It's an argument I often get presented with in conversations with people, and although I can be convincing in arguing with them, I have secret doubts myself about being able to always be happy.

I tend to rebel against the idea of the perfect balance, that what you reap you will always sow, that what you give is always what you're going to get (that karma thing) in particular if viewed in such a way that whatever I do, I will have to suffer the consequences: because if I understand The Law Of Attraction correctly, if I change who I am, I will not attract what I put in before the change (in a way, I can avoid the consequences or fruits of my own labor). In The Vortex Guided Meditation CDs it mentions the earth's perfect balance and it's often making me snap out of my meditation to ponder the idea...

Can we always be happy? The main argument against it as I see it is that we need to experience a dip in the way we feel to re-experience happiness; that's what people tell me and it makes sense. Without the sad times, we cannot know the happy times. But I reason that I already know what sadness is, I know what I don't want, the contrast has done its job, and perhaps I don't need to re-experience sadness to experience happiness. Can't I just strive to always seek happier thoughts and avoid negative thoughts at the earliest sight (in a way that sadness can't get you)?

If I am happy for 2 hours, it doesn't mean I will be sad for 2 hours, or at least not in the exact opposing capacity, right? And also, if there was a perfect balance, would we ever grow? I think that if we are evolving beings, ones that grow, then the movement is upward; and the contrast really should be from the present moment level to new unknown levels when we expand. This makes sense to me, but I wonder if we as humans have some sort of upper/physical limits to how much we can grow, so that we need to dip into the older sadder spectrum of emotions to then again go up to experience happiness? Maybe we can outlive/beat the balance, at least in this life, by pushing and pushing towards only the happiest emotions? Is there a ceiling? Perhaps I am reaping past karma already which doesn't help the confusion. The only thing that 'feels good' to think is the idea that I can try my best, I can strive to be as happy as I can be and let this balance, if it exists, do what it may...but I shall do my best to be happy regardless. But the unknown of the particulars of how this balance works will eat at me until I figure it out, or make up my mind to just bury this idea as 'nonsense' and do my best to be happy (after all, I don't think there's anything else that I can do, right? I mean, emotions/thoughts/vibration is all there is to play with as far as I figured out; as for the rest, whatever will be will be?).


Is this balance better described by @Stingray in his answer at You are stupid when not in the Vortex

And I quote a paragraph from it:

"In other words, we allow the daily desires that bubble up in our lives to expand our Inner Being, which then breaks the Vortex alignment with our physical self. And then, through that established habit of reaching for realignment, we then feel the thrill of realigning in a new expanded state."

Basically the balance then can be described as: new never-ending desires causing expansion of your IB which causes you to dip physically; but the dips are not wild, but as I described them in my 2 hour happy/sad analogy: the sadness isn't going to necessarily be exact opposite of happiness in terms of feeling, and the analogy is consistent with the fact that you're not entirely out of alignment with your IB, but only by as much as you've allowed yourself to dip give or take any differences caused by new desires give or take any positive alignment in the meantime. But the idea remains that you will continually grow rather than swing up and down by the exact amounts of happiness and sadness.

Within this all-that-is there is good and bad, happy and sad, but it does it really imply a perfect balance in terms of what we must experience on a continual/cyclical basis? I am not convinced and in my thinking I often just choose to turn a blind eye to any arguments for perfect balance and ignore any reasons against being happy all the time. We can only aim to be happy; the rest should sort itself out.

asked 09 Sep '14, 06:17

einsof's gravatar image


edited 09 Sep '14, 07:19

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IQ Moderator ♦♦

I think the reason that some people don't feel happy all the time is the belief that they can't feel happy all the time. Why does this seem to only concern positive feelings?

There are people who are always depressed and down and they're not taking any breaks from it going "It's just impossible to feel sadness all the time, I have to feel some happiness to balance it".

I think when you feel happiness, you get a need to maintain it. To keep it up by force, and that's when you actually ruin it. Let the good times come and go without trying to hold on to them. I don't think you even need to dive back to sadness to feel happy again. It can just be a "neutral state".

People can get used to negative feelings. Why couldn't they get used to positive feelings?


answered 10 Sep '14, 04:52

33sync's gravatar image


edited 10 Sep '14, 04:53

I often say to people that whether I will be happy all the time or not we will see, but I want to at least not be in the way of it and stop whatever I am consciously aware of that is inhibiting it.

(10 Sep '14, 05:06) einsof

alt text
When you used the word balance ,the physical use of the word came to mind, and how the use of balance in our everyday lives keep us upright. When we stand, we don't fall down as much as we stand tall.When we walk we don't stumble as much as we stride forward. You do not go through life thinking that well I have fallen down I am going to be here as long as I was standing . . Now this is something we learn as toddlers, as toddlers we do spend a lot of time falling down and stumbling, but we learn our balance. It becomes natural for us to walk and not fall. In the same way being in the Vortex,being happy is a natural state. It is a learning process. And more often than not a relearning process. New beliefs, new ways of looking at your life and how you want it to be.
And then there is gravity .. Our old friend always there ready to pull us down when we lose this balance.But the more we walk the path of happiness the better our sense of balance becomes.We learn to use gravity to our advantage. To keep us in balance.

Your actions are the answer the title of this question How do you defend against 'you cannot always be happy? Your actions prove that you can "Be happy" .You seem to have this recurring situation to prove to others your happy. A lot of people are not ready for this truth.They are comfortable with their negative beliefs.Stay on your path. Others will see that see this path of happiness and balance is far better than the rocky road they are on. If they are looking.


p.s. thanks @Roy for the timely Anita Moorjani quote


answered 10 Sep '14, 00:36

ursixx's gravatar image



@ursixx - I just love Anita Moorjani. She is so honest and clear. Thanks for sharing. :)

(15 Sep '14, 00:18) Grace

Oh, and one of my all-time favorite quotes is called for here:

"Happy is my default position." ~Toby Zeigler, on The West Wing. ;)

(15 Sep '14, 00:21) Grace

Your emotions, including happy, sad, angry, whatever they may be at any given moment, are simply serving as your personal guidance system. They are all just indicators as to the degree in which you are in alignment with your personal perceptions of the idealized version of who you want to be. If you are happy all the time, it simply means that you are in alignment with who you are wanting to be. Being sad is not because of any balancing requirements or karmic reaction. It is your way of telling yourself that something is out of alignment with your ideals. When traveling on land you use a compass to remain on course to your desired destination. Your emotions provide you with an internal compass to guide you through your life. Remain in alignment with the idealied version of yourself and accept the happiness as confirmation of that alignment, nothing more, nothing less.


answered 10 Sep '14, 18:14

i4cim2b's gravatar image


edited 10 Sep '14, 18:17

i4cim2b, perhaps a mechanical mixture of seven,
from the top down instead of a chemical solution
from the bottom up is what we are

senses trigger an impulse that your intellect
entertains, past soul wisdom may shed some
light if not covered in dust, have you learned
to understand desires or or let it be

(10 Sep '14, 20:51) fred

creation is cyclic as
is life and polar
opposites, one breathes in
after breathing out

darkness surrenders to light
as the day breaks, yet retreats
again after sunset, and
we decay from our first breath


answered 09 Sep '14, 15:20

fred's gravatar image


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