This is a question in terms of the law of attraction. After reading a lot of questions and answers on this very helpful forum, I am starting to truely put the pieces of LOA in order, however, I have a huge confusion. The processes of manifesting all start with wanting something, or deciding what you want. To the novice, good feelings give you what you want and vice-versa.

Only recently have I been clarified that being in emotional states of,: -wanting -desiring -lacking -impatience -(and the worst) needing in fact repel manifestation, and I've learned that perhaps these five listed emotions are the sneakiest and hardest to label as negative in terms of LOA. I guess these are the invisible emotions that explain why people who attempt LOA don't get what they want even after long times of focus.

For my real world example, I have had zero love in my life, despite reading pick-up-artist material, being bold and taking virtually every chance given to me. I'm 18 and never even been kissed, despite that I am strikingly handsome (I'm a supermodel) and mature. So naturally, I would like to find love. So, step 1 is to ask- "I want a girlfriend"

My question for this helpful community is this- is simply 'asking' for things a reflection that you are not satisfied with your life at the moment? Being in a continual state of wanting repels, but is not asking for what you want achieved in a state of wanting?

If I become content of being single, will I remain single? Because by that stage having a girlfriend or not won't make a difference to my emotional state (will it? should it?). Will being content at the moment translate as "I will continue to be single, because I am content" or "now that he's content he will have a girlfriend."?

asked 02 Jul '11, 13:58

Nikulas's gravatar image


First of all, just a reminder that the LOA is not something that you can either: decide to use or to leave on the shelf for another day. The LOA has been and always will be working in everyone’s life 24/7/365. Knowing this is very self-empowering and explains the phenomena of life.

Only now you are becoming aware of it and you’re in the process of learning how to use its power in ways which serve you best. There are many tools you can use to assist you with the understanding and utilizing of the LOA and other Universal laws.

Remember that whatever tools you attract to yourself for this purpose will work for you - that is why you attracted them to you. You’ve decided to begin remembering the true nature of reality and how it works. So go ahead and use any tool, idea or concept that resonates with you as it will assist you.

If I become ‘my own soul mate,’ will I attract a soul mate?

That’s an interesting question Nikulas. I don’t think anyone can offer any guarantee to you. However, if you are in a place whereby you can honestly say:

I’m very happy, I’m feeling
good and I love myself and my life
unconditionally and absolutely!

Then you are in a position of allowing all good things to naturally find their way into your life experience. A true soul mate is someone who’s been working their way to you in the same way that you’ve been working your way to them. And believing in this idea makes it true for you.

My question for this helpful community is this- is simply 'asking' for things a reflection that you are not satisfied with your life at the moment? Being in a continual state of wanting repels, but is not asking for what you want achieved in a state of wanting?

No, way no my friend. Life is a constant movement towards more becoming; becoming more than you currently are. Through the contrast of what you are living, new desires are automatically being born within you and that is good. Desire or wanting is the catalyst for movement, so without desire movement stops and that equals stagnation or death :)

If I become content of being single, will I remain single? Because by that stage having a girlfriend or not won't make a difference to my emotional state (will it? should it?). Will being content at the moment translate as "I will continue to be single, because I am content" or "now that he's content he will have a girlfriend."?

I think the fact that you’re asking this question implies that you’re not content in being single and that you desire having experience(s) with a female(s). Having an attitude of being happy and feeling good will naturally attract females with similar attitudes to you.

However, we always have to use discernment when interacting with others to be certain that they are really at that place. And we have to drop the idea of expectation and move into the idea of allowing. Life is moving through you, so allow it to bring all good things to you effortlessly.

Your thoughts concerning anything determine your emotional state, thought always precedes emotion; thus, being happy in thought equals feeling good emotionally. If you meet someone who’s not as you’d prefer, you always have a choice of what to think.

Let’s say that you meet someone and on the first date she tries to control you. Using discernment you understand and feel that she’s not in a happy-feel-good-state, do you: try to change her (as she’s trying to change you) or simply move on and allow the Universe to bring the next candidate to you, while maintaining your happy-good-feeling-state?

You are the creator of your life experience and your thoughts and feelings determine what that experience will be. Fundamentally it’s very simple, but due to our long adventure into this rabbit hole of self-imposed limitation, we love making it as difficult as can be. Ultimately it doesn’t matter though, because we have eternity to get it right 8-)


answered 03 Jul '11, 03:56

Eddie's gravatar image



Thankyou so much Eddie, you've really answered my question(s) in enough detail so I can pursue more info. Another question with trying to find a female partner- would it be best if i just 'forgot' about girls? If so, how can I do that?

(03 Jul '11, 13:08) Nikulas

Thanks Nikulas. Is it even possible for a man who loves women to forget them? I don't think so and it's not necessary. The important thing is to be in a state whereby it's OK to be alone. When the two who are happy alone come together and combine, they form a third reality which is greater than the two individuals...

(04 Jul '11, 01:50) Eddie

My question for this helpful community is this- is simply 'asking' for things a reflection that you are not satisfied with your life at the moment?

Everyone has desires even people who are totally satisfied and content with their life. When you ask for what you desire you should try not to have feelings of lacking needing or impatience, you should try to have feelings of love happiness and joy and actually BELIEVE that you already have it and it WILL come.I myself am somewhat new to the LOA but things are already starting to go my way. For me I see signs, I don't believe in ANY type of coincidence. I hope this helps.


answered 02 Jul '11, 17:38

TheBeardedDragon's gravatar image


edited 03 Jul '11, 02:53

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Believing, does it mean expecting? And does expecting, in the best stages of LOA, mean not worrying at all? And if that's the case, then should excitement disappear?

(03 Jul '11, 13:14) Nikulas

As you say you're new to LOA, I'll just remind you to eliminate the word 'try' from your vocabulary. Also, while it's true that chance, randomness and luck do not exist, co-incidence is just that; two events occurring simultaneously due to vibrational attraction. Welcome :)

(04 Jul '11, 01:55) Eddie

Ty Eddie I will work on that, when YOU say coincidence do you mean that it is meant to be because of vibrational attraction or did I misunderstand you

(05 Jul '11, 00:05) TheBeardedDragon

@TheBeardedDragon, It's not that anything is meant to be, but when two cars have what is generally called an accident, it's actually a co-incindence caused by 'like energy' vibrations of those involved. Like energy attracts like energy = LOA.

(05 Jul '11, 00:38) Eddie

NOW I see what you mean, thank you

(05 Jul '11, 01:04) TheBeardedDragon
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

I find that instead of "asking" for a soulmate, it works better if you continually express gratitude for "having" your soulmate. I call it "telling the truth in advance." So you might say to yourself, "I'm so happy and grateful that my soulmate IS in my life."

What concerns me most about your posting is saying that you have "zero love" in your life. To manifest your soulmate you need to become a fountain of abundant love - give love, not be an empty well waiting for someone to come fill you up.

Being content with your singlehood will not keep you single. It will make you more attractive because you will not be desperate or needy. People can smell desperation and neediness. Certain kinds of people will play on that to take advantage of you. People who are whole, happy and healthy will gravitate to you because "like attracts like."

I hope this helps.


answered 19 Jul '14, 16:45

EliteSoulMateCoaching's gravatar image


LOA is a great tool, but I believe you should not rely on it when it comes to relationships. You can use it initially to manifest a person with specific character traits, but after the occasion shows up, you should focus on physical action.

I also think I am handsome, but I can tell you that throughout my life I have learned that looks do not really matter. Of course it helps when it comes in pair with, for example, pua skills, but taken alone will not really affect your success.

Do not worry. I am 20 and had my first kiss a month ago. Sorry for going off topic and not answering your actual questions, but I believe it is best to combine LOA with pua skills, and I am talking about healthy pua focused on personal development. You have to practice more! You had many chances, but it seems that it was not enough. Good luck! We are in the same boat.


answered 03 Jul '11, 03:24

Asklepios's gravatar image


Thankyou so much for contributing. I don't like the idea of mixing pua with LOA, I think it's rather silly in my perception, considering I belive LOA outrules the laws of pua (or does it?). I've gone backwards and forwards between pua and LOA. Eventually, I believe the universe gave me a message. I sent a friend of mine several self help books- one was rules of the game. It was the only book he didn't return, cause he said he lost it. Ever since then, I rely on LOA.

Congratulations on your frist kiss. Seriously, pat on the back for you brother.

(03 Jul '11, 13:13) Nikulas

I think that the best thing, is to be happy, content, in whatsoever situation you are in, whether you are single, or married.


answered 03 Jul '11, 14:26

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

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