I read that the bible has many mistakes as the translations from Hebrew and Greek versions were not always correct. The saying of Jesus "Ask in my name" is actually meant to be "Ask from within my name". To me the difference is mind boggling and I received a big insight when reading this.
When we ask or pray in Jesus name we do just that but when we ask or pray from within Jesus name to me it means praying or asking from within Christ consciousness. To me Christ consciousness means God consciousness so it makes no difference which religion you belong to for all have God within. What does this possibly mean to you?

asked 29 Nov '11, 07:48

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Paulina 1

edited 29 Nov '11, 09:26

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In my interpretation this is a message from "God" saying "If you don't care enough to ask me my name, why would I ever want to know yours?" This is why when people ask questions like "how do I talk to 'God'" it makes me so very confused.. Mostly because I can't seem to figure out what his/her/their real name is, and perhaps that is the point, i'm not sure.

(29 Dec '11, 10:57) Snow
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i am in god and god is in me. through harmony god is the best judge to decide according to his will what will happen.

Philip has not really known Jesus (v. 9) because at the center of Jesus' identity is his relation to the Father, a relation of such intimacy that Jesus can say anyone who has seen me has seen the Father (v. 9). Again we have the language of agency, reflecting the idea that one's representative is "like to himself" (m. Berakot 5:5; see note on 5:21). But the way Jesus describes this relationship goes far beyond the notion of an agent, for he speaks of a mutual indwelling: I am in the Father, and . . . the Father is in me (v. 10). He does not simply represent the Father, he presents him. Such complete union means that Jesus' words and deeds have their source in the Father (v. 10; cf. 5:36; 8:28; 10:38). Jesus may be the Father's agent, but the Father is also the agent at work through Jesus. Jesus does not say, however, that he is the Father. Throughout the gospel Jesus maintains a careful distinction between his oneness with God and his distinctness from him (see comments on 1:1 and 10:30).

The Father is the source of the Paraclete (14:16, 26; 15:26), and Jesus is the one who sends the Paraclete by asking the Father to send him (14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7). Thus both the Son and the Paraclete have the same source, the Father, but the Son has a role in the historical sending of the Paraclete. Both Jesus and the Paraclete play distinct but related roles in the revelation of the Father and the giving of life. Indeed, Gary Burge has counted sixteen similarities between Jesus and the Paraclete (1987:141), which we will note as they appear in the text. For instance, in our present text the Paraclete is called "another Paraclete" (14:16), which implies that Jesus himself is the Paraclete. In 1 John the term itself is actually used of Jesus: "But if anyone does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense [the NIV's paraphrase of parakletos]--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One" (2:1). In 1 John the role does seem to be in a legal setting. Jesus, in his humanity as the Righteous One, is our advocate before God when it comes to dealing with our sin. But in the Gospel, Jesus says the Paraclete will take up the role Jesus himself has already been fulfilling during his ministry. Perhaps the most fundamental aspect of Jesus' ministry has been to mediate the divine presence, so it is tempting to find the general idea behind the usage of the word Paraclete, both in John's letter and in the Gospel, to be "presence." Jesus is a human presence ("the Righteous One") in heaven, and he is the divine presence on earth. The Paraclete (who is himself distinct from Jesus and not simply Jesus' presence) is to continue that divine presence among the disciples.

The various terms used to translate parakletos, such as Counselor, Advocate and Comforter, get at different aspects of what he accomplishes through his presence. The Paraclete is called "the Spirit of truth" (14:16; 15:26; 16:13) and "the Holy Spirit" (14:26), which may help explain why the world does not see or know him (14:17), since the world is neither holy nor of the truth. His dwelling is with the believers, for he is in them and is known by them (14:17). By his presence with the disciples, not with the world, and by his witness to Jesus who was rejected by the world, the Paraclete judges the world through the believers (16:7-11). As the divine presence among believers the Paraclete enables them to be God's presence in the world. He is with them and in them glorifying Jesus by revealing the truth about him to believers (14:16-17; 14:26; 16:13-15). In this way, the community, by the presence of the Paraclete, bears witness to Jesus and thus continues Jesus' own mission of judgment and life-giving. Most commentators think that the Paraclete actually mediates the presence of Jesus to the community. This is true (see comment on 16:25), though John does not say this directly (see comment on 14:23-27).

Thus, we understand that much of John's theology is captured in this term parakletos, especially when we realize it is used of both Jesus and the Spirit. Jesus as the divine presence on earth and the human presence in heaven speaks of the mystery of the incarnation, of the divine-human being who is "presence" both before God and humanity. Jesus and the Spirit together reveal the Father within history--Jesus within his own person and the Spirit through testimony to Jesus within and through the community of God, those who have received Jesus and been given power to become children of God (1:12) and have become witnesses to Jesus (15:26-27). The Spirit is the divine presence within believers, bringing about the transformation of human beings so they live the life of God in the form that such divine life takes within and among us creatures, though John does not use the term Paraclete when referring to this role of the Spirit. Rather, the role of the Spirit as Paraclete is similar to that of the Spirit of prophecy in the Old Testament, that is, "the Spirit acting as the organ of communication between God and a person" (Turner 1992:342; see also p. 351). He bears witness to Jesus, thereby leading the disciples into all truth and convicting the world for their rejection of Jesus. This theme of bearing witness is part of the larger motif of a legal trial that runs through the Gospel: Jesus reveals the Father, which brings about the world's judgment, and the world in turn condemns Jesus.


experience and enjoy.


answered 30 Nov '11, 03:10

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white tiger

white tiger, just maybe after the influx of as pure a spirit as man has seen into jesus with john at the jordan, he became an example of the way to immortality; to be one with the father as a christ-type that is available to each of us

(30 Nov '11, 11:31) fred

well it seams that one that is reborn and in faith know the meaning of this with out needing to read it somewhere. so in that way i understand jesus.Jesus may be the Father's agent, but the Father is also the agent at work through Jesus. Jesus does not say, however, that he is the Father. Throughout the gospel Jesus maintains a careful distinction between his oneness with God and his distinctness from him .the pure of heart will see god.

(30 Nov '11, 16:31) white tiger

And the LORD said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” did i not say that the light is to much to sustain in the body?

(30 Nov '11, 16:45) white tiger

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."http://bible.cc/micah/7-18.htm

(30 Nov '11, 17:08) white tiger

fred it will be done to you according to your faith. experience and enjoy.

(30 Nov '11, 18:22) white tiger

Thank you White Tiger for reminding me of the holy spirit.

(30 Nov '11, 19:32) Paulina 1

blessed are you Paulina to have eyes to see and ears to hear. experience and enjoy.

(30 Nov '11, 20:57) white tiger

white tiger, it is the median between father mind and mother earth that jesus believed would save mankind, as recognized by paulina. yet that has been semi-unconsciously turned into words of dogma. i believe it needs to be seen individually by the heart of each of us

(01 Dec '11, 23:16) fred

i told you fred you can do it. jesus only showed the path it is for you to take it. has for dogma or religion they did not grasp it and they used the bible to their adventage. look this week someone in high position in the church was saying to people that do yoga are devils. did he do what god wants? did he love is neigbor has himself? he will be judge to the same mesure. has for the median between father mind and mother earth. that must be a belief you have. the father (god) has no need for a mind he is pure light(spirit) and eternal(the alpha and the omega).

(01 Dec '11, 23:43) white tiger

you are the same has him at a lower level and share with the father and your brother and sister when you are in spirit out of the body. harmony(no more duality that bring judgement) and reaching the stage of enlightement (born again) is the way that jesus was teaching. same thing for the buddha tathagata(born again) the middle path no more being stuck in duality. knowing light and dark and moving to a third point of view. more in accord with what is right.

(01 Dec '11, 23:52) white tiger

Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness.

(02 Dec '11, 01:19) white tiger

Thanks White Tiger.

(20 Mar '12, 05:38) Paulina 1
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Paulina I don't know where you got this from, I have the Aramaic Bible from translated from the original Eastern Peshitta text and it is not as your findings.

With that said I found this wen site that I think could answer your question.


It is interesting and fits with us being of God's kingdom as ambassadors to Heaven, the representatives of Christ.


answered 30 Nov '11, 03:57

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

well wade i seam to convey the correct message i did not know that jesus said: i am in the father and the father is in me.

(30 Nov '11, 05:08) white tiger

That one is in the Bible John 14:11

(30 Nov '11, 10:54) Wade Casaldi

Acording to the book "The Isaiah Effect" by Greg Braden. The original retranslated Aramic version: All things that you ask straightly, directly...from inside my name, you will be given. So far you have not done this. Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full...

(30 Nov '11, 19:51) Paulina 1

Ahh I have that book someplace! I remember it was a very good book, I don't remember it for the wording much now but I am sure what it was trying to get across to me is in my mind as influence. :-)

(30 Nov '11, 21:09) Wade Casaldi

Thanks Wade, I respect your comment.

(01 Dec '11, 09:06) Paulina 1

You are welcome Paulina. The Issiah Effect and The God Code are two books I really like. I have to dig those back up now, you reminded me of them. :-)

(01 Dec '11, 14:59) Wade Casaldi
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Well here it states ask anything within me and I will do it meaning Jesus is God he states he is the son of man from the old testament, he states he is the first and the last,. If you check out the historical factts that #1 Jesus was a real person#2 Jesus was crucified and died#3 the tomb was empty#5 over 500 people stated they claimed to see Jesus after he was put in the tomb.#6 11 out of 12 disciples were martyrs for the faith. Islam do no believe Jesus was crucified when its a historical fact. And they don't believe in the resurrection therefore it's he did or didn't . You have to pick one all religions cannot be correct or all of them are wrong or one is right so check the facts and see what is true.


answered 28 Dec '12, 12:40

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