This is question about the act of believing. what does your own observation tell you when you pay attention to the motion within your own consciousness when you are in the moment of believing or rejecting something? My own take on this has a tendency towards the idea "is breathing in and breathing out, both considered breathing?" But I would love an honest observation of your own. If you completely reject the direction of my gentle nudge, even better.
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Hi Traveller, I don't know if you agree with Abraham's teachings but I believe as Stingray is allways emphasizing on this website. It is about how you are feeling. If your belief makes you feel good then you are in a good place and you will attract other vibrations that are at the same place. The reverse is true if you are not feeling good. Hi Drham. I agree at first glance. I am starting to discover in my self observation, that beliefs that lead to bad thoughts seem to stimulate the pleasure center as well. Not the kind of stuff that one should admit out loud, but in a statement of brutal honesty, I find that it is so. Some beliefs have been around like addictions. The suffering is hard to let go because the mind enjoys thinking it again and again. I'm not passing judgment on your answer, it is absolutely applicable to the situation.
(04 Jul '10, 05:02)
The Traveller
Travelle, it still comes down to the same thing. If you get job from pain, it does not matter. Source will give you what you are attracting.
(05 Jul '10, 20:49)
I meant "joy from pain"
(05 Jul '10, 20:49)
Drham. I get what your are saying. Joy from pain will attract more joyful attraction of pain. What I have noticed is that when I get Pain from pain, I mean, Misery from pain I still think about the pain and misery again and again. So I am wondering what mechanism within our consciousness makes us think of the pain and suffering again and again and again. It is not a joy driven activity but a pain driven, or the fear of pain driven, activity. Why is that happening?
(06 Jul '10, 05:06)
The Traveller
When I believe in something and then let it go and not believe in it, the not believing is driven by the fact that I used to believe in it before. So not believing becomes as loud a "something" in the mind as believing used to be. It is so loud that it has the effect of being in a hypnotic trance. Try to tell an atheist about God. you will discover how powerful not believing in something really is. But I don't know where I am going with this myself, I'm just asking questions.
(06 Jul '10, 05:31)
The Traveller
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It's so typical I read this quote yesterday over and over on my mobile phone . It just rang true in my eyes. 1
Great Answer ursixx. I'm glad I asked this question. Thanks for the link to "What is Zen". Within that article I also liked this part: "To try to fill your emptiness with meaning from outside yourself is like pouring water into the ocean to make it wet." Funny thing is that, to get that statement I had to "feel it" and not "analyze it".
(03 Jul '10, 12:08)
The Traveller
Great answer:-)
(03 Jul '10, 20:04)

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I needed to add this comment to clarify my problem. How do you get to non belief?
Try recognize and unrecognized. You can only know what you know.The opposite of something is No-thing. You can not see, touch or hear nothing. Its like believing then.........shhh. It might be a one sided coin. And oh, I came to this post to tell you thanks for seeing through my fake question and watching the video of Benz. Something is going on. This comment will self destruct in 10 hours.