I met someone once who believed that he could validate his ideas just by thinking about them, or getting the sense that they "felt right." Invariably his ideas were interesting, but ultimately impractical. Is this how your mind works, or do you need more feedback than that? Are you pragmatic in the sense that, if an idea clearly doesn't prove itself, no matter how "right" it feels, you will abandon it and try something different? Can you share some specific examples from your own life? |
I will admit at the outset that I am simply proposing a possible test for our ideas, a way to reality-check our ideas, be they old or new. My proposal is an adaptation of a method that has been referred to as the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. Without lengthy explanation, suffice it to say that John Wesley used a method to test one's interpretation of scripture. (Wesley was a preacher in the Anglican Church in the 1700s in England, and began the movement that became the Methodist Church.) His method involved the primacy of scriptural authority, complimented and corroborated by tradition, reason, and experience. That's the quadrilateral. Using that as a model of sorts, I propose the following for your experimentation in reality-checking ideas. (This is hot off the press, not yet tested by myself, so it may fall flat on its face.)
Now, bear in mind that just because an idea fails the test, doesn't mean you shouldn't embrace it anyway. The reality-checking is just one tool to evaluate an idea's practicality. Sometimes a new idea just has to tried-- thrown into the ocean of our experience to sink or swim. Try it out as a pragmatic tool, if you like, and see if it works for you. I have no vested interested in its success or failure. It may just turn out to be so much hogwash. I will say that I don't believe feelings have much value for a reality-check. We so often hear, "follow your heart" or "do what feels right", and so often, our heart leads us astray. We need more feedback than that. Our feelings may be a tool that can add some input into the process-- they may contribute, but I don't think they should be weighed very heavily against the other considerations. Perhaps I'll get back to you with some personal results from a trial run. I'm back with another observation after further consideration. Feelings are certainly important (they certainly play a part in my choices in life--whether to embrace an idea or discard it) and I think that having a good feeling about an idea is a good "final check" on the matter. It's also obvious that unless you have a good feeling or feel passionate about something, you're unlikely to invest much of your energies into applying or otherwise making use of that idea. |
I shall dare propose another method here, which might disagree with John's proposed method but that's just my personal experience. I have to agree with your friend who validates his ideas by which ones actually feel right for him. The only thing I have found that I can trust is my feelings and emotions about any subject. The reason for this is that everybody has their own agenda and have their own opinions and this has sometimes led me to a decision making point where I am asking myself, right I have these x number of people telling me these x different things and I think they are all worthy of my trust but who do I listen to. Should I go ahead and do it the way I feel inspired to do it? At different points in my life, I have experienced hard times when I haven't listened to my feelings. Without a doubt, the best things that I have experienced and my greatest achievements in life have been when I have been inpired to do those things and they felt right. I have now learned to trust my feelings and emotions about all subjects although I have to say it is not easy to practice this concept all the time. I am still trying to master it and live by the moto 'If it does not feel like hell yeah...then it's hell no...'. In case my moto did not make sense, I mean I want to achieve a point where I will only do things if I feel an inspiration or a strong inclination to do it. I don't think there's any direct contradiction between your approach and mine. I acknowledged that feelings may contribute to the reality-checking of our ideas, I just don't think they should be "weighted" so heavily that they take precedence over the other considerations. In addition, you speak of feelings in the context of your "experiences" and our feelings certainly are meant to help us interpret those experiences. Experience was another element of my proposal, and our feelings help us decide if our experience "feels like hell" or is "an inspiration."
(20 Oct '09, 06:53)
So I think that even though you're focusing on feelings, your experience is already playing a part in the process. I suspect that "reason" is already playing a part, too. Usually, when something doesn't make sense to our rational mind, there is a feeling of that goes along with it. So you're probably using more than feelings already, but you're measuring them by how they feel to you. That's fine. To each his/her own. But feelings do often mislead us. Maybe we need a way to reality-check our feelings.
(20 Oct '09, 07:01)
I like the way you've put it John. The way to reality-check our feelings I think is to make sure that we are acting on these feelings from a dominant vibration of happiness. Stingray has explained this well according to me in one of his answers (http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/940/do-people-confuse-emotion-with-intuition). At the end of the day, we should use whatever works for us, like you have pointed out in your comment. I totally agree and I was speaking from personal experience.
(20 Oct '09, 16:12)
Pink Diamond
Understood. And of course, the personal experience of each of us is entirely valid for us.
(20 Oct '09, 23:28)
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It is when our feelings get distorted or we discard them thet we usually get in trouble. Our emotions are our compass needle with point us in the right dirrection. If you belive (like me) that their is our physical body with our physical brain and our mind and their is our Higher Self, which is the one who orchestrates all the events in our lives so we don't get "of corse" in our life. The physical brain is not DESIGNED to access the future. It's purpose is to know and anazyle how something is HAPPENING or has HAPPENED. It's not in his "function" to assest how something WILL HAPPEN. That is our Higher Selfs' job. Let's use an analogy that our mind wonders in the valley and sees only 10 meters ahaed of him. Well our Higher Self is up their on the mountain top and it can see clearly the road we are taking. Well only seeing 10 meters ahead the road might seem fine, but from a broder perspective (Higher Mind's) in 100 meters the bridge might be out. So the Higher Self communicates to you by feelings and emotions (always in your dream states). Using symbology, feelings he can push you in the right direction. Of course we were thought to believe that our surface mind has to know everything so we overheat it by making it think over and over again about things that haven;t yet happened. It's not it job! Stop doing it! Instead start relying on your emotions and feelings. I had countless axapmles of when not listening to my emotions didn;t pay of and lots when they actually did. So just relax your mind and comunicate to it that it doesn;t have to do all the work by itself. One of the ways of assesing if your emotions are genuine and if your ideas are goos is to write them down and put them aside for a week. Then after a week if you look at the same idea and it still feels good and worth pursuing, DO IT! Another thing is that people more often than not attach so much expectaion on a certain task, that if they follow their feelings and then don;t get what they expected, they assume it's wrong. The thing is the feeling mightev been their just to push you in the right direction and getting the thing itself wasn't the goal at all. The trick is to TRUST your feelings and your Higher Self. Delibarate long and hard at a problem but after you make a decision STICK to it. Trust that it's their to serve you and you will have a positive outcome no matter what. Your post could benefit from some proofreading.
(20 Oct '09, 20:04)
I think about it and try to examine the idea from all angles, weigh up the odds and see how I feel about it. I usually do some research but, at the end of the day it's all about how it feels. If it feels right and I get excited about it, I do it. If it doesn't feel right, nothing will make me do it. And yes, I am a pragmatic person too. Hey Rebecca! Good to see you! Good answer....again.
(21 Oct '09, 05:09)
Good to see you too! And you are allowed to give a point if you like an answer (grin)
(21 Oct '09, 06:05)
You expect me to do that just for a grin? Gotta be some quality in the answer. Oh, all right!
(21 Oct '09, 07:08)
How do you do the things that you don't like to do, but you have to do them anyway?
(21 Oct '09, 16:19)
I rarely do things I don't like to do. Most things I do are part of the things I like to do if not directly what I want to do. Doing my accounts are a bore and I procrastinate, but once I get down to them that's fine too >:) Other things like housework, well I prefer it when the place looks nice so I do it and do a good job and feel good when it's done. That's my philosophy about the little things that have to be done - do your best and admire the results. Otherwise I can't think of much I don't enjoy doing.
(22 Oct '09, 00:23)
Just in case you think I am a bored housewife by my remarks above you should know that I run a business - an art gallery www.linkgalleryonline.com - and I am also on several marketing and event committees in town, (and am the chairman of one), and have another company in the wings. I am about to start organizing music evenings in the gallery with the collaboration of the owner of a new (and very successful) cocktail bar who will provide the food and drink so we cross pollinate each others businesses. I am intending to learn HTML to administer to my web site and build another ...
(22 Oct '09, 00:47)
I also am the creator and organizer of a national event The only thing I didn't enjoy was writing the grant to the Arts Council for some of their funding and that was because I had to keep telling them the same thing in different sections which i regarded as a waste of my time. Still it as worth $1000 to the event so really, time worth spending to help the event flourish.
(22 Oct '09, 00:52)
By staging this event, that brought 68 artists from across the USA to paint round the town and state, I brought a (conservative) $35,000 worth of business to downtown hotels and eateries for the two weeks it ran and probably double that if you include their travels and stays Statewide. Someone told me that I am the ONLY business owner here that has ever done anything like this. My attitude is what's good for other businesses is good for me too. I am working to get this city known as an arts destination as well as a rodeo town!
(22 Oct '09, 00:56)
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What if the person within our own consciousness is the same person encountered by everybody else within themselves. In other words, the "I am" that is within me is the same "I am" that is within everyone else (not on the surface but becomes so as we travel deeper within ourselves). If this is the case, then when you depend on advice from many others, because you are not trusting your inner souce of guidance, you are essentially asking for advice from a different point of reference of yourself (the other person). But where do these other people go to find the answer to your question? They search for an answer within themselves, which is in a way second hand information from the source that you know as "Myself". So seeking advice from everybody else is very valuable in arriving at a point of understanding & a point of reference. but ultimately the decision should be made from how it feels within. This accomplishes two things. First you learn to trust the inner guidance. But second and the most important one, you take responsibility for your own decisions & don't blame another if it doesn't work out. |
I truthfully don't know yet. If I found out or have an better idea or have gather more information than I will let you know. Just some quick thinking I would say if your reality you were manifesting with your thoughts and speaking came into existance or into the physical than you would know, right. Remember keep doubt out even if it takes a while. Get back with you later. |

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