Here's my situation:

  • I am male.
  • I love working out (lifting weights). It puts me right in the vortex, and if it weren't for physical limitations, I would work out everyday.
  • My body is currently slender and athletic and I love it.
  • I have full trust in the law of attraction (I have experienced miracles even) and I understand that I must receive my desire as long as I'm not blocking it from coming.

I have a desire to become much more muscular than I am currently. I have visualized and put out my intention for the past few months for my ideal body, however, it hasn't manifested yet (which doesn't matter to me a whole lot).

My question is: Why hasn't it manifested yet, and what can I do to manifest it?

I currently don't and was never inspired to follow any kind of specific weight gaining routine (I simply work out for the fun of it). However, I know that if I were to follow a routine aimed at building muscle, it would take me just over a year to get my ideal body.

My goal is to get my ideal body in one or two months though (I want to put my manifestation abilities to the test). I feel the only thing that may be blocking me from doing this may be beliefs on how fast I can physically gain muscle (conversely I believe that every change is a total change [a la Bashar] and that I can simply shift into a parallel reality where my ideal body is visible).

It's also worth mentioning that I have applied Bashar's Threshold of Believability to clear my belief that building muscle slowly in the traditional way of ripping muscle and letting cells rebuild it. Nonetheless, since I don't have any negative emotions attached to this, I'm not sure if there is any way for me to confirm that my beliefs have been cleared.

With that in mind, how would I go about doing this? Would it be to use Manifesting Experiment 3 or perhaps ME-4 to clear limiting beliefs, or another approach?

asked 24 Dec '13, 19:43

WeRadiateBeauty's gravatar image


edited 24 Dec '13, 20:17

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IQ Moderator ♦♦

wrb, let me know in june how you made out

(25 Dec '13, 06:27) fred

will do :)

(25 Dec '13, 13:05) WeRadiateBeauty
showing 1 of 2 show 1 more comments

I have applied Bashar's Threshold of Believability to clear my belief that building muscle slowly in the traditional way of ripping muscle and letting cells rebuild it

Have you really????

Because you should also listen to yourself.......

However, I know that if I were to follow a routine aimed at building muscle, it would take me just over a year to get my ideal body.

Listen you got my full support and backing that this is possible sure it is.. but clearing beliefs for manifestation isn't necessarily easy..

Let me say first off.. I'm a BASHAR student.. he was/is? still my teacher to this day.. but just because I'm a student of bashar doesn't mean I'll tell you that bashar really knows how to tell you how to get rid of beliefs.. I mean he's fricking awesome isn't he??? :)

But even so.. his belief clearing tools.. suck! (that's my personal experience.. great if you have the opposite effect) but if your gonna be REAL here.. you wouldn't be asking this question if the tools-methods were working for you.. would you?

So I'm going to tell you a BELIEF clearing secret I learned when I met my 3rd teacher.. and he taught me massively in a big way (something bashar didn't) or something I didn't know..

The "easiest" way to clear beliefs is to heal.. that's all it takes.. sit your ass down.. and just follow along/experiment in this meditation if you can..

And if you allow it to work as a "permission slip" for you? cause it can ;) is it will CLEAR beliefs without you having to understand intellectually??? what they are

And so it is my experience or belief ;) that healing does a GENERAL CURE-ALL for


beliefs.. it slowly cleans it all away.. imagine it like this.. your in a dark room and your cleaning your bathtub.. it's dark right you can't see anything right?? So rather then intellectually finally barely spotting a piece of dirt cough belief.. consider that the healing here is turning the light on.. and just dumping tons of dawn dish washing liquid over everything and turning on a nice air-water pressurized nozzle for 10 seconds..

So one can see? if you can understand my WILD/WACKY/CRAZY analogy here is.. massive times of doing a cure-all/pressure wash.. will take away stuff you didn't even KNOW was there.. <smile>

Why hasn't it manifested yet?

Not a easy one.. ehh? :)

Alright all the above still applies :)

But there is a thing called mass consciousness beliefs.. what I mean is.. we all collectively agree (for the most part) that gravity keeps us to ground.. (well sorta) ;)

So I'm not saying it's impossible.. I'm just adding a little more to the picture.. once again I tell you I don't know if you got to the root belief..? I don't know that you can just completely bypass some "mass consciousness beliefs"?? (maybe)

You are welcome to ask your question to bashar.. but I feel sure he'd tell you.. to look right back at yourself..

So are you saying after doing "Threshold of Believability" you absolutely believe tomorrow you should have these muscles you say you should have??????

You really absolutely 100% know 190% with your heart and being that your muscles should be here now?????

So I would have to ask.. why creator god have you not created this??? (I know your asking us.. but I also think you should ask yourself)

So anyone reading who doesn't understand this concept.. I'll save you a trip to youtube by throwing in a url for "threshold of believability"

what can I do to manifest it?

Why have you not done the 1 year program..?? why have you not started the program and said.. I know it takes 1 year.. but first off.. I'm going to do my BEST to make this program go as fast as possible.. and I'm going to have NO EXPECTATIONS.. (which is a bashar core rule.. and is the opposite of many of your statements)

BTW where is the "NO EXPECTATIONS" in any of your statements...?

There is 1 more thing you can


I can think of besides to looking to yourself in this creation/manifestation (this is not a assignment of blame either.. it is really about asking you to look DEEP within and be honest with yourself!)

What you can do is.. those tools I have pointed to you above via meditation.. but more so I can point you to a advanced program of manifestation and creation.. (and I offer no promises! about this programs timetable to achieving your goals) and ALSO breathing is pretty damn important so besides this advanced program I'm casually mentioning ;) :P I would try getting a "new age" type breath teacher and making sure you are working on BREATHING more energy for your cells.. (pranic breathing etc.) and also remember your body is made of 80% water.. so hydration is little good.. that + breath = good :)

I currently don't and was never inspired to follow any kind of specific weight gaining routine (I simply work out for the fun of it). However, I know that if I were to follow a routine aimed at building muscle, it would take me just over a year to get my ideal body.

I'm going to remind you something bashar told me.. "it may be "possible" to psychically know how much change is in a persons pocket.. but sometimes it's far easier to go over to the person and ask them or turn out their pockets.."

What I'm saying is you may be ignoring that "the path of least resistance" the easiest way to have this manifest is again to follow along with what you know that works..

Rather then create/being that one weird guy that did something in 2 MONTHS.. which should take 1 year.. once again it may be far easier to just ask how much change is in the pocket/use the existing "permission slips" available

With that in mind, how would I go about doing this? Would it be to use Manifesting Experiment 3 or perhaps ME-4 to clear limiting beliefs, or another approach?

I have told you what I believe best already

    - belief clearing through healing
    - seeing a breath specialist
    - ask bashar
    - starting that 1 year program (you know works already!)
    - being honest with yourself (I don' know why but I do seem to doubt you that you believe it will manifest tomorrow.. especially after reading your entire thread.. I didn't even know it takes a YEAR.. till you mentioned it ;) )

answered 25 Dec '13, 01:35

themaster's gravatar image


edited 25 Dec '13, 12:24

"You really absolutely 100% know 190% with your heart and being that your muscles should be here now?????"

I believe (playfully) that my muscles are here now (this isn't hard to do since I have no resistance).

The reason I didn't start the 1 year program was because it would go against this belief of having my body now.

I'm going to play with the tools you've given me and try molding my beliefs before "asking how much change is in the pocket" :)

Thank you for your help!

(25 Dec '13, 13:13) WeRadiateBeauty

No problem.. hope it helps :)

There was one other thing I didn't mention.. the thing is I don't really know that well how to explain this concept.. only to say "physical" reality is physical.. and to make changes to physical is not always possible/easy.. in our advanced class (we are working on it!) :)

(26 Dec '13, 00:25) themaster

There are many who have had may changes to eye color, (so they claim) height, grown teeth etc. etc. on and on through basic law of attraction.. but even if they have done this do not compare their success to your experience.. (experience doesn't create reality :P)

The ultimate way to succeed at anything is never give up, never surrender, accept what is; but just do what you can for you..

(26 Dec '13, 00:30) themaster

The reason I didn't start the 1 year program was because it would go against this belief of having my body now.

This is a contradiction you are creating.. even creating a belief/excuse with this.. I suggest highly you let go of this idea..

I believe (playfully) that my muscles are here now (this isn't hard to do since I have no resistance).

Yes, than keep believing :) But starting a thread of why don't have it? Is not a expression of this belief :(

(26 Dec '13, 00:34) themaster

It seems to me based on your comments that you think you are "building" beliefs to create your reality.. the only way to make this work is bashar's "go crazy"! :) but honestly it's not a easy thing to do or be.. as you will have to keep saying I have huge muscles and ignore evidence to the contrary even if that's not true.. are you prepared for that?

(26 Dec '13, 00:44) themaster

I'm ready to go crazy, and work with physical reality too like you suggested. However, I think I might take the approach of "My muscles are growing extremely fast. I gain as if I were on steroids. My genes love building muscles. I'm full of testosterone" etc.

That way it will align better with my physical efforts... and if everything else goes right, physical manifestation will appear faster than I think :)

(26 Dec '13, 12:22) WeRadiateBeauty

well, hop to it.. and we'll see how she turns out :)

(26 Dec '13, 22:29) themaster
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

I am not an expert, so take this with some salt.

I have come to believe that for most people, actively trying to change a physical condition through LOA work can be counterproductive, and can end up increasing your resistance. I think this is because unless you are, in Abraham terms, vibrating at a really high, clean/resistance-free level most of the time, any vibrational work about your body tends to contradict the evidence (or "evidence") of your eyes and other senses. That is, it seems to me that for many people, body work is particularly challenging, because if you are short and would prefer to be taller, there is a constantly-available set of evidence that you aren't there yet. Do you know what I mean?

This is why I'm guessing that Abraham (I don't know much about what Bashar teaches about bodily conditions) often encourages people who are in an unwanted bodily condition to make peace with it first. Once you make 100% peace with (for instance) being short, I think things change and shift, and maybe, if your wanting and your belief that it's possible are strong enough, you can become taller, or maybe your manifestation will somehow look different than you expected (I don't know, maybe you move to a place where others are also pretty short, so that you are suddenly relatively tall) or maybe it turns out that what you really want is to feel confident and attractive, and tallness is not really the big issue once that is achieved.

I wonder if you might get some use out of this Abraham video:

They're talking to someone about incrementally making promises to herself she knows she can easily keep - using action as a kind of backdoor to alignment, I think.


answered 30 Dec '13, 14:17

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