Hello all, Even though I'm pretty new here @Inward Quest, I love this platform a lot. I cannot express how much you all have helped me already in this short time. I can feel that the life I desire is very close now. Thank you a lot for this!! Here are my reasons why I love Inward Quest:
I'm sure more reasons will come to my mind but that's it for now. What are yours? I'm sure they are similar like mine, but I'm still curious :) By the way, it's an excellent method to align yourself :) All the best, spacemetalfantasy |
A few reasons that spring immediately to mind (I'm sure there are others)...
Being kind of a old timer at IQ. I find it little bit like a favorite coffee shop where interesting people come and exchange ideas. Some come in and stay a while and others get a cup of coffee to go. It is comfortable to me. A place I like to be. Even when some of the guests argue , bit most of the time it is harmonious. I believe it is that harmony that keeps me coming back to drink my latte grande here |
Did I just manifest this question? ;-) I've been wanting to write something to IQ to express my gratitude to everyone and I was particularly thinking about it the last couple of days! I just wasn't sure where to write it on the forum.... I addition to all the above, I would say that Inward Quest has been my 'rock' for the past few years. There has never been a time that I haven't been helped in one way or another by someone with the answers to my questions. Whenever I have felt - who can I turn to? There's been IQ! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! - to every person on this forum. I guess we are all on this "quest" together, no one has all the answers and we are all helping each other in greater or lesser ways. This what makes IQ special. It's the moving forward together. I love IQ. It gives me hope and is always a bright star even in the darkest night. 1
Thank you @Inner Beauty for your beautiful answer. I'm glad I co-created your manifestation :)
(09 Mar '15, 07:41)
I love it because I have many challenges and I Q helps. I don't care for all the commercials, If you like it now you should have been here in the old days before all the adds. I guess they didn't get enough donations. Now that it's this way we will have to find a way to love it any way. I don't see the ads when I am logged in. And on my pc I have adbock plus soiI don't see ads anywhere. {Makes YouTube veiwing so much better}
(15 Mar '15, 05:55)

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