This is a loooong question about professional success. I appreciate any insights.

So, I am an artist. I've had significant professional success, but know that my vibration about my career must be screwy, because I've been in a lull for a while that does not feel good.

I would say that about my actual work, the material I produce, I feel great. I feel very aligned about it and have really gotten into the idea that all ideas and good work comes from alignment, and so my job is primarily to get into the Vortex and then let ideas flow. There are a couple of things I'm still tweaking about my workflow, and how "hard I have to work", but I don't think I have any hidden underlying notions that I am not good enough. I pretty much feel like I am awesome and my work is awesome.

When it comes to the business/financial side of my career, however, I must be less aligned. Typical for me is to have people fawn over what I make, talk about what a genius I am, and then not buy it. So I know I must have some kind of blockage or unhelpful belief(s) about this stuff. For background, I used to have ideas like "It really matters what other people think of my work" and "I need to please people or my work doesn't have value", and I've gotten away from that. I don't need to please everyone, but the kind of stuff I make means that my project doesn't feel complete to me until the work has gone in front of an audience. So not selling things is not just about the money (although I like money!), it's also about missing that feeling of completion and connection with an audience.

I think I must have some kind of deeply-held belief that's like "I am not the kind of person who is consistently successful and I won't be able to change that", but I have done tweaking of my ideas about this stuff, so much so that I genuinely believed that I was in a very different vibrational place with the most recent project, and I was basically flabbergasted when it didn't sell. (I did bounce back emotionally quite quickly, which also makes me think that I must be in a different place about it than I used to be, which adds to my confusion about why the end result is the same.) Emotionally, I feel like I'm cycling between "hopefulness" at the high end and "discouragement" at the low end right now. I will feel discouraged and like "What's the point?" and then remember what my work is and go more general ("This doesn't feel good... but I can probably feel better if I distract myself or try to find softer thoughts about this.") And will go back up to a point of neutrality quite rapidly ("I don't really care if anyone buys this, I just like to make stuff.") And then I will be able to move into hopeful thoughts ("It would be nice to connect with an audience. I remember how fun that is!")

It seems that I spend the bulk of my awake time in hopefulness/contentment about my work, but I must not be very stable there, because a week later I will swing back down into discouragement. And I feel perplexed, because it will feel like a real shift when I feel good, and so I don't really have any bright ideas on shifting, because I've already done everything I can think of. You know?

I don't need to sell things or connect with an audience to feel good, I totally get that. I just want to feel consistently better about this topic, and that's what I've been having trouble with. I also feel some confusion about if this career has just run its course for some reason, and it's time for me to do something else (but of course I don't want to flee a situation that has some resistance issues, just to manifest the same thing in a different field).

What would you suggest I work on? Should I look at my ideas about the work not being complete until it has gone in front of an audience? Should I try to tease out why I think I am "just not the kind of person who..."? I feel really baffled about what's going on here and not sure where to start.

asked 14 Nov '13, 14:55

corduroypower's gravatar image


edited 15 Nov '13, 04:04

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

do you have trouble to put food on the table.? i mean literally..if you don't sell it then you are not going to eat tonite? or you have to sleep on the street etc? Usually if thats not the case you can work on your vibrations etc at a more easier pace... in the sense its not urgent emergency situation...

(14 Nov '13, 19:19) abrahamloa

but if its emergency some artists usually take a small part time job where at least they know they can get money.. that way you achieve some stability and then you can work your way through vibrations and other opportunities in your art.

(14 Nov '13, 19:21) abrahamloa
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What motivates someone to express their admiration of an artist's work is not necessarily the same thing that motivates them to actually part with some of their hard-earned money to own something that you have created.

People buy for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with their admiration for an artist's talent. They may buy it because it reminds them of a time in their life when they were happy. They might buy it because they have a friend who they think will appreciate it. They might buy it as an investment, and have no emotional interest in the content of the art whatsoever.

None of these are things that you can control. What you can control is how you feel about your own art. Does it make you feel good? If it does, then there are others out there who will feel the same way about it.

You never know what will catch on in the mind of the viewing public. Dolly Parton was once asked, "How do you know what will become a hit?" She answered that she didn't know; that she make music that she likes, and hopes that the public will like it enough to buy it. The major record companies don't know what will make a hit either; they're in the business of promoting style and generating buzz, not making quality music.

So the question you have to ask yourself is this: am I getting my art in front of the right people, the people who will personally relate to my art, or have some other motivation that will cause them to purchase? Some of this is luck, being in the right place at the right time, and continuously producing art until something catches the public's fancy. But there are also people who know how to market art to the people who will buy it. You might want to get their expert advice; you might be surprised at what they say.

Eventually, you may have to live with the idea that it's more important to please your own sensibilities rather than the stylistic whims of the general public, to stay true to your own vision. As talented, adored and wealthy that Michael Jackson was, I think that he never quite learned this lesson, and it ultimately consumed him.


answered 14 Nov '13, 15:33

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 14 Nov '13, 15:58

great answer!

(14 Nov '13, 19:16) abrahamloa

do you have trouble to put food on the table.? i mean literally..if you don't sell it then you are not going to eat tonite? or you have to sleep on the street etc? Usually if thats not the case you can work on your vibrations etc at a more easier pace... in the sense its not urgent emergency situation...

but if its emergency some artists usually take a small part time job where at least they know they can get money.. that way you achieve some stability and then you can work your way through vibrations and other opportunities in your art.

""What would you suggest I work on? Should I look at my ideas about the work not being complete until it has gone in front of an audience? Should I try to tease out why I think I am "just not the kind of person who..."? I feel really baffled about what's going on here and not sure where to start."""

Coming to all the questions you are having about what to do, these are because you are not in tune with your Higher self solidly. I mean your art inspiration is there but there is some other noises about it. The best thing as always is to meditate deeply for some time. Or find other tools like Jeru kebbal's Quantum breathing etc.. or doing yoga or the kind of other meditations offered by Deepak chopra for instance etc.. you can google those and there are so many available.

Doing these will get you quieter and you start being in the NOW more and more. And then you will get guidance on the steps you need to take etc. This is most important thing than jumping to answer what you have to do in the art area. But at least keep developing this on the side so you become really strong in your mind and also guided by your Higher Self and get that Cosmic Infinite intelligence behind all your activities you do.

If you do that then you will get answers to all your questions.


answered 14 Nov '13, 19:30

abrahamloa's gravatar image


edited 14 Nov '13, 19:32

to answer your question: look at what you said :("I don't really care if anyone buys this, I just like to make stuff.") although I like money I was basically flabbergasted when it didn't sell. would you not say that you are contradicting your self? if 2 person in a boat ram in opposite direction, do you get to where you want to go? there is a division in you that you need to solve. recommended meditate know yourself clean the inside of the cup solve your division be born of water and spirit become whole again.

also if you do not like the selling part, why not get someone to work for you that like selling things? you could still meet the people and talk about your work and stuff that you like to make. with out being stuck with the part that you do not like.

you have free will and are responsible of it.

Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.


answered 14 Nov '13, 19:34

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 14 Nov '13, 19:40

I feel like if don't answer any question, it create a block in my mind so Mr white tiger I take or support your answer as my answer and it is called "spiritual stealing". hahaha:)

(20 Nov '13, 22:20) PERFECT GOOD

@perfect good what can you steal from someone that possess everything? is not the thief fooling him self? since he also belong to the same one. or did this come to you as a thief in the night? smile.

(20 Nov '13, 23:34) white tiger

@white tiger again awakening. Thank you.

(20 Nov '13, 23:46) PERFECT GOOD
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

it may take more than this
lifetime to gain sufficient
self consciousness to control

the inherent cycling of
human perceptions, feelings
and thoughts, especially

when current culture negates
the complexity of our makeup


answered 16 Nov '13, 04:55

fred's gravatar image


@fred if one seek he will find. even complex things are made of simple things. every things start from the inside going to the outside. yes it takes over 40 days to achieve for one who seek, and have the will to persevere to the end. yet one must not take the easy way out and stop as soon as something simple is solved, one needs to solve all the division to know the complete truth. if one is in darkness he does not know where he is going or what he is doing. walk while you have the light.

(16 Nov '13, 18:44) white tiger

This answer may not be for you because I just want to share an insight, more specifically, a process to identify (and get rid of) limiting beliefs that are in the way of what we want. (And I think your experience with the MC²Method could be helpful if you feel you want to try it out some day.)

It's about writing a letter to uncover limting beliefs and get rid of them so you can easily manifest what you want.

Why write a letter? Why not ask questions to uncover limiting beliefs?

Writing a letter helps me associate fully with my limiting beliefs on an emotional level. Robert Smith of Faster EFT would call it "getting into the trance state". When I ask questions, I get into "thinking/left brain mode" easily so sometimes I disassociate with my problems and limiting beliefs emotionally.

So then I have to dig deeper and ask further questions about specific events, memories etc to bring up the emotions.

When I write a letter to a person, it is more intuitive and free-flowing. And I am more in "emotional/right brain mode". Because it activates the creative part of the brain where all the positive and negative emotions (and limiting beliefs) are.

What is the technique and how to apply it?

OK, so let's just call it "lamenting letter" technique.

Because you basically write a letter to an imaginary friend who is very optimistic and critical when it comes to negativity. And your job is to convince her or him with specific details and proof to show that what you want to feel or manifest is not possible (yet).

And as you do, you will feel resistance showing up in your body in the form of sensations (pressure, pain, throbbing, burning etc). Then you use the MC²Method, Faster EFT, Sedona Method or any other similar tool to neutralize that feeling of resistance as you write and (re-)read your letter. Result: The limiting beliefs around your desire are gone and your manifestation is on its way.

The process goes like this.

  1. Pick a problem. Define what you want to feel or manifest instead.
  2. Write a convincing letter to your imaginary friend and tell him why it's not possible to have or feel what you want.
  3. Feel the resistance after every sentence in your letter. And turn it into a neutral feeling using your preferred clearing technique.

It's very important that you go into the specifics of your reasonings. Because all the resistance we want to uncover is in the specifics of your story.

So let's take a closer look at the process. How to write the letter?

Let's say you want to manifest a new fridge (I'm sorry for all the "red car example" fans on IQ:).

So you write:

Dear (imaginary friend name),

today I want to tell you why it's not possible/not easy for me to get a new fridge. And I'm sure that you will admit that I'm right and you are wrong in being so optimistic.

First of all, good fridges are very expensive as you may already know. (feeling resistance/cleaning up) The kind of fridge I want costs about 4000$ on Amazon. Here is the link... (feeling resistance/cleaning up) And I don't have that money because it's christmas time. You know, had to buy a lot of presents. (feeling resistance/cleaning up)...

So I hope you get the idea. Come up with specific reasons why you can't have or feel what you want to convince your imaginary friend. And as soon as you feel resistance, clean it up and go on until you run out of bad-feeling reasons completely.

And when you finish the process you should feel that suddenly it feels really possible to have or feel what you want. If it's a deeper issue, you should better write a new letter every day because it could take time to clean all the limiting beliefs up. But it will be worth it!


answered 18 Dec '13, 23:03

releaser99's gravatar image


he if you need a fridge search the web and find one that will suit you. if you do not have enuff money buy a cheaper one that will cost less. 4000$ for a fridge is to much. usely those have a small screen and small computer in it. buy a fridge for 1000$ and buy a pc for 1000$ your problem is solve and you will enjoy it more. seek the truth you will be more happy. if you know the truth you can make better choice you waste less time and get more for your money. if you need to write on the-

(19 Dec '13, 00:26) white tiger

out side to put things in to perspective to shed more light in your search for the truth then do it, seek until you find. that you keep or burn the letter or use it in any mater that you like after ward is your choice. your imaginary friend is you, you wrote the letter and you have read the letter. you are the one responsible of your choice. for each problem there is a solution you are the one that make that choice. find all the truth and make a perfect picture, then make that choice.

(19 Dec '13, 00:48) white tiger
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