What happens to the mind when you judge something, and how does this creative energy affects the mind, if any?

asked 24 Oct '10, 23:41

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

Your statement itself is a judgment. Any time you use the word "never" in a statement, it creates a value judgement.

Anyway, I see all learning in life as a judgment or label. The brain works by categorizing things and putting conceptual nets around ideas; in other words, by making judgments about things. This is essentially what language is, at its core...a series of judgments. Without language, it wouldn't even be possible for us to be having this conversation.

So by entering this life, we have chosen to agree on things like time and space. We have further agreed to certain arrangements of that time and space like solids, liquids and gases. We have agreed to live our lives in these bodies, and accept a finite physical existence. We have agreed to phenomena such as light and sound, and we use these phenomena to communicate with each other.

In short, we have agreed to all kinds of judgments and assumptions before you even put the question to paper (or arrangements of electrons, as the case may be).

What happens to the mind? The mind makes mental constructions. One could argue, that's all the mind really does. In the end, that's all these things are is mental constructions, because without us to observe them, and to give meaning to them, do they really exist?

That, too, is a judgment.

Perhaps what you really meant is moral judgments? Well, those are not really any different from the judgments I have already described. The only real difference between moral judgments and ordinary judgments of other kinds is the notion of "fairness," or the idea that someone might get "hurt."

Many moral judgments are baked into us by evolutionary processes. Pain is like that. Anything that causes pain is identified as something that is "bad" for us. That judgment prevents us from hurting ourselves by causing us to pull our hand away from a hot stove. There are other, more subtle impulses like that of parenting. If you are a parent, anything that might hurt your kids is bad, by definition.

Can you eliminate some of these judgments? I don't think you can eliminate any of them.


answered 25 Oct '10, 00:44

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 25 Oct '10, 00:53

Thanks for alerting me about the word “never” would it of made a difference if I had said “we cannot etc?” I was not speaking to moral judgment, I was thinking more on aspect of the LOA, and manifesting, but your answer was very educational. Thank you.

(26 Oct '10, 00:44) Inactive User ♦♦

Judgement is necessary to determine what we want and do not want in our life. Labeling as a generalization is also somewhat needed for communicating purposes.

As far as good taste or bad taste, I just see it as popular taste or unpopular taste. Popular taste gets the "good" label.

But as Shakespeare said (paraphrase) "There is nothing either good or bad just thinking that makes it so."


answered 27 Oct '10, 02:05

jim%2010's gravatar image

jim 10

I appreciate your answer, and your last sentence speaks volumes. It all amounts to interpretation.

(27 Oct '10, 02:57) Inactive User ♦♦
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