It have been thinking about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) a lot lately; it seems that there are a bunch of people having to deal with bad memories. This thinking led me to wonder about expectation:

Example (not my thinking- just an example):I was hurt badly in Vietnam years ago: the hurt will just go on and on. Is this not a way of actually manifesting more hurt? One gathers what one puts out. If one is expecting to get hurt again, will it happen? So- to actually heal PTSD, then all one would have to do is to stop expecting something bad. But in the case of PTSD, is the brain actually altered by memory? Then, can a vet actually recover if trauma changes the brain? I think the brain is pretty elastic- so why not ask one's brain to undo and repair this wiring?

Perhaps this is an extreme example, but isn't PTSD a disease of expectation? So, then, memory does affect expectation, and it can affect our look at reality. In other words, when we want to manifest something good, we need to consider how our memory might affect what we receive.

I have always been concerned for people with PTSD- and have given a lot of thought to their cure. Maybe this is a way out. I would never send home a veteran of a war until he or she has been counseled. (Just opinion- I would bet that the soldiers would balk and just want to get home. I would not blame them!)

Thanks in advance for your answers!


asked 24 Apr '15, 03:30

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 25 Apr '15, 03:31

jai, actually thought is the past evaluating the present and the past is memory

(27 Apr '15, 20:50) fred

You've a lot of questions in the negative form in this question. So I am going to try to answer based on what I do understand about your question.

If these memories play over and over and our attention gets caught up into the replaying of these memories then it would seem that these would be having an affect on what we are creating in our expectation. The thoughts that are paid attention to are being amplified as what we pay attention to gets amplified and this brings the experience of that attention into maturity. The maturity is the creation of the experience and also experiencing the creation that results from the attention hence paid.

It this is repeatedly observed and felt it should have an affect on what is to come in experiences. Thus fear brings something to fear, so this would create a traumatic loop that as it is worn through each time repeated the groves grow wider and deeper. This brings more trauma each time hence resulting in more PTSD over more things.


answered 25 Apr '15, 02:17

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi


@Wade Casaldi- My dear: How about we just edit my question, and substitute what you just wrote in its place?? You have this way of writing clearly. I am sorry that you did not understand the negative question concept- I've had a lot of teachers, and I picked up the habit from them. Love you, ♥♥♥ Jai PS Thanks for pointing out the typo.

(25 Apr '15, 03:24) Jaianniah
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