I've been curious about this. When you ask a question, what response are you looking for? Do you only want answers that agree with what you want to believe or do you want to hear from different sides? When you answer questions, what is your intention? Do you like helping? Do you like to think about those particular subjects? Does answering questions help you understand the ideas better? I've noticed many (myself included) will respond to answers we don't agree with. I find this interesting... why do you do it or why do you think others do it? If someone answers a question they are usually just sharing their own take on the matter... so why do we give our opinion to someone who didn't ask for it? Do we feel threatened within our own beliefs- is it a way of validating to ourselves that what they said was "wrong"? Do you seek a way to happiness here? Do you just like discussing these topics? Are you here to validate what you personally believe? What is it that you seek here? For me... I feel like I learn so much here. I feel like my horizons are constantly expanding because of all the clever people here. I love discussing these topics- I love talking about life, law of attraction, God, the world, emotions... When I answer questions, I give myself the answer I was looking for. Some questions I think on awhile, trying to find what that answer is within myself. I love feeling those "aha" moments and feeling the knowledge flow through me. I love to share what I've come up with. The questions I've asked have all come up from curiousity... I wanted to see what kind of ideas it gave others. It's usually if I feel lost on a subject and feel in need of a little guidance. :) When I've given my opinion to someone who didn't ask for it, I believe it's because I wanted to make my own ideas more valid to me. I usually don't respond, but I notice I continue giving myself reasons for why I believe what I do. Would love to hear your thoughts :) |
Regarding Questions...For me, I won't ask a question on IQ unless I genuinely want to hear different points of view on a subject. Like you, I like to have my horizons broadened and I personally don't like the idea of "wasting" someone else's time in making them provide me with an answer that I'm not sincerely interested in hearing, and that I haven't at least made a basic attempt to think through for myself in some way. There's something about IQ that seems to make it pretty transparent when, for example, someone is asking questions:
I would have trouble sleeping at night doing stuff like that, but each to their own :) Regarding Answers...Most of the time I'm answering other people's questions for myself because in coming up with an answer, I invariably learn something in the process. For that reason, unusual questions with non-standard perspectives always seem to grab my attention. And any answers I write to questions like those usually help me far more than the questioner :) I do find that I have a desire to help and uplift others though, and if I get a strong feeling that someone is desperate for an answer, I will sometimes make an attempt to provide an answer for those people even though, in their current state of mind, I know they won't really "hear" it. In those cases, I think I justify that behavior to myself by thinking that my answer is really aimed at other people who might be in similar situations somewhere in Internet-land. I'm always aware that anything that I write on IQ gets indexed on Google worldwide within a few hours so that even if the questioner doesn't benefit from the answer, someone else might. The part of me that understands that the Law of Attraction won't let someone hear something they are not ready to hear yet, knows that behavior is a waste of time...but I still find myself doing it :) Regarding Uninvited Opinions...I find that I do, on occasion, chip in an uninvited opinion and I find that it invariably happens when I notice a dis-empowering point of view being presented. There's something within me that sometimes can't resist challenging, even playing with, those who try to promote a point of view based on fear, uncertainty or doubt. Again, it's not about the "questioner" - because they won't be able to "hear" my point of view - it's about presenting an alternative, more uplifting, point of view to others who may come across the interaction later. Ultimately, as I've said before here, I think IQ is a Hall of Mirrors and, really, I'm just playing with and exploring different facets of my own consciousness here, since everyone/everything who catches my attention here could only have done so because a part of me is vibrating there. IQ is a consciousness-exploration game that I am playing with myself :) Love your perspective!
(10 Aug '12, 04:16)
The Traveller
@Stingray,how's you responsible for someone's else actions?You can never waste someone's else time by asking a question to which they decide to reply.If they thought it is waste of their time,they wouldn't have replied in the first place. Just for fun aspect of it (and if it's not obvious to some),I wrote this reply because I'm opposed to the idea of being responsible for other people's lives And,btw IQ is a consciousness-exploration game that I am playing with myself great way of putting it
(10 Aug '12, 04:24)
"You can never waste someone's else time by asking a question to which they decide to reply" - True but I'm only pointing out what I've noticed are my own behaviors on IQ, not what is logical from the perspective of universal law. For me, I like to help others even though that in itself is illogical by LOA. It's a pretty strong desire so there must be some aspect of me that likes playing that game. It might well be that "Compassion" idea: http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/54597#54653
(10 Aug '12, 04:52)
@The Traveller - You're welcome. Always nice to see you popping back in here from time to time :)
(10 Aug '12, 05:06)
@Stingray, - I think that your attempts to help can reach a person in some ways, even during their misery, maybe because the answer is already in them. At some deep level a truth will resonate, though the surface is all storm and bluster. I remember thinking about you that I can feel this guy is right, but I can't see how it will prove to be so. And as I've said before, the mere fact that someone is trying to help does a lot for me, regardless of how sucessful the attmpt. :)
(10 Aug '12, 09:46)
Nice! I like how you take into consideration that you aren't only answering the person who asked, but any person who comes across that conversation. I used to read forums (here, too) without an account and I have found a lot of clarity in many answers, even though the questioner may not have. Thanks for your answer!
(10 Aug '12, 17:39)
@LapisLazuli - You're welcome :) @Grace - Yes, I see your point. Just the fact that you can observe that someone looks like they are trying to help - even if they are not actually helping that much :) - can make a difference.
(10 Aug '12, 19:47)
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Since learning and applying that understanding from SETH as channeled by Jane Roberts, I have enjoyed my adventure of growth with this information for at-least 23 years before joining inward quest. For those 23 years I found myself trying to start a conversation about these ideas with so many of my friends and colleagues only to discover that nobody trusted this information as I did. They were waiting for the truth in these ideas to reveal themselves before they could get started, whereas I got started on applying these ideas to discover if there is any truth to them. While I had exposed myself to the understanding of these ideas for quite some time, I found that I was surrounded by skeptics for whom "seeing is believing", while I had verified for myself that "believing is seeing." I envisioned myself sharing and learning these concepts from like-minded people for at least 10 years before Inward quest crossed my path. (That’s why patience is important in verifying the law of attraction) I wanted to interact with people who had applied these concepts for as long as I had. I was looking for people who had moved past the "magic" of the LOA. I was looking for people who knew that spiritual awakening is not about living in JOY but it is actually about living in Joy and Transmuting misery both of which will always exist in one's experience. I was looking for people who knew that searching for light could only be meaningful when darkness exists. I was looking for people with realism within spirituality and not spiritual fantasy with an absence of realism. So far, I have found such people only here. And I like the fact that I can take my time in my response in this three-year conversation with like-minded people. What am I looking for? Nothing! I enjoy interacting here and when I get tired of it, I leave and give my attention to other interests. Simon Templeton started this experiment and I feel privileged that he invited me to participate in his experiment. Therefore, I try to be respectful towards that concept and interact here accordingly. 1
@The Traveller, I like the part of seeing past the initial excitement of discovering a new concept and actually seeing it as a tool to help yourself defeat miseries of your own life. In regards to this point, it is my belief, that all the confusion of LOA process exist only where there are still remains of its somewhat 'magical wow' effect.
(10 Aug '12, 03:55)
Thank you Traveller... I love the way you write your responses:) I feel like this is one of the few places I've found where there's quite a few people who really seem to understand law of attraction... I love it!
(10 Aug '12, 19:31)
Thank you CalonLan & LapisLazuli.
(10 Aug '12, 23:37)
The Traveller
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I like to show off how smart I am and how connected to God I am. I want people to think I am some super spiritual guru so they will buy my product. I ask questions that I have a brilliant answer to and just wait to show it off to everyone once they get a chance at it. I think I should get all the points. I only answer questions that I think I will get best answer for. I like to argue with people to show them how superior I am and how wrong they are. Silly humans think they have answers. 1
I hope you all can tell I am joking. I thought a little humor would be fun. ;)
(10 Aug '12, 09:04)
Fairy Princess
@Fairy Princess- ROFL!!! Excellent answer! Bravo! +1, just because....♥
(10 Aug '12, 16:47)
I am so glad you guys can take a joke. Love and laughter :)
(11 Aug '12, 10:28)
Fairy Princess
LOL @ursixx :)
(11 Aug '12, 10:29)
Fairy Princess
Love it @Fairy Princess bet you have a major blinged wand too ;-)
(12 Aug '12, 01:33)
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For the most part I stay in the background and read what others ask and what others respond. Many times I just take notes on the information I seeked.....I seek knowledge! When I do respond, sometimes it can take 2 hours to write what I have to say because I am editing and re-editing.....I'm answering for myself and getting it as clear as possible, to myself, so that I understand every little detail....and usually "I am answering myself" In my life, I can't speak like this to any one else or I will be ridiculed. My father preached about "using the mind" and closed minded people think he's a fruitcake.....So I do all this secretly except for here. 2
"It can take 2 hours to write" I know exactly what you mean, I've deleted and rewritten so many answers before I've posted:) And yeah, I once tried explaining LOA to a close friend and she thought I was a nut. Oh well:)
(10 Aug '12, 19:37)
I came here simply to interact with people willing to share their unique perspectives and where I know "beyond a shadow of a doubt" ( thank you Bashar ) that I won't be considered odd or freaky for the way I think ♥♥♥ 1
Me too- I don't get to talk to anyone else about particular things. I have brushed topics with others before, but I never get to really dive into deeper things. I like going deeper into ideas and I like doing so with people who are open minded to it:) Thanks for sharing:)
(10 Aug '12, 22:26)
@LapisLazuli most welcome ♥ my 2 closest friends are a JW and a Catholic , have been told , "never met ANYONE , who thinks like you do ! " and so I just accept that we are all on our own journeys and they create their lives and I , mine ;-)
(12 Aug '12, 01:31)
When Wade introduced me to IQ, I was intrigued at the possibilities that this site would...and has proven since to have! It mostly gives me a sense of community with people who are connected to a Higher Power, or whatever-they-believe. I love this community! Secondly, I am very curious, and love to have a place to ask questions about metaphysical stuff, religious stuff, or what-have-you-along-those-lines. I love, love, love the dry humor that comes through the answers here! I love the wisdom and strength we share as we debate a topic. I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it....(Was it John Paul Jones who said that???) I love that part, too. Mostly, I love reading all the answers that are posted. Wade and I read everything (and I do mean everything!) that is posted here. It is our little obsession. We love it. Pure and simple: It's fun! Love, Jai "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Regularly attributed to Voltaire, they were first used by Evelyn Beatrice Hall in The Friends of Voltaire (1906), as a summation of Voltaire's beliefs on freedom of thought and expression. - Wikiquotes :) I've always loved that quote.
(10 Aug '12, 17:25)
"It mostly gives me a sense of people who are connected to a higher power" I've felt that way too. It's interesting:) I love the wide amount of topics this place covers. &Good quote! Thank you!:)
(10 Aug '12, 19:41)
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When I want to learn about a certain thing, I'm not looking for this or that side, I'm looking for any kind of information that I can get. Sometimes I ask a question which is directed to myself, and by asking it I can clarify it with myself, plus get answers of others which may provide me with more info than I know, so I can learn that way too.
"You best learn through teaching others" -by answering I really clarify with myself my thought pattern. And the more I clarify it the better I can then work with new information I come across. It's like You only find a way to get wherever you want to get when you know where you are first. Do I like helping? Yes, helping myself. My motivation to help purely someone else is 0. Since I don't really draw enjoyment from their lives. If I want to make someone happy, it's only because I want to use their happy vibe and presence to elevate and sustain my own happy vibe. You don't do anything, unless there's something in it for you. Might seem like a cold approach, I think it's warm and sweet.
Some do that out of their insecurity about their beliefs. Some do it to provoke an argument to see if there's something they might have missed when forming their initial belief about the discussed topic. Basically approach is either open minded or close minded. Depending on that the intentions and results differ.
More like to make sure that I got it right. The difference in perspective is huge. Nobody cares if someone else is wrong at all. But everyone cares to be right.
No. Some of them. In a way. Knowledge that I don't know of, because on the knowledge we base our believes and what we believe is who we are and how we live. So if I have a picture of how I want my life to be, I need to alter my beliefs, but for that I have to have enough information to alter it with in desired direction. "You best learn through teaching others" I agree:) I admire you for your brutal honestly in your responses. I'm here mostly to better myself and learn, the feeling of helping others is a bonus for me:)
(10 Aug '12, 19:56)
@LapisLazuli, thanks for kind of clarifying that to me. I once decided to be straightforward as much as possible, regardless of how devastating it might be to me or others at times. I believe honesty is always better than a comforting lie. I believe we only tell lies when we're insecure about the ourselves and the truth anyway.
(11 Aug '12, 07:51)
"I believe we only tell lies when we're insecure about ourselves and the truth anyway" I agree, and if you are not honest, how can you help yourself? If you can't help yourself, you surely won't be able to help anyone else, anyway. Thanks for your response!
(11 Aug '12, 10:59)
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I have been on IQ since the very start and for me, when I look back at the journey, I can see that I have gained so much wisdom from this site, from both posting questions and answers and interacting with the other members on the site. Like some of you have pointed out previously, when we are providing an answer on the site, we are most importantly providing an answer to our own questions in life as well as providing an answer to the question asker. I feel that IQ has been and still is an important part of my spiritual journey of first and foremost finding out who I really am but then also providing me with the tools and techniques to really be who I really am. Looking forward to the site expanding even more in the future... I have learned a lot from IQ, too. "Looking forward to the side expanding even more in the future..." I second that!:)
(11 Aug '12, 11:02)

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