I know that the past is created from the present, and that past events can be changed by imagining them going differently and then believing what you imagined. But, what I am wondering is, can you imagine something and then place it in your past in your mind as a memory, without changing an already existing past event? In other words, instead of changing an event, can I just make up an event in my mind and believe it to be something that happened in my past along with everything that actually happened and hsve it become something that really happened in my reality?

If I can do this, how would this new event fit into my past -- where would it have taken place? If I desire it to be a part of my past, will the universe work to accommodate me and arrange my past in such a way that the event fits in and makes sense? I seem to have no problem believing I can change an already existing past event to something I prefer, but when it comes to inserting an entirely new scenario created in my mind as a memory, I seem to struggle with it because these questions arise.

Any feedback is appreciated!

asked 17 Jun '16, 23:42

bluecruiser's gravatar image


If I remember correctly, Bashar has spoken about quitting smoking by moving yourself consciously to a physical reality where you never smoked in the first place. You might get some ideas from it...


I tend to think that existing manifesting methods already alter the past because everything happens Now (because only Now exists) and the illusion of past/future just updates automatically to reflect the evolved Now.

See Is it really possible to shift into a parallel reality with a different past?

But what you seem to be asking for is a conscious awareness of the past altering i.e. being aware of multiple simultaneous timelines with one timeline acting as a control variable.

There was an episode of "Star Trek - The Next Generation" called "Yesterday's Enterprise" where the writers explored these kinds of ideas in an entertaining and thought-provoking way...


...the character of Guinan provided the control variable on behalf of the television viewers.

From higher-than-physical levels (e.g. dream states, astral projection etc), these kinds of conscious time-based alterations are no problem at all because time is an illusion of the physical plane and we are not constrained by it when not focused there.

But physical reality was intended to be a single-point-of-focus environment in order to provide the complete immersive illusion so, apart from the odd Mandela Effect glimpse, I'm not sure how you would consistently retain the awareness of the previous pasts that have been altered.

However, over the past few decades, physical reality has become considerably more fluid so possibly it's only a matter of time (excuse the pun) until it's possible to do this. Your ideas might be inspired by an awareness of changes that are coming.


answered 20 Jun '16, 02:47

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 20 Jun '16, 02:57

@Stingray - Love that STNG episode! I was recently sent the following physics video. I think it goes some way in scientifically explaining the (quantum) mechanics behind the Mandela Effect, as well as how the mercurial past is dependent, to a large degree, on present consciousness. The really mind-blowing conclusions occur toward the end of the video. I'm not sure if it has any practical value, but it's fun to see that science is finally "catching up" with these concepts. :)

(23 Jun '16, 23:14) lozenge123

@lozenge123 - Thanks :) As one that has a (outdated now) background in Quantum Mechanics/Relativity Theory, I found that fascinating. The more that one delves into the behavior of subatomic particles, the more it becomes clearer that our everyday concepts of linear time must be illusory otherwise basic ideas like these synchronized clump patterns don't make sense. Perhaps it's not so much that mainstream science is catching up but that a new holistic (and less dogmatic) science is emerging:)

(07 Jul '16, 14:29) Stingray
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to live in the now would be better for you. if you need to change the past for your future do it in the now. you made some error in the past repent fix what you did wrong first inside then outside. you have free will and can act in the present moment. if you want to change it in your present reality do the work that you need to do for it. it is never to late to do the right thing. why do you waste the present moment? if you desire to make it part of your past use the present moment to make the necessary change. then in the future that is starting now it will have really happen in the past. learn the value of the now the present moment. to only imagine is not enough. you can imagine stuff it does not make it true. test it and try it. and you will see that some things are not quite like you imagine it. you can be missing knowledge about stuff with in or outside of you. good example would be some inventor that add some idea in their imagination the problem is when they try to make it for real and put it in this world it take work and many try to correct what is making it not work as they imagine it. in the processes they learn many important things that using only imagination they would not have know.

good example look at plane. do you think the inventor just imagine it and it started flying on its own? or something smaller a light bulb. do you think the light bulb you are using today came only from one man imagination? someone got the idea and tried to make it happen they have perfected it some in their life time for some other they have worked on the same invention each perfecting it until it worked.

Thomas Edison is usually credited with the invention of the light bulb, but the famous American inventor wasn't the only one who contributed to the development of this revolutionary technology. Many notable figures are also remembered for their work with electric batteries, lamps and the creation of the first incandescent bulbs.

In 1800, Italian inventor Alessandro Volta developed the first practical method of generating electricity, the voltaic pile. Made of alternating discs of zinc and copper -- interspersed with layers of cardboards soaked in salt water -- the pile conducted electricity when a copper wire was connected at either end. While actually a predecessor of the modern battery, Volta's glowing copper wire is also considered to be one of the earliest manifestations of incandescent lighting.

William David Coolidge, an American physicist with General Electric, improved the company's method of manufacturing tungsten filaments in 1910. Tungsten, which has the highest melting point of any chemical element, was known by Edison to be an excellent material for light bulb filaments, but the machinery needed to produce super-fine tungsten wire was not available in the late nineteenth century. Tungsten is still the primary material used in incandescent bulb filaments today.

the light bulb you use today it took 110 year to make it work.


you cannot expect to only imagine something to make it work. at best it is a basic plan that need some work.

the best way to have something in your mind is when you do it. that is what you call experience.

good example you can imagine you are the first man that put the foot on the moon. if you did not actually do it, it will not stay in your mind for long what you have imagine. and if some one ask you information about that experience it can be very different from what it is actually.


answered 18 Jun '16, 03:51

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

Your question raises questions. I recently read a book called The Intention Experiment and there have been experiments where intentions have an affect on past events, as if those events were changed by present intention. Out of an abundance of curiosity, why would you need or want to go back and insert a situation in the past? However, my simple answer to your question is, we are more powerful than we acknowledge and our minds have the power to bend, shape, and warp time. Very few people today can let go of the linear time continuum to even consider your question. The implications of changing the past are huge.


answered 18 Jun '16, 10:36

Stoned%20Gypsy's gravatar image

Stoned Gypsy


Inserting a situation in your past can help in becoming the person you really want to be in the present vibrationally. It sort of acts as a permission slip that you give yourself.

(18 Jun '16, 11:36) bluecruiser

So how is that different than present intentions to making yourself the person you want to be vibrationally going forward?

(18 Jun '16, 11:46) Stoned Gypsy

It's not different, it's just a method to do so. Everyone is different and what works best for one person doesn't necessarily work best for another person. I find that changing the past works for me because then it all makes sense to me. If I had that past, then of course I would be this person now. That's how it works.

(18 Jun '16, 16:18) bluecruiser

@bluecruiser the only problem with this is that if you would have been that person in the past you would not have to change it. you say: If I had that past, then of course I would be that person now. you can change it in the now so you are that person in the future that will be the new now. the time is now it always is for everything that happens for every decision you make. the only way you could change the past is moving out of the linear time line. then moving back in the linear time line-

(24 Jun '16, 07:39) white tiger

in the past to re enter the now and make the change. and even if you would do that or try to do that it does not mean that it would work. it is not because you are aware of it now that you want to make this change now in the past that the past you is aware of it if he would be aware of it he would have make it so. you see the awareness of the now is limited to a certain frame of linear time. when you where born do you remember where you come from? so even if you would go back in the past-

(24 Jun '16, 07:53) white tiger

to make the change you would not remember as a new born in the flesh. any way you would need to find out how to move from the linear time. and become like the wind, and very few enter.John3:1-21. not only would you have to do it in this time frame but on the other one as well. to achive what you want to do. and once you enter the place out of the linear time you will not even care about the linear time and changing the past the way you want to. you might not believe me but it is so.

(24 Jun '16, 08:00) white tiger
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