I ask this question because my understanding of the Law of Attraction is that life should be all about fun and experiencing "Joy". Buy if we want to have the "experiene of living" then should we not learn to embrace all our emotions without fear? Can we not be ok with some sadness if there is a need for sadness. Is that not how our mind and body heals itself by releasing these emotions? I also feel that by learning to embrace our emotion then we also overcome it and we never have to be concerned about feeling sad or not feeling good because we realize that we can manage those emotions and that its a part of our life experience. I think its important that we learn to live in the moment and also to flow like a river and if we reach the sea then we have to ride big waves somtimes and its not all good but is life about "all good"?

asked 13 May '10, 15:12

Drham's gravatar image


edited 13 May '10, 20:12

John%20Sheridan's gravatar image

John Sheridan ♦

I think life is about expanding and growing and being as joyful as possible on the journey. However I think if we lived a life full of joy only there would not be much growth and learning along the way.

The negative emotions are part of life's journey as much as the positve ones. They only become a problem when we become stuck in these emotions and as a result put a barrier to block our joy from flowing.

We often become so identified with the negative emotion that it becomes part of our identity and we let it define who we are. When we can become aware of this we can then let the emotion pass through us and we realize that we are having an anxious or an angry moment but the anger or anxiety is not who we are.

When we endeavor to avoid or run away from a negative emotion, we really only end up exacerbating it - what we resist persists. The more we can just feel and witness the emotion,without reacting to it, the quicker it will dissipate and not become a dysfunctional habit in our life.


answered 13 May '10, 19:50

Michaela's gravatar image


I would not say "Embrace" negative emotions, but let them pass without dwelling on them, and replace them with thoughts of what you DO want.


answered 13 May '10, 20:31

LeeAnn%201's gravatar image

LeeAnn 1


Hi LeAnn, thanks for you comment. I like the word embrace because it means that I am allowing the emotion to be the same way I allow the joy to be. It feels uncomfortable when we label the experience as "negative" but its all good.

(13 May '10, 23:18) Drham

Michaela wrote this some time ago, but its truth hit home to me tonight: (I put my own emphasis in bold print):

I think life is about expanding and growing and being as joyful as possible on the journey. However I think if we lived a life full of joy only there would not be much growth and learning along the way.

The negative emotions are part of life's journey as much as the positive ones. They only become a problem when we become stuck in these emotions and as a result put a barrier to block our joy from flowing.

We often become so identified with the negative emotion that it becomes part of our identity and we let it define who we are. When we can become aware of this we can then let the emotion pass through us and we realize that we are having an anxious or an angry moment but the anger or anxiety is not who we are.

When we endeavor to avoid or run away from a negative emotion, we really only end up exacerbating it - what we resist persists. The more we can just feel and witness the emotion,without reacting to it, the quicker it will dissipate and not become a dysfunctional habit in our life.

Tonight, I did something really important, at least to me: I gathered into my arms all of my "parts" that suffered abuse as children. Wade talked to me, telling me that those "parts" did NOT deserve the abuse that was done to them. I made a great leap: I pulled them out of my inner darkness, and let then melt into my heart. I let go of all the pain and suffering which I have carried for so many years.I just let those emotions flow through me, and let the past just go...

All those negative emotions had become like a bad habit for me in my life. I finally did as Michaela described, and just let the negativity wash through me and away. I forgave myself.

I am posting this because I want you all to know that what Michaela wrote is really true- let the negativity just flow. Never bottle it up like I have for so many, many years. Believe me, you will regret it!

Thanks for reading. I feel FANTASTIC!!!

Love and Blessings, Jaianniah August 13, 2011


answered 14 Aug '11, 06:29

Jaianniah's gravatar image


I'm so happy this helped Jai :)

(14 Aug '11, 23:59) Michaela

Me, too. It is a wonderful bit of writing- and so very true! Thanks for this posting from "the ago">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(15 Aug '11, 02:06) Jaianniah

Negative emotions are kind of like road signs, they let us know there is something we need to address. It is when these negative emotions take hold of us and disturb our health, peace, joy, etc... that they need to be eliminated. If someone feels sad, then crying could be good. Depending on what they are sad about determines how they need to handle it. If the sadness goes on and becomes depression, headaches or other pain, disease, etc... it is interfering with your life and needs to be eliminated. So, unless the negative emotions serves you somehow, eliminate it before it makes you sick. Also, if our emotions are controlling us, insead of us controlling our emotions, then we need to eliminate some negative emotions. Eliminating an emotion, say, sadness, right now, doesn't mean you will never be sad again, it just helps you to not be sad now if being sad in interfering with your well being. Eliminating negative emotions with EFT for example, does not turn you into an emotionless zombie, it just helps you to have control over them instead of them control you.


answered 14 Aug '11, 12:55

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

The Law of Attraction has also to do with choosing wisely. Of course we are free to choose fun and joy only, but how can we know what fun and joy are, and their value, unless we have had a taste of the opposites? Immersed in joy, how do we grow further, do we even feel the need to?

"...by learning to embrace our emotion then we also overcome it and we never have to be concerned about feeling sad or not feeling good because we realize that we can manage those emotions and that its a part of our life experience." - I agree completely! :)

Very good question!


answered 14 Aug '11, 18:51

Maria%203's gravatar image

Maria 3

when you will understand all your though and how they are link to all your emotion and you will understand the meaning of all this then you will be free of it. and attain dhyana. experience and enjoy.

The Buddha also rediscovered an attainment beyond the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, the "cessation of feelings and perceptions." This is sometimes called the "ninth jhāna" in commentarial and scholarly literature.[13][17]

About this, it is said: "Seeing with discernment, his fermentations were totally ended. He emerged mindfully from that attainment. On emerging mindfully from that attainment, he regarded the past qualities that had ceased & changed: 'So this is how these qualities, not having been, come into play. Having been, they vanish.' He remained unattracted & unrepelled with regard to those qualities, independent, detached, released, dissociated, with an awareness rid of barriers. He discerned that 'There is no further escape,' and pursuing it there really wasn't for him."

When the mind has been trained to remain fixed on a certain internal or external location, there comes to it the power of flowing in an unbroken current, as it were, towards that point. This state is called dhyana. When one has so intensified the power of dhyana as to be able to reject the external part of perception and remain meditating only on the internal part, the meaning, that state is called Samadhi


answered 14 Aug '11, 18:51

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 14 Aug '11, 19:07

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