This is one of my biggest doubts about the law of attraction so I decided to ask you all. I have nothing against the law of attraction but if it really exists, it's not working very well is it? I'm just curious, if it exists then why is the world in such chaos? Why is our world filled with wars, hatred, murders, rape, divorces,etc...? If you really could attract anything, everyone would be rich, girls would have their movie-like princes and guys their perfect beauties. Still everyday all the news talk about is poverty, and all over the internet people condemn others for their unrealistic expectations about love, relationships and life itself. I know it's harsh but that's what I see everyday...I also wish I could be rich and have my dream partner or write my love story or whatever but I realistically can't. Honestly I think the law of attraction deludes people. People making wish lists and bucket lists are eventually setting themselves up for some major disappointment. Just search for "unrealistic expectations" on google and you'll see...I don't believe so many people have got it wrong when they say life just won't be like you wish it to be. I also wanted my life to be like an action movie but will it happen? I don't think so. What about my teen sister who believes she'll find her prince charming and live happily ever after? Hum...It makes you wonder, doesn't it? |
Ask yourself what you currently believe about the Law of Attraction and see whether the "solid evidence" you find (or don't find) in your life matches up with what you already believe about it. If you are having trouble figuring out what you believe, read through your question carefully and you'll see sentences like:
..and so on. If you are honest with yourself then I have a feeling that what you will find to be true (or not) about the Law of Attraction is matching perfectly with your existing underlying beliefs about it. For a fuller explanation of why, see Do scientists just make up their own answers? where it also says...
For me, I'm drowning in Law of Attraction "solid evidence" in my everyday life. It seems completely absurd to me that anyone could have any problems seeing it :) However, nothing I nor anyone else says will be able to convince you otherwise unless you relax your existing skepticism about it...and then you'll find all the "solid evidence" you need for yourself. I see your point but what I mean is there are things that just won't happen. It doesn't matter if I want my life to be an action movie, that's just not gonna happen because it doesn't match reality. Imagination is fantastic until you confuse it with the existing reality. No law of attraction can create things that don't exist or allow you to live a fantasy life. If it could, it'd have happened by now. Unstable people sometimes believe they have wings but do they? This a very good eg of delusion
(07 Sep '13, 16:52)
@Kyle, You are missing some more information: This universe is yours only, it's a co-creation but you don't share this with anyone, it's yours, and it's colored by your beliefs. Others, with other belief's systems are slightly and not so slightly different universes. All this, of course, in accordance to the collective unconscious. There are things you can have different and things you can't: You can heal of any disease, but you can't grow a limb. You interact mostly with those with..
(07 Sep '13, 17:41)
(cont) similar beliefs systems or frequencies. Physical reality doesn't exist, it's a reflection of yourself, the experience of it it's real though. So, if you believe certain things, you move along that frequency in one of your parallel realities, you change your beliefs and you move to a different parallel reality. Be honest when changing your beliefs, and go to the root, keep working and don't get discouraged, anything new you encounter you learn more about yourself...
(07 Sep '13, 17:44)
(cont) some manifestations take some time, depending on what it is, others are relatively quick. In any case, All that is will support you in whatever you chose to believe, if you believe the Law of Attraction is a fraud, you will manifest in your reality exactly that. If you believe it's true, you will find out it's true.
(07 Sep '13, 17:46)
Nice to see Stingray you are drowning in the evidence of Law of Attraction. I can't say that but I can go someway towards it after following it for 3 years. It has changed me in that I can't be around negative people and if I have to be around them I show them ways that are positive. It has also changed how I look for happyness, it is not something to strive for in the future by accumulating wealth , I now look for happyness in everyday things , living in the moment so to speak.
(08 Sep '13, 08:13)
@laucan, I think we are ALL drowning in the evidence of Law of Attraction, but we may not like what we've been attracting thus far. Nevertheless, we DID attract it.
(08 Sep '13, 09:58)
Beach Baby
stingray, he thinks perhaps we become what we believe ourselves to be. and this law of attraction is but a modern term used for what returns from our thoughts on the physical plane of existence. yet ther are other planes with laws that fuction outside the cage of matter. could this be why we posture ourselves to stop time with our solution as the alkahest
(09 Sep '13, 19:41)
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There is a quite an interesting paradox going on here regarding your question.
Because the Law of Attraction keeps proving to you that there is no solid evidence of it. This Law of Attraction that we all talk about here works for every single person on the planet whether they know about it or not, if they prefer to not believe in it, or if they downright hate everything about it. This law works flawlessly at every moment. Even if things are perceived to be bad or chaotic, it's still at work. The animals, rocks, dirt, and plant life are all on the same ride we are on as human beings.
It's working perfectly well. All the things that you perceive as being bad and not working are simply your own unique personal reality experience and yours alone. You are just deciding to believe and focus on the things that you mentioned and labeling them with the meaningful word and emotion of your choice. This human experience is only one small ride in an infinite amusement park. We decided in no-physical that we wanted to go on the intense, scary, exciting ride called earth and here we are. We probably could have chose another planet/dimension that is equivalent to a Merry-go-Round but we really wanted to try the mega tall and fast speed coaster called earth instead:-)
Well that may be your personal desire or expectation but it is far from what other people experiencing this planet may wish for. It would be a very boring robotic planet if we all had the same exact desires and outcomes. It is very obvious where you problem lies in your need to find evidence. You put out a desire to be rich, girls and guys would have their prince and princesses, but you immediately contradict yourself by saying.....
So you put out a desire and then instantly put a giant wall of resistance up between you and your desire by focusing on what you don't want. If you continue to focus and see the bad stuff everyday, then (by the Law of Attraction) you will continue to have the things you don't want manifest into your reality everyday.
Since the universe loves you so very unconditionally and you hold onto that strong belief system that life will not be like you wish it to be, then the universe says "your wish is my command" matches up to your frequency and manifests that into your reality. Then you go on living happily, or should I say unhappily ever after and the universe and the Law of attraction just keep churning on like it always has and always will.
Yes, it does make me wonder. It makes me wonder why so many people in this world just blindly accept that they are limited and unworthy. Your life can be anything that you truly and wholeheartedly believe, to be true for you. It doesn't matter what's going on out there. It only matters what is going on inside of you. I just happened to be watching this clip from Abraham/Esther Hicks before I read this question. The synchronicity of the video and reading this question seems to fit quite nicely. 1
cory, perhaps what works for natures impulses of any form she brought into existence and nurishes, be different for mankind who has the potential for self-consciousness, and new parameters that many up to now believe operate only as creatures and things in the physical plane do. besides karmic compensation of cause and effect there may be the ability to amend the future set into motion with right choices thoughtfully willed in the now
(10 Sep '13, 15:58)
Hi @Cory! Great answer as always. The one phrase that most helps me to keep this principle in my head is The only answer the Universe ever gives is YES! Snaps my thinking right back where I want it, every time. Lovely to see you, btw. :)
(11 Sep '13, 18:54)
@Grace Good to see you as well. "The only answer the Universe ever gives is YES!" No matter if that yes is an abundance of lack or an abundance of desirable outcomes, every wish wanted or unwanted by the power of focus is being granted every single time. It's just a matter of removing the vibrational invisibility cloak of belief.
(12 Sep '13, 23:39)
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The Law of Attraction is working overtime in your life, @kylethedevil, bringing you what you expect. It has brought me and many others all the things you say it would being if it was real.
Your expectations are not unreal, they are very real, the core of your existence. Your expectations (your beliefs about reality) create your reality. Change your expectations, start small, and your reality will change. |
If Ford believed all his engineers about making the 5 cylinder engine was impossible because it "realistically cannot happen", then Ford would have been out of business and we would not have these vehicles. The world experiences major chaos and catastrophes because that is the primary vibration it is experiencing and creating. The world also experiences very beautiful events and there are peaceful and loving activities happening all over the place...all the time. Does your belief system see those? They are also abundant in the news. Or, does your belief system see those as the exception to the rule?This is the main question you get to ask yourself. The misunderstanding you have about the law of attraction is that is is something that affects only the "GOOD" things in life. The deeper understanding comes when you realize that the law of attraction works for good and for so-called "BAD" things in life. It does not differentiate.Katheryn L. Olsen"Coach Kat"Self-Mastery Coach for Entrepreneurs @Katheryn Olsen, please do not use Inward Quest for backlinking. Keep your website link in your account profile only. Please refer to the FAQ:
(08 Sep '13, 17:26)
Barry Allen ♦♦

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