I have been reading different posts here and what different people do about their affirmations. Some write them down, some don't (me). Some read them out loud, some don't (me again). Some say better run on autopilot most part of the day to convince the subconscious faster, getting a "dripping effect"; some say you should put some feeling when saying your affirmations. (Here I do both, depending on the moment). I'd like to hear your oppinion on this. Mind you, "whatever works for you is best" sounds a little like washing your hand of a proper reply to me, no offense. ;) |
Use the techniques that inspire you the most. People have different modalities of learning. For example, I am a visual learner, but my wife is kinesthetic, which means that she learns best through movement of her body. I am quite certain that if you could put it in a dance move, you could teach her anything, including particle physics. So not everyone is the same, and not everyone learns the same way. Therefore techniques which work well on one person may not work so well on someone else. The way you know a technique works is by how well it produces a positive emotional response. In the specific example you are giving, affirmations typically work best when you can involve as much of the brain as possible. Write down the affirmation. Say it out loud. Visualize the positive results of the affirmation. Imagine how you will feel when the result you want manifests. I have edited my answer to clarify.
(17 May '10, 14:39)
I agree with Vesuvius. I like to see my affirmations in print and read them. They sink in with me best that way. My best friend gets nothing from that and needs to speak them aloud. Everyone is different, so there is no right or wrong method with this. Experiment a little until you find how it works best for you. Best wishes!
(17 May '10, 15:13)
LeeAnn 1
Thanks for the clarification, Vesuvius! Thanks to you too, LeeAnn! :)
(17 May '10, 15:28)
I dont write anything, hence dont read it aloud either. I usually close my eyes and just visualize my wish having manifested and feel how I would feel once it is manifested. I know that I'll always have a huge grin on my face by the time I open my eyes.. and most of the time happy tears will be rolling on my cheeks just imagining getting what I wanted :)..
(17 May '10, 16:40)
AVBhat 1
I agree with Vesuvius too, I'm an extremely auditory person so I have to say the words to myself - what I hear I understand.
(17 May '10, 20:28)
I Think Therefore I Am
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I also agree with Vesuvius. Remember that all of us have different learning styles some people are viusal while others are tactile. You have to use what is best for you. Also remember that the law of attraction works based on the depth of your desire and belief not on the method that you use to impress the subconscious. The subconscious will be impressed when your desire and emotions are real it does not matter how you send the message. |

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