In the beginning of this year I've had an experience: I was experiencing some resistance (I was worried about having forgotten something important, an OCD of mine), then a friend of mine said something and we got talking about something else and at some point, I realised that the resistance I had just earlier disappeared. That same issue in terms of whatever was bothering me mentally stopped feeling like a problem. The thoughts that caused the issue previously, failed to cause the negative feeling again (although I haven't tried very hard to resurrect my problem). I believe while I was talking to my friend, a new momentum got going and it was a positive one (normally, when I talk about LOA etc I feel good). One of those positive distractions that makes you forget about problems, and all of a sudden you feel better and the problem is gone. It felt as though simultaneously, when the positive momentum took foothold, the problem I had previously subsided.

My vexation is this: was that my simply letting go of the issue that removed the resistance (regardless of whether I got talking about something else and got momentum going in another direction) or was it the fact that I got momentum going while talking to my friend? Writing this, the answer seems obvious, in that without putting attention on something else, we end up stuck in our resistance so there isn't really a "letting go" as such without putting the attention elsewhere; but I'd like to hear an answer about this anyway.

I've been having a lot of experiences recently where all the theories (e.g. Getting into the Vortex), clearing techniques, and many others, all begin to make sense. I seem to be obsessed with making sure everything is consistent, and finally things have started hitting home. So here's me being a bit lazy asking the community to save me working it out, perhaps someone will deliver another little golden nugget for me.

I am intrigued by Robert Smith's Faster EFT, more specifically, which part of actually does the trick?

Which part of Faster EFT actually does the releasing?

[Some other EFT musing if anyone cares to comment: To me, letting go of the emotion and having "faith" that it will be taken care of means that the feeling might go away not immediately, but tomorrow. For example, I have drunk too much coffee thinking I'll need that to concentrate and help me align, maybe even I've eaten too much rubbish and now feeling pain somewhere in my body. As I see it, I'm "in the past" and already have set things in motion with my actions that cause this pain and this pain has to run its course. Tomorrow perhaps, the actual solution to my pain will be in form of an idea such as not drinking the coffee, or going for a walk instead of eating something due to my avoidance of facing some discomfort.]

I've recently read a book by Richard Dotts called Your Greatest Gift. I believe everyone who needs more clarity today must read this author's work. The author talks about everyone's ability to get in touch with the deep feeling of inner peace; removing all thoughts, all feelings, and just surrendering to the higher power, even for a second. This distinct feeling he describes, to me, is this invincible feeling in which everything seems OK. I've experienced many times and I am inclined to relate this feeling to The Vortex, but with the exception that The Vortex follows peace.

In Faster EFT, Robert G Smith teaches to grab your wrist, imagine a peaceful place and say peace. Is this the bit that actually does the work? Is it the intention behind the process as a whole that makes it work? Is it the distraction on the tapping, or the length of time we focus on the process (or repeating the process) that makes all the difference? Or is it the induction of the feeling of peace in the end that is responsible for EFT's work?

I have been jumping from one understanding to another, and as much as each and everyone of them seems to feel true in the moment, the idea of peace stands above others, as that doesn't involve any logic/thinking and you can hit it any time you like. I am still practicing and know I am close to unifying all of these things.

Thank you

Edit 24-Nov-16 The answer to my questions is all in here:

asked 23 Nov '16, 09:38

einsof's gravatar image


edited 24 Nov '16, 04:44

there is a general principle in behavior change philosophies (such as NLP) that says that if you manage to "merge" a good-feeling state with a bad-feeling state, the body/brain/mind etc. will always choose to adopt the good-feeling state and discard the bad-feeling one.

[...snipped content...]

The tapping on a particular point causes enough electrical stimulation to a particular bodily organ so that it deliberately relaxes/harmonizes while the tapping is being done, and since you are simultaneously focused on the troubling sensation, it also neutralizes the negative thought-form that is behind the troubling emotion

Copied from Does EFT really work or it is a gimmick ? answer previously churned out by some dodgy guy called Stingray :)


answered 23 Nov '16, 12:30

Stingray's gravatar image


"will always choose to adopt the good-feeling state and discard the bad-feeling one." -- Ah, I have been drumming into myself for some time that we naturally prefer the positive (for had we been "our natural selves", we wouldn't even question what we want or that we'll have it - we probably wouldn't even choose as such, but it would be an instinctive thing). The seed for this idea probably came from you btw.

(23 Nov '16, 13:00) einsof

You may have linked things in my mind for me. I had doubts about the actual tapping and its relationship with physical organs, and saw that part of EFT a bit like tricking the mind, a distraction or make-belief. I didn't want to buy the "science" stuff. And yet I found myself strongly resonating with EFT recently.

(23 Nov '16, 13:01) einsof

I still wonder. Robert Smith in his free video on YouTube asks the audience to imagine the tapping, and does the whole process mentally. It seems as though by simply noticing the feeling, and then "releasing it" (e.g. giving it to the Universe or something along those lines) is like a short-cut. I wonder if the organs relaxing from the tapping (as you write in your answer) is actually them relaxing as we find the feelings within them...

(23 Nov '16, 13:01) einsof

...whilst maintaining our intention to release negative feelings there; the tapping being secondary, rather than the cause? Thank you for your answer, always appreciated.

(23 Nov '16, 13:02) einsof

@einsof - "the tapping being secondary" - Yes, the tapping is secondary. At a deeper level, it's the intention (a thought-based thing) that causes it to work. So you can just imagine doing the tapping happening (when you can't tap in public) and that also works. You can also just intend to instantly release uncomfortable feelings and that would also work if you believed it would work. Bashar calls these methods permission slips, I call them convenient beliefs (see link in answer)

(24 Nov '16, 03:30) Stingray

The answer in the link is extremely helpful - edited my question to include the link. I believe that answer was my first encounter with IQ. 99% of it went over my head back then, haha.

(24 Nov '16, 04:48) einsof

@einsof - Glad it helped :)

(27 Nov '16, 04:36) Stingray
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