I came across this powerful tool by Bashar. So far it seems to be a great way for the following purposes:
Bashar says that natural anger (or any negative emotion) lasts only up to 15 seconds. Anything longer than that is self-judgment that becomes a vicious circle. So at that point we CHOOSE to continue to feel it. But we don't have to. Many of us who catch ourselves "over-thinking" sometimes will know what he means by the following:
And by judging the judgement (and so forth), we create negative core beliefs about ourselves. But if we just complete the circle immediately when negative emotion appears, it must dissolve. Because its job is done and we don't have to resist it. Here is how "Completing the Circuit" works:Every time you feel negative emotion, say: I feel ___ (fill in blank) because I choose to believe I need to/must/it serves me. Here is what Bashar says about this toolhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTAEYSP5k7s If it seems absurd to say "I choose to" and you think "That's not true. I don't choose it, it just appears and it is out of my control", I would suggest you listen to this Bashar recording where he explains why we always choose what we feel.
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There's an interesting tie-in between Bashar and Abraham here. Abraham have the 17 seconds concept where they say a thought reaches a combustion point at every 17 seconds of pure undiluted focus. What they haven't mentioned much recently on the recordings I've listened to (though they used to) is that the 17 seconds time was really only valid back in the 1990's when they first introduced it. Since then, increasing vibrational "speeds" on Earth mean that the 17 seconds has been coming down steadily. In other words, it now requires less undiluted thought to get the same manifestational results compared to previous decades. I vaguely remember them mentioning that the 17 seconds time was more like a minute or so in earlier centuries. I also vaguely remember them (from the 2000's) mentioning that combustion time in the 2000's was something like 16 seconds. For now (in the 2010's), I would hazard a guess that it is probably around 15 seconds...possibly less. Now applying that to this statement...
...the reason for Bashar's comment about the vicious circle might be related to that Abraham-mentioned combustion-point attracting a similar thought and increasing the power exponentially of that judgement, thus making further judgements easier and easier to make. Just thinking out loud in written-form...well, typed-form actually :) ADDED And just for completeness (and because I don't think it's anywhere on IQ already) here is my one of my favorite Abraham quotes related to the 17 seconds concept...
(4 batches of 17 seconds in a row = 68 seconds) 1
@Stingray Interesting Point. Actually reaching the first combustion point could take less than 15 seconds today because the recording/tool above is from "6-12-06, Kona".
(13 Oct '14, 10:40)
@Stingray @releaser99 I would say that this is a very good comparison between Abraham and Bashar's teaching/tools. As they have said a few times in various recordings, it's all about different perspectives, but it's essentially the same thing. Also, I believe the 17 and 15 second threshold could vary depending on the individual nowadays. Using Bashar's Rubber Band Analogy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD5abJ6Vzkc ...many people are accelerating into the light at a much higher speed.
(14 Oct '14, 16:42)
@Cory - Thanks. The 'Rubber Band' springing-back-forcefully idea also ties in with an Abraham 'Rubber Band' idea though they have tended to talk about it on an individual scale. And information from Earth having ripple effects universally ties in with many Pleiadian ideas Same information viewed (and expressed) through different perspectives, like you say.
(16 Oct '14, 05:12)
What if you pull the rubber band too hard? Does it snap, can it snap? And if it snaps, does it mean death, or is the rubber band indestructable like the soul?
(23 Oct '14, 08:37)
@einsof - Once the Rubber Band of Creation is stretched too far, it does snap and only the Saviour Lord of Superglue can mend it. However, if the Adhesive of Life is not applied quickly enough, the Elasticated Trouser Devil may descend into this dimension from the Cosmic Men's Outfitter of Eternity...and, I'm sure you will agree, that is a fate worse than being lassoed by the Leather Belt of Infinity.
(23 Oct '14, 15:48)
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I'm loving this. By stating that I choose to feel anything that I am feeling, I take back my power. My negative feelings, at their core, seem to be rooted in the frightening sensation of helplessness, regardless of the subject or circumstance. By reminding myself that I am in control, whether I prefer the feeling or not, changes the equation instantly. (If I chose this, well then I can decide to choose that.) All in my hands, not like there's some boogeyman hunting me. This is running along the same lines of a lucid dream I had recently, that I described on another thread: Last night I felt like I could suddenly see how life is so much like a lucid dream. I actually had a lucid dream, where I thought something was a bug (scary to me), and so it became a bug. I laughed and thought well if I can create what I don't want, then I can also create what I do want, and I easily picked up the bug on a magazine and let it go on its way outside (typically not an easy thing for me to do). That's when I realized I can do exactly the same thing with my waking life, and I felt my guts relax and get completely free of the clenched worry that has lived in me for so long. It was an amazing experience, and I'm keeping it, treasuring it up as a Touchstone for myself. Love it. Oh this feels awesome. Like something I needed is coming together for me. Thanks for sharing. Love, Grace :) |
"If it [negative emotion] continues to come up, allow it to do so. The first step in utilizing it in a positive way, is to not judge that it's there. But even if you do judge that it's there, than at least do not judge that you have judged it is there. And if you do judge that you have judged that it is there, at least do not judge that you have judged that you have judged it is there." - Bashar This is so useful to me! I just listened to an Abraham conversation from a year or two ago where they recommend to the questioner that if you touch base with a desire ("How am I feeling about my desire for a new relationship", etc.), just feel how it feels and then don't beat up on yourself about it, get out, think about something else, don't try so hard to change that feeling. These two ideas together feel like a new level of understanding for me. I've been experimenting, over the past day or two, with doing just this. Checking in about a topic, then trying to non-judgmentally acknowledge where I am and that I don't need to do anything about it. That's where I am. The desire itself, if unresisted by self-judgment (which, uh, I have historically been INCREDIBLY GREAT at, hehe) will naturally pull you to another place about it. And I think I have been noticing suddenly-increased ease. So I'm going to keep working with this. Thanks for posting it! 1
@corduroypower Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It seems that it all comes down to the idea of what we persist, resists.
(15 Oct '14, 11:38)

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@releaser99 Don't think I ever heard this from Bashar before. Seems to be a very simple tool to use, with the potential for very powerful results. I actually can't wait to have my next negative emotion so I can try it out:) Thanks for sharing!
Of course you are welcome @Cory. Keep in mind that Bashar recommends it for positive feelings also. Just used this instead of Abraham's ROA and it works fine :).
@releaser99 I've tried it on negative emotions and I find it works really well to neutralise them! It appears that in the process of taking the ownership of your emotions, and accepting that it is your chosen belief that is causing them, is giving you your power back! I haven't tried it on positive emotions yet. I don't want to diffuse good emotions, and the logic of completing the circuit would suggest that it would stop whatever it is gaining momentum. Seems counter-intuitive! I'll try though.
@einsof I'm glad it helped.
@einsof - "I haven't tried it on positive emotions yet. I don't want to diffuse good emotions, and the logic of completing the circuit would suggest that it would stop whatever it is gaining momentum. Seems counter-intuitive!" Maybe if you think of this more in terms of celebrating and enjoying your positive emotions, it might make better sense for you...
...Seen in this light, by completing the circuit, you wouldn't be defusing good feelings, you would be defining and enhancing them. Best of all, this is reinforcing not only the good feeling, but also the fact that you can choose to feel good, giving you back your power on that side of the coin as well. :)
@Releaser99- Seems like a good tool for helping acknowledge or even welcome the "negative" emotion instead of fighting it therby being in a better place to let it go. Very useful. Thanks for sharing:)
Does anyone know in which session Bashar speaks about the "Completing the Circuit" tool? The YouTube video got taken down :(
@WeRadiatebeauty It's this one:"THE EXTRATERRESTIAL DOLPHIN WORKSHOP" http://bashar.org/store.html#et_dolphin
neutralize negativity by completing the circuit ...