Many teachers say that "what you focus on expands". In this experiment we are told to 'put it in the box' and forget about it. I'm kind of confused at this point. I have a couple of questions. 1) If I forget about it (what I'm desiring), how am I to focus on what it is I want. 2) What happens, if I somehow happen to think about what I am desiring (to have, be, or do) when I should have forgotten it. If someone can clear this up for me. Another question came to mind while writing this, in step 1 how do I know I effectively wrote a request well worded. Can someone give me samples of how you write these requests. Please leave out all personal information. I like to see the words you use in writing one up. Thank for your help. Frank |
These are guidelines. Now to the analysis. From magical point of view, you have three planes of existence. I will put them from the highest to the lowest, from the least dense to the most dense:
When you focus on your target, you create it on mental level at instant. Then, going through the astral plane, it comes down to physical evidence. That is why any wish comes true only after you think of it. It just happens on the mental level (mental level is without time or space). Then it takes some time for the wish to manifest on the physical level (physical level is limited by time and space). You cannot forget that is comes through the astral plane, so that is why your emotional state and faith are required. Feeling of gratitude is good, because you do not doubt your wish, and focus on the gratitude for this wish already manifested instead. So your thought is reflected on the physical plane. When you focus on your target, you create the wish in your thoughts. Then you have to forget about it, allowing the wish to leave your personal sphere of existence, and intertwine with the universal mental sphere. So your thought is directed from your mental body to the universal mental plane. Knowing that, we can answer your questions easily.
Your task is to create powerful, vibrant, accurate and clearly bright mental image at the beginning. Then you let go of it. You do not focus afterwards impatiently, because you know that the mechanisms of the universe will do the rest. If you do not think it is true, you can just try it and see if it works.
It is not that you take your wish from the mental sphere out when you think of it. You just weaken it a bit when you do that. You make some changes, and the image that has to be reflected also changes. Plus is has to have some additional time until it fuses completely with the mental sphere again (assuming that you gave it some power, it will not be disturbed if you had only one thought of it).
Words do not matter. You are working with thougts. It could be this simple like mine: to pass the exam, to have sth etc. Nice answer, Asklepios
(17 Feb '10, 19:08)
Thank you Stingray!
(17 Feb '10, 19:22)
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If you forget, open your box, and review your desire. Nothing will happen, and it is okay to think about what you have asked for. List your desire in your own words, and ask for it. The Law of Attraction will do the rest. Example: I am working 9:am-5:pm Monday through Friday teaching young children to read. This is my wish, and I have written it down, and I have put into my my box. I can focus, and meditate on my wish, and I can forget about it, and leave it to the universe to manifest my desire. There is no time given for my wish, but I am attending interviews for this position. I believe in the now concept, so time is not an issue. A word of advice, do not stress yourself out, about what you are not doing right, do the best that you can, and make your wish, and believe in it, and it will manifest in the right time for you. Good luck! |
Excellent question Frank, the focus part you have already done as you were thinking of what you want and writing it out. I will give you a formula that Dr. Joe Vitale uses. First if you do not know what you want, do you know what you don't want, most say i don't want this, I hate that, this is wrong, that is not right etc.... We'll say something easy like sickness as an example. "I hate this cold, I don't want to be sick with this lousy cold!!!!" okay there is a lot of emotion in that right, that is a good start, now think what would be the opposite of that statement, it would be health, so now you know what you want. "I want to be healthy I want to feel good I love feeling healthy!!!!" Do you see how that feels different to you it feels more like hope? Now we take that statement and put it into positive wording like we have it right now or it is happening right now, that changes it from hope into faith. "I love feeling healthy, it feels wonderful as my body gets healthier by the moment, right now my health is becoming perfect, I feel incredible happy and healthy, I AM happy and healthy! I am so thankful to my body and my immune system they are strong conquering immortal warriors, and I am very thankful for them and their faithful duty and service to me, I am healthy now!!!" Then you imagine or remember how good it felt to be in your top healthy condition as long as you can without any distraction, feel it the joy and comfort of health, when you are done put it in the manifestation or God box I like God box myself, as I like to say God this is out of my hands now I give it to you and know as you take care of others you take care of me too and even more so as your faithful son thank you. Then at that point it is out of my hands so I forget about it, my part is done, if it is something more like wealth then I take action when I feel lead to, but that could be the same with health, something could say buy this vitamin I am not going to ignore a sign from my mind or God, I have to do my part participating as I feel lead to. |

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