This is a question that arose out of the comments thread underneath this answer by @Stingray. Hi @Stingray, over the last few days in my vortex alignment practice (as part of the 30-day vortex challenge), I am noticing a somewhat strange thing. Quite often during the day I would feel bad about something and that would kick me out of the vortex, at least temporarily. I would make a note of it and add a focus block for it to the spreadsheet, to be dealt with later. The next morning when I wake up, most of the days I am finding that I am already feeling good, so I would go straight to positive aspects and finish with rampages of appreciation. As a result, those new focus blocks are just sitting there untouched. Even on the days when I am not already feeling good when I wake up, I am very close. As soon as I have one or two focus blocks, I am there. Those one or two focus blocks obviously would be chosen at random, so my new issues are likely not to come up by the time I stop. It feels like I am cheating in the process because I am not working on those new issues enough. What should I do? Thanks.
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Well, I can't ever tell you what you should do. It's your life and it's up to you how you live it :) However, I can tell you what I do about this situation and those issues...
I do nothing at all.
My philosophy is that if I've invested my out-of-the-Vortex time and effort into getting into the Vortex, why would I want to spend my in-the-Vortex time chasing out-of-the-Vortex issues? Any physical manifestation I could possibly want is only because I want to feel better when I've got it...and I already feel great now so...job done :) Yes, reach-down-from-the-Vortex methods are entirely legitimate and appropriate if you feel like you want to use them deliberately but being a fan of the Minimum Effective Dose way of living, that just feels beyond the minimum for me :) If I'm happy right now then I'm going to enjoy being happy right now, and milk being happy right now for every drop of happy-right-now juice I can get from the experience by doing happy-right-now things. In that happy-right-now state, my own personality is not naturally drawn to spending any time thinking about anything that doesn't make me happy. If anything like that does flash into my consciousness enough that I think I want to do something about it, I'll just make a note and store those things up and use them as vibrational ammunition when I'm next out of the Vortex. (See "Point 3" below) That means, as far as the (Advanced) Focus Blocks approach is concerned, I'll mostly start my day at the Positive Aspects or Rampage of Appreciation level though often I don't even need to do an ROA Vortex check because I'm enthusiastically leaping out of bed to get stuck straight into something I find exciting/thrilling so it's just obvious I'm fully aligned. So then the question now focuses on what happens to all those unresolved "issues" that I'm lazily avoiding? There's a few points to consider here...
Point 1: Many "issues" clear themselves up...if you allow themYou'll notice this effect happening if you happen to be scanning your vibrational spreadsheet (or whatever other system you prefer) and you accidentally stumble across an old issue and suddenly realize it is no longer relevant to your life. Something has happened since you last thought about it that, seemingly without effort on your part, resolved it or made it a non-issue in your life. How did this happen? It's because by delaying dealing with out-of-the-Vortex subjects, I open up the possibility for those subjects to clean themselves up because of the magnetic quality of the Vortex. It occurs because I might, just by naturally living life from my Vortex-alignment, have something happen that causes me to give a brief flash of attention to one of those "issue" subjects and suddenly it is dragged up to a better-feeling vibrational setpoint even without me realizing what I have done. It's effectively a non-conscious, automatic Reach-Down-From-The-Vortex can think of it as a Vibrational Vacuum Cleaner :)
Point 2: "Don't worry, it will get bigger"Abraham love saying this to people who worry about issues that might be lurking unresolved in their lives. The only issues that matter in your life are the ones that you are giving conscious attention to and those will be highlighted to you because you start to feel bad when you think of them. But sometimes you can get so used to thinking about some bad-feeling subjects that you forget you are feeling bad (See leather shoes analogy). In that case, "Don't Worry, It Will Get Bigger" :) ...meaning that Law of Attraction won't allow you to focus on a subject without you becoming more of a vibrational match to the frequency of that subject...meaning that you will start to encounter subtle/minor physical manifestations (vibrational "hiccups") of that subject in your reality. A "hiccup" might be, for example, you are driving down a road and you notice some aggressive driving behavior (not necessarily directed at you) whereas previously, from your habitually good-feeling state, it seemed that every driver on the planet was always kind and courteous to you and everyone else. It just seems so unusual that this could happen and, because there is no such thing as a vibrational near-miss, there must be a part of you that is now a vibrational match to it. But there's also no need to worry even if you don't notice these little "hiccups"...Law of Attraction will ensure they will get bigger :) Eventually you'll get a full-blown physical manifestation and one of those full-blown physical manifestations will get your attention so much that you'll realize you have no choice but to clean it up. This idea is also somewhat connected to "Point 4" below where these "hiccups", instead of resulting from bad-feeling focus by Physical Self, start to occur because of inspirations from Broader Self.
Point 3: You have more fuel for your next out-of-the-Vortex lift-offNo-one in physical form can stay in the Vortex forever. The analogy of the Vortex is just Abraham-speak for a state of alignment between physical and non-physical selves. But our non-physical selves are always seeking expansion so that means our physical selves are often being "left behind" and need to put in some vibrational effort to adjust to the new alignment frequency. During those brief periods of out-of-the-Vortexness, you now have vibrational access to those out-of-the-Vortex topics you've been storing up. Whereas from within the Vortex you found those subjects to be distant and meaningless, once you are out of the Vortex again, many of them will make perfect sense and seem like entirely legitimate issues. Now you can use a little trick. Each one of those "issues" has some untapped energy of relief hidden within them. And, with the way that the Focus Blocks approach works, you use that power of relief that those topics give you to springboard yourself quickly back towards Vortex alignment again. It's like in some martial arts when you use the aggressive force of an attacker against themselves for your own advantage. As soon as you gain enough momentum from the "relief" being released from dealing with Focus Blocks issues, you can easily reach up towards Positive Aspects (perhaps passing through the Touchstones/What Ifs layer on the way) and once you are at the Positive Aspects level, you are going to be magnetically drawn back into the Vortex, which can be confirmed with a Rampage of Appreciation. Using this idea, there have been times when I've literally gone from the most ultra painful out-of-the-Vortex state to total (and stable) joy again within a few minutes. And moving so quickly back into alignment can give you a real energy rush...a thrill of realignment. It's when you are able to repeatedly pull-off this deliberate vibrational rebound that your confidence about your life experience soars because you realize you never have anything to fear ever again because people only fear having painful emotions. That's when you start living with the feeling of invincibility
Point 4: "Houston, we have a problem..."The final point is that you can't clean up all your life anyway. And in even trying to do so, you'll only make things worse, not better, thanks to the Law of Attraction. Your non-physical broader self has a much better view of your life landscape than you do. (See Is life really just about living in a state of bliss?). So there will be times when an issue suddenly surfaces in your life even when you are feeling Vortex-aligned. But if it happened when you were Vortex-aligned then it must have been a vibrational match to the Vortex i.e. an inspired issue to clean up It's your Broader/Higher/Inner Self trying to get your attention that this issue is one to resolve (or more technically, "integrate") in order to continue your good-feeling journey. Those increasing-in-intensity vibrational "hiccups" I mentioned earlier will eventually make it obvious to you that something needs some vibrational chewing-over. But again, these issues make themselves known to you themselves. You don't have to go searching for them from your Vortex-aligned state.
In Summary: Wu WeiSo, in essence, the "doing nothing" approach that I use is really an actively non-doing approach...a deliberate use of doing nothing to achieve something :) ...what the Taoists call Wu Wei ...and it's also a particularly handy excuse to use with my wife when I don't want to chop wood and carry water, or even chop wood and carry wood :) @Catherine - Thanks. You're welcome
(20 Nov '14, 09:52)
Excellent! Option 1 it is then.
(20 Nov '14, 12:37)
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I'm not Stingray, but I'd like to add my thoughts, too :) Quite often during the day I would feel bad about something and that would kick me out of the vortex, at least temporarily. I would make a note of it and add a focus block for it to the spreadsheet, to be dealt with later. When you add that focus block to the list, you get a relief! In a sense, you do already some focus block work, by simply adding it to the list - since you do find a thought that makes you feel better, even though it maybe comes not in a consciously intended way. Brian Tracy, I think, said that people are happy when they [feel like they] have things under their control. Feeling helpless indeed, is very low on the emotional scale. And by adding the situation/area of your life to the list, you get the feeling of having it under control, tending to it in some way, being on your way to solving it, to having it better. But maybe if you do this more consciously - if you pay attention that you do feel better when adding it to the list BECAUSE it gives you ( = you find) a better feeling thought, you might start feeling better with it, since it will be clearer for you, what's going on, and also you will tap yourself on the shoulder for doing it :) - for doing SOME work in it already. Work that really matters, the only work maybe that really matters - the vibrational work. The next morning when I wake up, most of the days I am finding that I am already feeling good, so I would go straight to positive aspects and finish with rampages of appreciation. As a result, those new focus blocks are just sitting there untouched. If you feel good, when you feel good, you tend to all the issues, because they all are you, and you feel good. Remember Abraham said, that "you can pet your cat and let it in"? Find some video with Abraham on this subject, it will let you feel it some more. I think, the main clarification that can be brought here, is that when you do all these things - tend to your feeling better, not touching those old issues, you prepare yourself for doing the "issues" work, if it's some heavy issues, and actually in the preparing yourself, you do some work in the area of the issues, already. I mean, don't you experience it sometimes, that you put away something, and tend to some other focus blocks, and you feel good with those other issues, but then a day comes, when you feel, you're so stable and balanced now, thanks to this other vibrational work and feeling good, that you can touch this subject, too? That's because you DID do some work regarding the "issue", too, even though you might think you did not. "You can pet your cat and let it in", and also - "when you have one area of your life that is going well and nine that aren't going well, focus on the one that flourishes, and those nine will start flourishing, too" (not a precise quote, but gives the sense, I hope :)). I think, the matter here is that when you feel good about something else, you are in a better vibrational state, and then automatically you start having a higher viewpoint on those old issues, too. I feel it a lot in this focus work, for example: 48. Aligning Map (aligning many areas at once) - when I add a relieving thought to one area, I usually find it can be applied and give a relief in many other areas, too, if not all of them. What do you think? And also - what about "being general"? By adding the "issue" to the list of focus blocks, you did the "going general" work - you acknowledged this situation to be something vibrational! And that by itself is not a small step, even though it may look like a very obvious one, since you're becoming accustomed to living the vibrational way. :) Even on the days when I am not already feeling good when I wake up, I am very close. As soon as I have one or two focus blocks, I am there. Those one or two focus blocks obviously would be chosen at random, so my new issues are likely not to come up by the time I stop. Both Abraham and Bashar say, there's no such thing as "random". I believe that all issues come up when they need to be tended to. I believe that my life is wise and is working together with me, for me. Some say it's my Inner Being and Higher Self that do that. :) It feels like I am cheating in the process because I am not working on those new issues enough. Abraham spoke about it a lot - it's about the belief that what you desire, has to be earned! That you're not worthy by yourself of all those good feeling things, good feeling life, that you have to justify your existence and earn your happiness. The moment you change that perspective to the worthy one, you will be glad you're "cheating" - because it will let you know you found exactly that "crack of the least resistance". :) What should I do? Relax. Breathe deeply. Give yourself more credit. You're doing good. Life is tending to you. :) You are wonderful. As we all are. :) 5
@Olga Farber- When you add that focus block to the list, you get a relief! In a sense, you do already some focus block work, by simply adding it to the list - since you do find a thought that makes you feel better, even though it maybe comes not in a consciously intended way. Very true! Sometimes just acknowledging the issue is enough:
(13 Nov '14, 15:12)
@Satori, acknowledging, yes, good word, thank you for reminding me. :)
(13 Nov '14, 15:17)
Olga Farber
@cod2, thank you :)
(13 Nov '14, 15:18)
Olga Farber
@Satori, thanks for the link. Yes, that question very much resembles my situation. I am finding - after about three weeks of daily vortex alignment - that my morning vibrational routine has become really short, because I don't need to do the focus blocks.
(14 Nov '14, 02:50)
@Olga Farber- Your welcome. @cod2-Your welcome. Glad to hear its getting quicker and easier for you to Align, which makes sense really, the more you do this process the better/quicker you get at it. Im finding myself with a lot more empty Focus Blocks these days as well:)
(15 Nov '14, 04:17)
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Great answer by Olga Farber - a lot of the time I've found that just articulating the issue and creating a focus block helps bring me relief. Also, I sometimes like working on focus blocks when I'm already in a good-feeling place, because then I have easier access to better-feeling thoughts around the issue. So I won't stop doing focus blocks just because I've gotten into the Vortex, I'll actually continue. I may dip a little as the issue activates a lower vibration, but because I previously felt really good, it won't be as hard for me to feel better again. So you could always try doing a few more focus blocks even when you're already in the Vortex :) Excellent addition, @cassiopeia, and thank you! :) Yes, I experience it, too, that it's easier to do the focus blocks when I already feel good, and then after the dipping and working it through, I come to a richer feeling good, actually. So it's kind of a gourmet lunch :)
(14 Nov '14, 08:23)
Olga Farber

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@cod2 - I'm a bit short on time at the moment. I'll get around to answering your question in the next few days
@cod2 This is a great question - it will be interesting to see what Stingray has to say about it as he has so much experience here.