... Hi, Stingray and thank You for the answer. I just would find it easy for all 'Visitors' to more directly manifest themselves IRL for us Earth people (those, who desire that), so we ALL shall be able to spread 'the words'(with love) from one to another directly - without a need for chanelling through just a few Earth people. IF the message comes through telepathy/trance then no 'translation' should be necessary?!? Universal love flows universally (and hopefully costless)! Warm embrace *Hanna
(17 Nov '13, 02:54)
Night Owl
I've seen videos where Darryl Anka claims to not remember much, if any, of his channelling sessions. This seems at odds with the "translating blocks of thought" theory (unless Darryl is in some sort of "translation trance"), but squares with the experience of Esther Hicks, who does remember her channeling sessions, is lucid during them, and does appear to be translating "blocks of thought." (she has said as much)
(18 Nov '13, 14:04)
@Night Owl - From what some say, it would defeat the purpose of Earth's existence if aliens turned up, thereby interfering with the "natural" flow of things. See Is Earth a giant extra-terrestrial experiment? According to Bashar, however, the "quarantine" is now lifted and there is a broad timetable for contact. See What is the most convincing evidence that alien civilizations exist?
(19 Nov '13, 03:15)
@Vesuvius - The translation happens unconsciously for the channeler. It is the same as you picking up a pen and writing a sentence on a piece of paper. You think of what you want to write and your hand "magically" moves the pen in the right way to make it appear. Different channelers have different degrees of consciousness during the experience and just because one has their eyes open and another closed doesn't mean one is more aware of what's happening than another.
(19 Nov '13, 03:23)
@Stingray - "You think of what you want to write and your hand "magically" moves the pen in the right way to make it appear." Nicely put. It isn't always easy to describe how that works. And, as with writing, it has to be allowed to happen without interior questioning, or it is often distorted, or the point and the wisdom you had been reaching for gets lost.
(22 Nov '13, 18:37)
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A child understand all the languages of the people around. He/she reads levels of energies. Positive or negative than later he slowly understand the subject and its categories that actually intended to or results in. If the word good is said in two different languages. It gives the feeling of good with attachment of some imagination that our subconscious mind actually practiced or made practiced by so many years. So, irrespective of the languages, if one has great power of concentration, he/she directly understand any language that he pays attention to listen. Much practice is needed to it. If Bashar is presented even in his/her own mother tongues it needed patience and attention to understand. Everything differs according to individual. If you are interested Bashar to present in a different languages to make people understand how important it is to improve the quality of life. Than it is much more important to understand how much important that Bashar has in your life and what it actuall means to you. How you value it. Your value to it in advance create a vibration that already channelise subconsciously minds around you and later it becomes much easier to put your vibrations or value into a language that people understand. Language is like a art. It is you to master it. Entity remains same to all. He is Good to all. It is you to understand him. Thank you. With Love Raj. 1
Hello, Raj and thank You for the answer. I just would find it easy for all 'Visitors' (with all the technical possibility they own) to manifest themselves IRL for us Earth people (who desire that), so that we ALL can spread 'the words/testimony'(with love) from one to another directly - without a need for chanelling through just a few Earth people. Universal love flows universally (and hopefully costless)! Warm embrace *Hanna
(17 Nov '13, 02:21)
Night Owl
"Universal love flows universally" well said.
(18 Nov '13, 04:47)
Hi! I understand , that the answers are being "put directly in the channels mouth", by Bashar. It appears to be so, at least as seen when we watch the videos. It seems, that Bashar knows to answer very immediately once a question is posed. Does Bashar communicate in some other language beside English? No, he only communicates in the LANGUAGE of the channel. Alright here are some facts about bashar (I believe)
Could Bashar provide the one and same channel use some/any other language for express the channeling (- for instance - use French language while meeting someone from France), although the channel doesn't speak that other language himself?
"Does Bashar use any channel in Europe or Asia also?" Not that I know offhand.. but it's possible.. "Does Bashar cooperate with any other channel in some other part of the world? We desire for great number of people in many different countries to receive enlightenment both through channeling and also through other suitable ways of connection. The better "quality" of connection with extraterrestrials, the more desire for spirituality and understanding will be possible to obtain. How about it?" There are millions of channels available everywhere.. you can make your "own connections" and judge your ability to connect? I might recommend a school or even just working on skyping or phone calling with channels which you can do I'm a big fan of Adamus/Geoffrey Hoppe (while technically bashar is a teacher of mine.. ;) ) I know they TRAVEL all-over (many countries) and their information is honestly awesome.. they also do a free channel every month check it out http://www.crimsoncircle.com/ However again they may be only E-N-G-L-I-S-H but I know Darryl anka/bashar channel has used translators before to translate their words into other languages.. like Darryl has channeled bashar in japan for example. |
We actually published two books channeled by a friend of Bashar's Elan. As people have suggested already, channeling is about translating thoughts into words. I can channel a bit myself and can confirm that is one way to do it. One of the reasons we published books is because we find it easier to follow the material in written form. Plus we can cover a lot more foundational material that is often left out of Q&A discussions. If you're interested the books are on Amazon by Elan Essesani. And to answer someone else's question about why they are not here in real life, this is addressed in the books. The basic reason is because they say we are not ready for this and humans are very scared of them and they do not wish to shock us. They also talk from a technological perspective why this is a problem. If someone wants to assist with a translation of the books, I would be happy to support that. We only want to share this with others too. |

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