To what degree do our thoughts affect others?

Does what a family member thinks about affect me more or the same than a stranger on the opposite side of the world?

If others thoughts affect us subconsciously, then how is it that we are really in control?

Also see: A Powerful Rabbit Experiment:

asked 08 Dec '10, 21:49

Back2Basics's gravatar image


Intelligent question.

(01 Aug '11, 18:27) Aphrodite
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There are two ways to look at this question.

One is the psychological: A psychiatrist or psychologist would look at me very oddly if I said that I had the ability to think a thought and affect other people...It is sort of the reverse of believing that other people are thinking about me all the time, and worrying about it (paranoia). It does seem a little bit crazy to think that everything I think is floating out there, ready to manifest itself as a catastrophe or other problem. Do you see what I mean?

But...- and this is a big "but"-

I do think that thought does have some sort of energy, especially when that thought takes the form of prayer. Prayers do affect the outcome of certain events. I read of a study once done on heart patients. These patients were all going to have open-heart surgery. The patients were matched for degree of heart damage and so on, and then divided into two groups. One group was prayed for, and the other was not. The results were amazing! The group that was prayed for had better recovery times, less fatalities, and better results from surgery than the group that was not prayed for. (The patients were unaware that they were being prayed for...)

This seems to indicate that our intentions in thought have much to do with the physical world on some plane. I would guess this happens at a sub-quantum level, some level we have not, or may never, perceive scientifically.

Now, about our thoughts: I really could not function too well if I thought that everything that I think goes out and makes mudslides and hurricanes. If that were the case, truly, I would be terrified to think !

You mentioned family members, and in this case, I can attest to the fact that if one member is grouchy, it doesn't take much for the whole family to get grouchy. Every mother knows this! But why this happens may be more due to the behavior-response effect than a general broadcasting of thought. I know I will take a beating from the manifesters out there for saying this, but again, manifesting is so close to prayer as to be indistinguishable from prayer..

I think intent is the key. I also think that the world needs lots of good energy and prayers from us all.

One final thought: I also believe that you can think your way into trouble. If you worry excessively about something, it tends to make that worry turn into a reality. So I like to keep negative thinking to a minimum. I don't like the idea that I may be subconsciously sabotaging myself!

Blessings, Jaianniah


answered 09 Dec '10, 03:15

Jaianniah's gravatar image


very insightful, thank you!

(10 Dec '10, 00:42) Back2Basics

our thoughts affect others insofar as they manifest in our actions toward others.

what your family member thinks about you does not affect you; what you think about what your family member thinks about you affects you.

we are not really in control.


answered 08 Dec '10, 22:46

riley's gravatar image


riely, some good points. have your tried taking you view "we are not really in control." as a question here? haha or maybe that's not such a good idea!

(09 Dec '10, 01:35) Back2Basics

good point, considering the audience :) i just mean our unconscious has a lot more control over what we end up thinking of as "our" thoughts than we tend to think it does, and that if we want to harness the power of deliberate thought, we have to somehow contend with that reality.

(09 Dec '10, 12:55) riley

I do agree. I am reading the master Key and it does say just that.

(10 Dec '10, 00:34) Back2Basics

I would substitute "habit" for "unconscious" in regards to what most influences what we think about. Thoughts are made up of patterns* learned & repeated (with artistic variation). The supposed "unconscious" is a wily ghost to fight. Habits though, the part we can actually document, can easily be replaced.

(13 Dec '10, 08:23) Hu Re

*Robert Scheinfeld's Busting Loose from the Money Game has a highly recommended description of the role of patterns in the creative process here: The chapter also outlines our powers to affect other people and the world (he calls it a hologram) :)

(13 Dec '10, 08:29) Hu Re
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This question is how Ho'Oponopono works, it is also how the Evil Eye works both are opposite of course but both are based on thought affects others. Someone's jealousy or envy can affect you, when people believe in you, have you ever notice the confidence you gain? What about when people think oh no he'll just screw it all up, do you have a lot of confidence then?

When you get sick really sick and many people know of this, and they worry and think he's going to die there is nothing the doctors can do, do you think that may affect your outcome?

What about when there are lots of people pulling for you saying those doctors are wrong he is a fighter I know he'll pull through.

Where two or more are gathered this increases the co-creation whether it be for the devil or God depending on is the thought loving, positive, encouraging, healing, or is it condemning, hopeless, discouraging, sickening, and non-loving?

There is a verse in the bible that says "By your words you are justified, by your words you are condemned." Remember the first word is thought long before it is audibly pronounced.

Ho'Oponopono says to the divine I am sorry for co-creating this, please forgive me, I love you, thank you for forgiving me this. It is a form of repentance to God for our poor thought choices that helped co-create something we do not want or like in ourselves, others or the world.


answered 26 Jan '11, 20:58

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 25 Aug '12, 23:23


I am just now learning about Ho'Oponopno. Your last paragraph contains a really lovely prayer I think.

(27 Jan '11, 02:45) LeeAnn 1

Yes the book I have is called Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale. Joe also has a cd set called The Missing Secret, this is also on Ho'Oponopono.

(27 Jan '11, 12:50) Wade Casaldi

I like what Ho'Oponopno is all about. I am surprised that this question lead to that answer, as it is very helpful.

(28 Jan '11, 01:04) Back2Basics

I am very glad it has been such a help to you. :-D

(28 Jan '11, 02:47) Wade Casaldi
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The only power you have over others (including the belief that your thoughts can effect their lives) is the power granted to you by the others ignorance


answered 26 Jan '11, 16:32

no1wakesup's gravatar image


Thoughts are waves of energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, just transfered. Our thoughts in energy form travel from us to our environment. If there is a person in our environment, they will feel the energy, they might not be aware of it. Or they might be aware of it and get a vibe, but cannot tune in to it to recieve the message, but the vibe gives a sense of a good or bad feeling. Then, some people can tune in to these waves and actually read other people's thoughts. It partly depends on the receiver, if they can tune in or not, and partly on the sender, how clearly their thoughts are being broadcast, or how muddled and confused their thoughts are even to themselves. If the receiver feels bad vibes, they might start feeling uncomfortable and sending back bad vibes, creating a collective bad vibe, maybe even perpetuating more bad vibes. Cats go berzerk, dogs get crazy, you can tell they sense it. The Bible says that if you think about another man's wife, you have already commited adultery and if you are angry with your brother you will be judged (comparing it to actual murder). So these thoughts must be pretty powerful to be judged on our thoughts, not just our manifested thoughts in words and actions. The Bible also says there is nothing new under the sun, yet new inventions are made all the time. So, the ideas must be out there for us to grab, already thought of by God. And the saying As above so below, as below so above, as within so without as witout so within tells me that whatever thoughts are in my head are ouside of my head and therefor outside of your head therefor inside your head and also in the environment affecting the animals and trees and people that don't know it.


answered 03 Mar '11, 13:26

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

very interesting, thank you....

(12 Mar '11, 00:24) Back2Basics

you're welcome.

(12 Mar '11, 03:55) Fairy Princess

This question hits home with me. I've been searching for an article that I read a couple months ago that spoke about how one good, positive thinker has the ability to overpower the negative thoughts of several thousand people. Apparently, negative thinkers bring negative events and catastrophes. Positive thinkers have the ability to ward off these negative events and catastrophe. Not just for themselves, but for everyone; which is why we need more positive thinkers.

If you have ever seen What The Bleep Do We Know, one chapters speaks about how our thoughts never disappear. Every thought that we have ever thought is actually floating around in the Universe somewhere. I don't know whether or not to believe it, but it is definitely worth researching and understanding. I think it all helps to understand the power of our thoughts.

Also, I think Napoleon Hill spoke about "the master mind" in which two heads are better than one when manifesting a dream.


answered 09 Dec '10, 01:55

MsKNHunt's gravatar image


thanks, yes Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about one good, positive thinker has the ability to overpower the negative thoughts of several

(10 Dec '10, 00:37) Back2Basics

We are talking about feelings, and emotions, and yes to some degree I will be affected by what my family thinks, and what other people think, but in the same token, I am not going to let it control my every thought, and feeling! I will occupy my time with things that I like to do, and keep myself busy, and in that way there is no time for idle negative thoughts!


answered 11 Dec '10, 02:41

Inactive%20User's gravatar image

Inactive User ♦♦

I believe it depends on a couple of things. 1) I think the nature of the relationship between the two people matters...How close are they, emotionally and psychological? 2) The intensity of the thinker matters---does the thinker have a trained mind? If yes, the thinker has the ability to direct the energy of his or her thoughts to achieve a certain purpose.


answered 25 Aug '12, 22:32

Blkfox's gravatar image


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