Another question – primarily for @Stingray but everybody is welcome to answer.

In this question (and in others) @Stingray said that the way to do work is:

  1. Get the to-do list out.
  2. Do the task you most want to do, for the duration you feel like doing.
  3. Move on to the next task.

I get this and I love this. I have no doubt that this way of working would produce fantastic results.

My question is: can this be applied to a typical workplace scenario where you do not own your time?

Most of the people in a corporate environment are told what to do after what, and most of the tasks are pretty mundane or uninspiring. Is there any way to apply the principles above in such scenarios - without first seeking to remove yourself from the scenario, or changing the scenario?

In my corporate career whenever I have encountered uninspiring tasks that I had to do, I reasoned with myself in a variety of ways (as I am sure everybody does):

  1. "It's your job, just do it. They are paying you."
  2. "Your duty is to do whatever needs doing. Stop asking too many question."
  3. "You can't expect interesting tasks all the time. This is an office for God's sake."
  4. And so on.

I always felt like I was threatening myself, cajoling myself, or forcing myself to shut out my preferences of what I like and do not like.

Is there a better way in the workplace?


asked 19 Nov '14, 11:44

cod2's gravatar image


Hi Cod2,

Sorry, I'm not Stingray :-). I completely understand where you are coming from. It seems like the job your currently having is not all that inspiring to you. Reading your post, you are really motivating yourself to do certain things, instead of being inspired to do them. It's all about the vibrational approach of things. Talking yourself into a better vibrational place BEFORE you start one of the tasks. I am sure that in all the things on your to do list, you can find an aspect of yourself which you can include to fulfill the task at hand, so that it will be an inspired action. Motivation will never bring the alignment you need to succesfully complete a task. Talk yourself into a better feeling place before you start anything in your life.

If I read your first three step plan, I cannot imagine how this will work positively, without bringing yourself to a better feeling place towards the tasks on the list. If you will try to complete your list while taking the steps you are discribing, you will eventually reach a task you have been postponing and not be feeling better about it. Leaving you at a place of motivation in order to complete it.

My advice would be, find something in yourself to share in every task you start. Feel better about it, because you introduce something uniquely yours. There has to an aspect in every task that you can focus upon so that that part will be bigger while performing the task. It's all about vibration, not motivation.


answered 20 Nov '14, 03:53

TimH's gravatar image



You are absolutely right. As @Stingray would say, vortex first and then everything else. This question actually is a hypothetical question because I am between jobs now. I was trying to think how the 'old me' would handle uninspiring tasks, but what I forgot is that after the 30-day-vortex exercise, I am not the old me any more. So if I go back to a similar job again, then I'd get into the vortex first, and then deal with the situation.

Thank you for your comment.

(20 Nov '14, 04:44) cod2
In this question (and in others) @Stingray said that the way to do work is: 1. Get the to-do list out. 2. Do the task you most want to do, for the duration you feel like doing. 3. Move on to the next task.

This scenario doesn't include the case, when there is nothing on that list you feel like doing. I find that sometimes I should just by my will go and do the vibrational work, because I know this will bring better results eventually.

Abraham spoke about some book with "Hell Yes" and "Hell No" - and I loved that they said, until it's "Hell Yes" - it's "Hell No". While I feel sometimes that I "could" do something, I realize, that when I do the vibrational work and feel like excitingly doing it, the result will be much better - in all levels of my life. Of course I wouldn't wait for it to come and happen - I'll do my vibrational work and then.

I agree with what @TimH said, about the possibility of coming to the task that you are postponing all the time, and not finding any changed vibration there. While maybe if you did the vibrational work first, you could find yourself not postponing anything, it would just feel like everything is in order, everything flows, you're not feeling guarded against anything in the list,.. the way it feels in alignment.

I get this and I love this. I have no doubt that this way of working would produce fantastic results.

I think you idealize this scenario and that gets in your way. It's like, "of course if I had that I could..., but I don't have it so I can't" like many people think about finances and that it would solve everything.

I've been in both situations and found that eventually it's all the same - I always have some expanded streams I'm pre-aligned in (I love this term instead of not aligned), in which it feels exactly the same - conditions I can't be happy with, and what to do. When I own my time, it's still the same - the stream expands, bringing the feeling of constraints and limitations, since I'm not aligned yet in that area where it expanded, and I must find my way there to be unconditionally happy, to have unconditional fun, to unconditionally align.

My question is: can this be applied to a typical workplace scenario where you do not own your time?

When you see it as going the least resistance way, doing the vibrational work, it can be done - the vibrational work, just in a way that suits you better in the circumstances you're in.

What that scenario gave you, was conditionally acting in such a way, that you don't activate your resistance. So you're asking, what to do, when you can't achieve such conditions - the answer is, as always, align unconditionally, and then you will have the freedom inside and the conditions outside with also somehow start expressing your freedom to you as well.

Even not so much freedom - they will express harmony to you. And in harmony you don't need so much freedom - you don't need many things to choose from, it's enough that one thing you're limited to, is in harmony with you.

That's what I found in the corporate work, when I applied my vibrational work there.

I agree with @TimH - it's an inspiration that can be brought up. Abraham usually says it as "do it before" - when on your weekend you're not at the work, or when you go to a bathroom, or have some other moment when the circumstances do not feel like pressuring you too immediately - do your vibrational work then, and then you will com to your work with a better alignment inside, and it will reflect itself, express itself in the feeling you have while doing your work, and in the circumstances as well.

Most of the people in a corporate environment are told what to do after what, and most of the tasks are pretty mundane or uninspiring.

That's a belief. One to be worked with on your free time, to get a better feeling expectation, a better feeling point of attraction.

Of course, if you feel good with this belief, there is nothing to do. But if you don't - you can soothe yourself regarding it, for starters. You can remember what I said above - that when you're given what you want to be doing, it doesn't matter very much if you chose to do it, or you were told to do it, right? It feels like a wonderful cooperation from the surroundings, when you're given the task you're excited about. I experienced that - it comes as a result of the vibrational work I did before. Because it's a reflection, an expression of my alignment in that stream. So whatever way I can come to that alignment, I will do that.

And that's actually the answer - in any way I can do my vibrational work, I will do that. The focus is on "what I CAN do" instead of "in the ideal scenario I would do this and that, but I'm not in it".

And this "what I CAN do" is just finding a relief. In all those focus blocks work, meditations etc., we tend to forget about the principles of the vibrational work and what this is about - it is about soothing ourselves in the situation we're in. It's about finding ONE better feeling thought. And it's about having unconditional fun where we are. We try to get it from the circumstances, from the conditions and feel bad in a situation when the vibration is not in harmony (is in pre-harmony), but when we find the unconditional happiness inside first, then it all flows on everything! And we don't NEED then to find happiness in the things that come, because we feel such happiness inside, that it doesn't matter, what to do, the happiness inside just trumps everything!

I just thought of an example.. when a person is diagnosed with a terrifying them disease, and then in some way they find their way out of that, they are thrilled to be alive. Including doing those mundane tasks - because it belongs to life! They are touching life in doing these tasks!

One day I was thinking about the upcoming going to work. And I thought "I don't want to wake up early! It will spoil the whole day! I don't want it! How can I be happy in such circumstances?!" - then I realized the shortened version of it: "I will wake up!" "I will wake up, I will see the day, I will live, I will participate in it, I will touch things, I will see things, I will be participating in this delicious physical life!" Then it felt different.

Is there any way to apply the principles above in such scenarios

As I said, much of the work can be done before, so that you come into the circumstances better prepared, with sonme life inside already.

- without first seeking to remove yourself from the scenario, or changing the scenario?

That's the thing! In all circumstances that challenged me my adventures I always found, that this desire to run away, is to be dealt with, as the root of the problem. When I could come to the feeling, that even in those circumstances I still can be happy inside, it helped me to resolve the tension, and it was an important, extremely supportive stepping stone in my vibrational work in that stream at that time.

Our job is to find a way to relieve ourselves, to find ONE better feeling thought - and usually maybe it's not THAT AWFULLY bad is a good way to start.

In my corporate career whenever I have encountered uninspiring tasks that I had to do, I reasoned with myself in a variety of ways (as I am sure everybody does): "It's your job, just do it. They are paying you." "Your duty is to do whatever needs doing. Stop asking too many question."

You could try to be a bit more friendly toward yourselves :) It's not your shame, nor your guilt, that you're in these circumstances - even though learning about the vibrational work sometimes brings this feeling, that it's our fault, that we didn't bring ourselves into better conditions, and we tend to be harsh toward ourselves, but guess what - it goes against our Inner Being's opinion, so it's going in the opposite direction of finding a relief.

Pay attention to the most important - you did try to soothe yourself in these statements. Everything that soothes, helps to align - at least at that point.

In these statements you tried to remove too much weight you put on the circumstances, and that's a good direction, too.

I think you could just ask yourself in every point, what thought would give you a relief in a situation you are in.

"You can't expect interesting tasks all the time. This is an office for God's sake."

Maybe "yes, now my harmonization in this stream is in such a stage, that I feel so. But the circumstances don't have to be the source of my happiness, my happiness is inside me, I bring happiness to all I do, because I'm unconditionally happy."

But just so you know - the office can bring interesting tasks, it just is a result of your slignment. Because when you're aligned, the circumstances will feel to you like they're the best! The wonderful! The amazing! Like the whole world is your oyster and you're just happy and the surroundings cooperate and co-create with you in exactly that! The circumstances will match these feelings, they will express these your feelings to you. When you do your vibrational work first; and continiously - because the stream always expands, bringing new pre-aligned areas, which, when aligned, become the source of new happinesses. :)

And so on. I always felt like I was threatening myself, cajoling myself, or forcing myself to shut out my preferences of what I like and do not like.

So don't :) Find a way to be more friendly to yourself - just pay attention that it feels bad, being mean to yourself, and so it's not serving you. It's not your fault, that you're in the current circumstances, it's your vibrational training that you can use it as.

I want to quote here a chapter from my book "10 Nice Mind Tricks" that feels like quoted now :)

A Nice Mind Trick #6 - "Oh Dear, What Else Would You Think In Such Situation?"

"Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us." - Rainer Maria Rilke

Sometimes we, people who practice Deliberate Creation, enter a vicious cycle: we encounter a 'negative' situation, start feeling bad about it, and then become terrified, understanding that this is what we create for our future!

So we blame ourselves for thinking these thoughts, but we can do nothing to switch from them, we're thinking and thinking them and feeling the pain.  

So we become torn apart by feeling the pain, on one hand, and blaming ourselves for having these thoughts, on the other.  

But this is not fair!  

I mean, years and years you were told and accustomed to, to react. And in such situation you need help, you need love, not being blamed for your so natural feelings.  

So try this: look at yourself as you would look at someone whom you very much love, who would be in your situation, realize, that these feelings are natural, and say to yourself: "Oh dear, of course, what else would you think in such situation? You're so responsible, you want so much for this situation to be different, of course you're feeling the pain! Oh dear, of course, how else would you feel in such situation?"  

Engulf yourself with love. Empathize with yourself. Sympathize with your feelings, your courage, your responsibility...  

You're starting to feel loved, understood, cared for. You're giving yourself the only remedy that can help you in this situation. You're becoming one with yourself, not being torn apart any more, being on your side. You feel like a huge burden is lifted off from your shoulders. You feel relieved.  

And then, slowly, easily, start with 'multitasking': while comforting yourself, try to see which situation you'd want it to be and which feelings you'd have then. What you'd want to project to your future.  

If you feel resistance, pain again, just come back to comforting yourself, engulfing yourself with love. "Oh dear, of course..."  

I won't be surprised to hear that it felt like one of the best days in your life. :) It was for me.  

Behind the scenes:  

1. Jorj Elprehzleinn says, when we're listening to a complaint, we shouldn't really offer a solution. Instead, we should say how much we respect this person, then they would find the solution by themselves.  

2. While you're feeling engulfed with love, the pain dissolves in this feeling. This support gives you the strength to keep going. The support allows you to start and go out of the comfort zone, to see some solutions. You're feeling home, so you can look around again.  

3. You cease to BE that person who feels the pain. Instead, you become that person who is comforting the hurting person, who is then looking at it from a side, who is stronger, who is NOT inside the situation. "You hurting" is then embraced by "you comforting".  

So you detach from the pain and the situation. You start seeing it more globally, seeing alternatives, seeing solutions. And more important, your vibration changes from a victim's to that of a person in control.  

4. "What would you think" works better for me than "What could you think." Please try and choose what feels better for you.  

5. This trick works much more powerfully than one would think, would it be based on just these reasons. Maybe because you identify with your Inner Self in some way. Maybe because love is involved. I don't exactly know why, and if you have some thoughts - please write to me.

"Courageous is the soul who adventures into time and space to learn of their divinity.  For while they cannot lose, they can think they have, and the loss will seem intolerable. And while they cannot fail, they can think they have, and the pain will seem unbearable.  And while they cannot ever be less than they truly are - powerful, eternal and loved - they can think they are, and all hope will seem lost. And therein lies their test. A test of perceptions; of what to focus on, of what to believe in, in spite of appearances. Courageous indeed...the pride of the Universe, and I should know.
    The Universe." - Mike Dooley

For me it works beautifully. And I immediately feel better - I feel like, being together with myself, which is already a warm and touching difference with what I felt before, so it's also a step in the vibrational work! Don't I love how this all plays together. :)

Is there a better way in the workplace?

I think, just doing it bit by bit in the workplace - finding little reliefs and praising yourself for doing so, celebrating those little steps, and also doing the preparation work before, at home.

By the way, in my workplaces, it developed in such a way that eventually I could say to my team manager "I should do my vibrational work first", and he understood me and gave me time for this, because he saw himself the results that followed, when I was and wasn't preparing myself. But that of course came, again, as an expression, by my stream, of my alignment to me. As my vibrational work giving not only its immediate results in terms of emotions, but also some ongoing pleasant changes in my environment. I wish you to experience those, too.


You're very welcome. :)


answered 20 Nov '14, 06:08

Olga%20Farber's gravatar image

Olga Farber

edited 20 Nov '14, 06:17

If you have empathy and self-respect, you can't. You know deep down that you are abusing yourself and others in that environment.


answered 01 Dec '14, 07:03

Gail's gravatar image


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