This question is marked "community wiki".

It occured to me that my recent experience with an unintentional manifestation may be a common one, so I am hoping that by sharing my experience in a Community Wiki, I might provide a quick roadmap back to the light :)

I recently uh... accidently, manifested someone screaming their head off at me. Wow, was that a surprise lol! (0.o) I listened to it as best I could (not my rodeo anymore, not my horse, so it was a bit befuddling), it was basically "no one listens to me, no one cares about me, my feelings don't matter to anyone, and it's all your fault" um, somehow. This person did apologize within hours, because of course it was not actually about me at all.

I knew that I didn't "deserve" or "earn" this, but I did recoil and feel a little hurt for a moment; it took me so completely by surprise.

My first thought was, of course; How in the heck did I manifest this? Like, what did I just step in? Eeeew.

I would prefer not to be screamed at, so I had a look at how I'd manifested such a thing.

It took putting it all on a back burner and sleeping on it (a great idea, btw) for me to recognize what it was actually about. I had been feeling somewhat unheard, and my feelings ignored in recent months, but it originated with a different person, in such different-feeling circumstances, the connection didn't occur to me at first. But the answer will always be in your feelings, above and beyond any circumstances. Circumstances could match of course, but it's how you feel about them that matters.

I had been paying mild attention to those feelings, thinking oh yeah I'll need to turn this around, ya know sometime, when I get around to it. Whoops. :) But even so, I certainly did not feel so violently intense about it at all.

It was this scale of my manifestation that confused me. @Liam's answer in an old question of mine hit it. If you don't acknowledge vibrational matches that come up, showing you what you're creating, you don't have to don't worry about missing them haha, they will just get bigger and bigger until you recognize them.

Looking at it now, I can see that this theme and how I felt about it was the subject of several, increasingly irritating circumstances had been occuring recently.

Now the only action needed is an acknowledgement of what I'd been seeing, a nod and a smile, then an easy course-correct back to my happy life.

I want to stress that this is not something to fear. On the contrary, it is very satisfying to be the conductor of my own life, and a lot of fun. :)

asked 29 Mar '23, 20:43

Grace's gravatar image


edited 13 Jun '23, 16:29

Thanks for sharing though I don't really get it.

But what happened to the Inwardquest community? Wouldn't there be a better place to share this?

(30 Mar '23, 11:36) kakaboo

Hi @kakaboo - Unintentionally manifesting unpleasant things can be mystifying. I found good advice and clarity when I searched here, so I posted this Wiki here for others who may be looking for clarity too.

It's intended to offer an example of how they might find their way through as well.

(31 Mar '23, 14:01) Grace
showing 0 of 2 show 2 more comments

I recently uh... accidently, manifested someone screaming their head off at me. Wow, was that a surprise lol! (0.o)

So I was down at the shopping center recently and just randomly felt this uncontrollable urge to start screaming my head off at a passerby...oh, wait a minute...hi @Grace ;)


answered 30 Mar '23, 12:43

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 30 Mar '23, 12:44


@Stingray - Ah yes, the IQ connection vibes know no distance. Haha sorry bout that! :D

(30 Mar '23, 22:20) Grace
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