First of all a bit of info to get the ball rolling, get the neurones nicely warmed and set the scene; Definition of physical in The Free Dictionary; of or relating to the body, as distinguished from the mind or spirit. Definition of experience in The Free Dictionary; The apprehension of an object, thought or emotion through the senses or mind. Definition of physical in the Urban Dictionary; 1 - to beat someone up (verb) 2 - A procedure in which a doctor examines your whole body including your ** Definition of experience in the Urban Dictionary; if you have it, you don't need it. If you need it, you don't have it. If you have it, you need more of it. Bottom line, If you've never had any of it...ever. People just seem to know. My definition of my physical; that which concerns my physical form My definition of my experience; that which I can feel and sense within my physical form My definition of physical forms ; all that I can see with my human eyes and that other humans can see too My definition of physical experience; something that I've actually physically experienced in my own reality. Now here's the lead up to my question it's an overview of why many people in their quest for happiness and prosperity fail to get what they want.
The result is that the goal itself contains built in stories, and those stories can be true or false or a mix. So if you trust and use your own mind as a base and your own mind contains erroneous material then your goal will always be off target. Now I'm sure you've familiar with this saying "We are spiritual beings having a physical experience". At this point you may be thinking that for a spiritual being a physical experience is an event or story that takes place in the physical world, the world that can be perceived through any or all the five human senses. Just to illustrate what I'm saying here's a colourful story based on the definition of the word "experience" in the Urban Dictionary; "During his first time at the strip club, Matt was promptly thrown out and savagely beaten in the parking lot for licking Bunny's balloon knot. Needless to say, he did not make the same mistake twice after that experience."
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there is different people some trust the mind some trust the heart and some are trouble in their heart and in their mind. they still need to know thyself so that the heart and mind are in truth and not trouble and this is meditation of 40 day+ in the deep, deep truth about one self and one experience in this world. some have what it takes to do it and some do not yet have it. when everything will be in truth they will not be trouble any more and they will not have any question to ask any more at that point the two will become one. but for the moment it is desire that lead want want want you said it. some even want thing that they know nothing about and they did not even consider what would happen if they got it. as for book seminar etc.. it does not make one a expert. it is like the bible it is not because some one read the bible that he is a saint. some read it and can tell it to you from memory but they might not have any idea what it is about or referring to. that book was made from many people life experience and reporting things that surpasses the common understanding. and those that understood it where killed because of people fear and ego that want power. they could not accept that someone was better then them. or add or would have more power or importance then them. do not be surprise at my saying that when you will try to help some people and talk about thing you know. they shall tell you that you know nothing. the simple fact is that they do not know and do not want it to show. so they prefer to put it on you. you will experience many things in this world. you will come to know their heart and minds and why they do such things that are not logical in though or emotion. do not worry they are just trouble. |
What makes you think you are physical? Did you not read a physics book lately? What about electricity? Have you listened to the oligarchs on this earth way, way too long? We are electrical energy field beings. We can't be physical because we all consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms, each one an electrical energy field. Can't you see that we have all been lied to from the beginning? This is the nature of slavery. Those billion dollar energy colliders built around the world NEVER find solidity. NEVER. They work with energy. Always energy. At the core of this existence are waves of energy and light. Physics 101. From these waves burst forth quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. Atoms spin as positive/negative poles. Our images are being created just like batteries. If you could see a whole lot more, you would see the energy/light of the sun/of existence coming down through your head and out between your legs. This motion is the same that batteries take as they charge up. You can see a diagram of this constant creation in the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan. As electrical beings we are constantly changing. These fields project our holographic images. How else do you think electricity becomes us? We are being projected like the images on a computer screen or TV screen. We can't die because we are not physical to begin with. 1
that's good, yet somehow see my
(02 Dec '21, 16:50)
Hi @MagicallyEternal so physical experience is just an illusion like the image on a tv screen ...
(06 Dec '21, 00:01)
Magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons. These words come from the book THE QUANTUM WORLD written by the physicist Kenneth Ford. Ford explains that subatomic particles are popping in and out all the time. We pulsate. Electrons zoom out so fast to create another like us and then they are back again to create us. Between them is a tunnel thought to be JUST a block hole. We are here and then we are not here. FAST!
(06 Dec '21, 01:10)
yes Kenneth Ford's point of view is brilliant ... all very inpressive ... so where do human thoughts, emotions and feelings fit into the scene ?
(06 Dec '21, 04:54)
Created in the image of God. If the word ONE is to be true, then what is at the core of existence if not light? Imagine these quarks constantly spinning billions of times a second as they build us. This light is not only spinning but bursting forth and traveling FROM us intersecting all other forms of light being created with/as quarks. Rocks, metals, thoughts-all of these are being formed as light images. From where do these quarks burst forth from? God's mind which is intelligence itself.
(06 Dec '21, 22:22)
science is faced with a dilemma; classical science states our world exists in time and space, quantum mechanics shows that time and space don't exist everything is happening here and now, these two points of view are like opposite sides of a coin like birth and death. All scientific principles are based on the tension between yin/yang (electro-magnetism) without which nothing happens, to resolve all this I like to believe that everything is energy, consciousness and infinite possibilities :)
(07 Dec '21, 03:17)
"infinite possibilities" yes ... I dwell in possibility :). Isn't that what the quantum world is all about? You asked about thoughts and emotions. When @MagicallyEternal answered another question, he said thoughts/images were different frequencies. Are e-motions strong currents of energy?
(08 Dec '21, 12:16)
"... an elementary particle is not an independently existing enity. It is, in essence, a set of relationships that reach outward to other things." ~ Henry Stapp, Atomic Energy Commission - "S-Matrix Interpretation of Quantum Theory. As for objects, Stapp's interpretation can be found in "Mind, Matter & Quantum Mechanics".
(08 Dec '21, 12:22)
Photons are very elementary. Photons seem to know where they are going; as if they have a mind of their own. "consciousness" ... yes, one theory suggests exactly that.
(08 Dec '21, 14:16)
Photons are consciousness ready to follow our commands/wishes. I read that in a Seth book. I mostly write my comments from Seth books. I notice I refer back to the book AN ASCENSION HANDBOOK by Stubbs, too. AND the book THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE by Talbot. AND the HANDS OF LIGHT book by Brennan. I am trying to remember, rather than always referring back to books for memory. Seth called God the words ALL THAT IS. The book LIVING THE INFINITE WAY by Goldsmith said "where is God but within you?"
(08 Dec '21, 17:54)
What is within us but waves of light and energy? The same energy as the sun and wind and stars?
(08 Dec '21, 17:55)
It's my understanding that photons do not exist by themselves.
(08 Dec '21, 19:34)
"What is within us" God ... your point did not escape me. I on the other hand was referring to the dance :)
(09 Dec '21, 18:07)
The dance of quarks/atoms/consciousness? How about the dancing I used to do all the time back in the day earth time? I am not a "he". To most I look like a she, but of course I know I am both and neither. I like the neutral energy/imagination/light words. What does ele mean? I will have to look that up again. I have read that the barium, strontium 90, aluminum and mercury in those chemtrails are causing all kinds of memory lapses. I eat all organic, but who knows if it really is organic.
(10 Dec '21, 00:33)
Are e-motions strong currents of energy? I have felt strong currents of energy enter my body. Twice, but I don't remember any emotions connected to them. Remember that water creature on the video THE ABYSS? These currents felt like that water looked. While wishing the best for others all the time, I saw a co-worker fall down in front of me one day. While deciding what to do I felt a whole lot of energy become me. Not goosebumps, but a charge. I put my hand on this fallen man, then he jumps up.
(10 Dec '21, 00:43)
"he" .... Thanks for clarifying. I assure you I was using it in a gender neutral way. I should stick with s/he. :) Are you also an artist?
(10 Dec '21, 13:18)
Thanks for sharing your textbooks. Many of us here have read Seth, Brennan, etc. etc. Just search tags if interested. If you check tags by name, it's easier. You'll find links for books. If I recall correctly you can find a question where you can list yours.
(10 Dec '21, 13:34)
Yes, I have created several thought images on canvas. They are all in storage now because I couldn't stand living by myself where I was. Plus, I needed 2 change what I was doing. I have the strong urge 2 paint quarks. I like the bursting lights on the market. I think of attaching them 2 clothes and canvases. The more I read other's comments, the more shocked I am that so many believe in death. So many condemn suicide. I have read no comments yet where Brennan's work is mentioned. Few about Seth
(10 Dec '21, 14:39)
Sorry, the questions are marked w/tags but not the answers. Scroll through the ?'s Happy searching :) As for the Seth books. It was a good starting point for many. Jane is gone like your mother. Many ppl have gone onto other authors. More & more ppl are choosing videos over books now to get their info artist ... One of your comments was poetic. Art sounds like your passion. Follow it. I'm also a tad lazy & comment boxes are limited which is another reason I didn't use your user name.
(11 Dec '21, 13:34)
"The dance of ...." True, the dance of subatomic particles never ends and it is never the same." I was referring to something else but that's good. Also, you may want to click on users and see if any of their views resonate with you as well as scrolling through Q&A. I realize you are very excited about your discoveries & want to share but perhaps you should tone it down a notch :)
(11 Dec '21, 13:40)
There was another reason I asked if you were an artist. Artists and true scientists (explorers) share certain characteristics which I see in you. This is NOT a chat forum. Discussion is permitted but this is entering the realm of chat - so I bid you adieu.
(11 Dec '21, 14:11)
Speaking of art and quarks, perhaps you should check out @jai question about seeing the face of God or was it the mind of God and other questions where she spins her art work into her Q&A.
(16 Dec '21, 23:27)
Tone it down a notch? I have been thinking about not writing here at all. That will tone my words down. Then I remember childhood and everyday life where EVERYONE wants me not to speak because? they don't understand because they have been told to TONE IT DOWN. This toning it down is why we are here to begin with. We have these questions and the more we don't express them, the more they pop up even more dense until these bodies called physical appear.
(17 Dec '21, 03:41)
yes @MagicallyEternal me too i had a difficult time when i first started on inward quest, i felt so spaced out like i'd just landed on another planet ... eventually my first profil 'blubird' was suspended due to inconsistant behaviour ... you could say i kind of crash landed
(17 Dec '21, 05:59)
jaz, Have you seen in the rules where we must be consistent? What does consistent mean? Once a day, a week, a month? I was writing on youtube videos a lot with no rules at all. There was a time when the censors got a lot of my words deleted, but I am back to normal now. Of course these censors being those nazi/communist thinking people/energy and light beings that want only THEIR thoughts written and spoken.
(17 Dec '21, 07:22)
jaz. I was severely abused as a child by these nazis/communists because they deleted every word I said about my NDE which THEY caused! That mother experienced the 1929 stock market/crash/STEAL and came out of it broken and deleted herself. She became vicious, me being the one with the weird NDE words that she took that viciousness 2. That NDE told me there is no such thing as death, so I COULD say nazism set up that NDE, then deleted its own self by causing those like me to research NDEs. Funny.
(17 Dec '21, 07:33)
I should have been more specific. Spamming comment boxes with the same info on multiple answers. Many members subscribe.
(17 Dec '21, 10:07)
Lightening bugs are beings of light. So a quark is a more advanced form of a lightening bug?
(10 Jan, 12:04)
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I had a bit of difficulty reading your text @white tiger so I copied every word you said onto a sheet of paper to enter into it ... by the time I'd finished I had tears in my eyes ... I'd love to see your text written in an easy to read fashion so that more people would read it, so I've written it myself, here goes ... "People are different, some trust the mind, some trust the heart, some are troubled in their heart and in their mind. They need to know themselves to bring their hearts and minds into truth and experience real freedom. Through deep meditation (40 days) they can find the truth about themselves and be as one with the world. Some have what it takes to do it and some do not yet have it. When they know the truth they will be freed and the two, heart and mind will be one. But for the moment it is desire want want want. Some even desire things they know nothing about and haven't even considered what would happen if they got it. Books, seminars ... etc etc etc do not produce experts. As for the Bible, just because you've read it doesn't make you a saint. Some quote the Bible from memory without really understanding the profound meaning. The Bible is a collection of many peoples life experiences that go well beyond common understanding. Those that understood it were "killed" by people's fear and greed for power. They could not accept that someone was "better" than them, more "powerful", more "important". (please note that the words marked "***" are just labels) Don't be surprised that when you offer to help and talk of things you know, some people will say you know nothing. The simple fact is that they do not know and do not want it to show. So they prefer to put you down. You'll experience many things in this world, you'll come to know their hearts and minds and why they do such things that are not rational in thought or emotion. Do not worry they are just troubled." Thanks @white tiger ❤ Now to the question in hand "what is physical experience" ... physical experience or should I say experiences are all the signals that my physical senses send to my inner being, phew that makes a **** of a lot of signals! update; recently I had a surgical operation on my left wrist, my whole left arm from shoulder to fingertips was under aesthesia for about 12 hours. During this time it felt as if my arm was in a different place as to my real physical arm. Using my right arm I could lift up my left arm, it just felt like a lump of dead meat exterior to my physical body. 1
@jaz in this we have talk only about water. and do not try to be one with the world this will deceive you. just try to be one in you mind and heart. because in this world there is some people that cannot accept them self and even less other even if you could accept them and understand them they can't and it will always cause friction. be wise enough to know the difference and let them grow. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?
(06 Jul '15, 03:15)
white tiger
Why thy self want to be one with the world? in this world there is many that judge do war hurt them self and other and many of those are also seeking to be one with the world? how much of them self will they loose for that want? until you die to thy self you cannot move from what trouble you and push you to be one with the world. first make your heart and mind be in truth from one accord and find the light in you and let it guide you in to all truth.
(06 Jul '15, 03:57)
white tiger
@white tiger yes I exist in Inner Space the medium of water
(09 Jul '15, 01:30)
When I read ~ "... Some trust the mind, some trust the heart..." I was reminded of how the electromagnetic field of the heart is 40 times stronger than the electromagnetic field produced by the brain which I'm sure you already know.
(28 Nov '21, 22:21)
You posted links to Heart Math in the past. The original data comes from a study done on emotions by the American Journal of Cardiology in case anyone is interested. What I posted about the electromagnetic field of the heart seems to indicate to many that we can be influenced as well as influence the people we come in contact by the quality of our hearts. It suggests that we can positively influence every cell in our bodies & in the bodies of those around us. From my experience, I concur
(09 Dec '21, 17:51)
Goes w/o saying, heart and mind have to be in sync. I hope that was understood.
(09 Dec '21, 18:02)
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jaz, perhaps consciousness of perceptions in third dimensional space
third dimensional space ... hmm, may I ask you @fred what are these three dimensions of which you speak?
third dimensional life is what we currently see and live in
so @fred for me three dimensional space is length width and height like a cube, you speak of three dimensions what then are the other dimensions two and one?
there are seven and broaden your search on space
What is physical experience?....To feel god in a heartbeat...
"there are seven and broaden your search on space" ... ok @fred I get the point ... would you like to expand on the bit about the seven?
jaz, seven different dimensions of space (though some would say twelve), what is the fear of your own search. from the ancients up to today much is written, leave no stone unturned unless you do not value your own mind
@fred my way of seeing it is that there're 10 objective worlds and 22 subjective pathways linking those 10 worlds thus 32 major energies in all which fits nicely with the chinese bagua 64 polarized lines, 32 energies
What is called physical is a super complex set of energy fields all streaming into a form while creating that form to say "what am I doing here? I was flowing energy before, but now I have slowed down into a crawl. What does that? Electricity in electrical wires. There are breakers and fuses that slow electricity down. So how did I set up the breakers and fuses that slow me down? I resisted the flow creating me." I must have thought "this new thought will only take a second, it's harmless."